English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1151

2644208	What've you done now, Tom?	CK	1
2644510	Thank you for coming, Tom.	CK	1
2644519	Put on your seatbelt, Tom.	CK	1
2644658	Why aren't you here, Tom?	CK	1
2644667	Where's your family, Tom?	CK	1
2644679	What's your dilemma, Tom?	CK	1
2645053	Isn't that your car, Tom?	CK	1
2645151	Why aren't you with Tom?	CK	1
2645174	What've you done to Tom?	CK	1
2645182	What're you saying, Tom?	CK	1
2645436	This isn't for you, Tom.	CK	1
2645493	Isn't that correct, Tom?	CK	1
2645496	I've got to go meet Tom.	CK	1
2645518	How do you do that, Tom?	CK	1
2645647	What're you doing, Tom?	CK	1
2646028	Lower your weapon, Tom.	CK	1
2646063	How are you today, Tom?	CK	1
2646064	How are you doing, Tom?	CK	1
2646078	Does it have to be Tom?	CK	1
2646102	Aren't you hungry, Tom?	CK	1
2646105	Are you satisfied, Tom?	CK	1
2646107	Are you listening, Tom?	CK	1
2646179	Wherever you say, Tom.	CK	1
2646192	Whatever you say, Tom.	CK	1
2646560	Keep it together, Tom.	CK	1
2646593	I had dinner with Tom.	CK	1
2646599	How're you doing, Tom?	CK	1
2646634	Do you agree with Tom?	CK	1
2646652	Are you busy now, Tom?	CK	1
2647052	This is serious, Tom.	CK	1
2647190	Do you meditate, Tom?	CK	1
2647222	Are you unhappy, Tom?	CK	1
2647640	Maybe it wasn't Tom.	CK	1
2663372	What's your problem with Tom?	CK	1
2663402	What's the problem with Tom?	CK	1
2663403	What's the problem now, Tom?	CK	1
2663419	There's no problem with Tom.	CK	1
2663455	That's not my problem, Tom.	CK	1
2663457	That's my problem with Tom.	CK	1
2663530	It's not a problem, Tom.	CK	1
2663532	Is there a problem, Tom?	CK	1
2663562	The problem isn't Tom.	CK	1
2698619	I can't agree with Tom.	WestofEden	1
2702216	I'm the one who saved Tom.	Gulo_Luscus	1
2713339	We are short of time, Tom.	CK	1
2713455	We're worried about Tom.	CK	1
2713485	I'm the same age as Tom.	CK	1
2713489	I'm not as young as Tom.	CK	1
2713554	It doesn't matter, Tom.	CK	1
2713556	I'm not as tall as Tom.	CK	1