English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1163

433638	What I'm saying is true.	CK	1
1090281	What he said might be true.	CK	1
1140847	Tom wishes that were true.	CK	1
1950832	I can't believe it's true.	CK	1
1961346	I thought it might be true.	CK	1
2013987	I'd like to think that's true.	CK	1
2249012	It's absolutely true.	CK	1
2275966	I don't believe that's true.	CK	1
2361026	I imagine that's true.	CK	1
2361247	I don't know if that's true.	CK	1
2361459	I don't think that's quite true.	CK	1
2394485	The story appears true.	CK	1
2406940	I sure hope that's not true.	CK	1
2542487	I'll tell Tom that's not true.	CK	1
2544688	I'm pretty sure it's true.	CK	1
2545437	I'm afraid it's not true.	CK	1
2644637	You know that isn't true.	CK	1
2713197	What Tom said can't be true.	CK	1
3110134	That's probably not true.	CK	1
3129338	That happens to be true.	CK	1
3138059	That sounds weird, but it's true.	CK	1
3168573	What you're saying is true.	CK	1
3168580	That's not exactly true.	CK	1
3184210	Tom doesn't think it's true.	CK	1
3199926	Tell me it isn't true.	CK	1
3200063	What I told Tom was true.	CK	1
3200600	Tom told me that's not true.	CK	1
49581	The rumor isn't true.	CK	1
27528	Can the rumor be true?	CM	1
2045446	It was a dream come true.	CK	1
283609	What he said is not true.	CK	1
286096	What he said was not true.	CK	1
2045450	Tom's dream is coming true.	CK	1
2007433	Let's put this in the trunk.	CK	1
1029579	Tom betrayed Mary's trust.	CK	1
2361298	I don't know who to trust.	CK	1
2361796	I won't betray your trust.	CK	1
2955446	Tom abused our trust.	CK	1
294572	He abused our trust.	CM	1
1812	That's the absolute truth.	CK	1
15830	You should tell him the truth.	CK	1
288746	Did he tell you the truth?	CK	1
299985	He believed in the truth.	CK	1
382916	I can't tell you the truth.	ver	1
690254	I discovered the truth.	Eldad	1
707145	We still don't know the truth.	papabear	1
1026228	Tom discovered the truth.	CK	1
1027895	Tom told Mary the truth.	CK	1
1292952	Don't tell lies. Tell the truth.	CK	1
1868433	Tom can't handle the truth.	CK	1