English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1120

3375757	How do you figure that?	CK	1
1933625	I appreciate that.	CK	1
1887077	I already did that.	CK	1
36596	Anyone can do that.	CK	1
1886545	Whose idea was that?	CK	1
449205	Everybody knows that.	CK	1
54926	Can you deliver that?	CK	1
2546733	I'd never suggest that.	CK	1
2396251	It was never like that.	CK	1
1867697	Tom would never do that.	CK	1
1829542	Are you sure about that?	Spamster	1
305881	They will agree on that.	CK	1
2644660	Why are you wearing that?	CK	1
2215739	Tom will understand that.	CK	1
43210	What do you mean by that?	CK	1
3181418	Tom won't talk about that.	CK	1
3168482	Tell me why you think that.	CK	1
3096266	Let's just see you do that.	CK	1
23339	We have the edge on them.	CK	1
260839	I waved my hand to them.	CK	1
260868	I don't know all of them.	CK	1
273691	I don't like all of them.	CK	1
302569	He kept an eye on them.	CK	1
305099	He stopped to talk to them.	CK	1
305126	Follow close behind them.	CK	1
400179	We soon caught up with them.	CK	1
1125104	I can't go back with them.	Scott	1
1648396	I don't even know them.	Spamster	1
1886004	Don't you recognize them?	CK	1
2012090	Do you want to join them?	CK	1
2012093	Do you want to sell them?	CK	1
2012645	I don't want to scare them.	CK	1
2012742	We don't want to hurt them.	CK	1
2012917	Don't you want to help them?	CK	1
2270450	Don't interfere with them.	CK	1
2276453	I won't be needing them.	CK	1
2280296	I didn't believe them.	CK	1
2281853	Why didn't you stop them?	CK	1
2281857	Why didn't you tell them?	CK	1
2544822	I'll try to distract them.	CK	1
2546599	I'm going to stop them.	CK	1
2644227	What did you do with them?	CK	1
2644665	Who's going to wear them?	CK	1
2645557	A lot of kids wear them.	CK	1
2762792	I dislike all of them.	CK	1
2892265	This isn't about them.	CK	1
2892507	What did we get from them?	CK	1
2953837	We'll be ready for them.	CK	1
3023553	Tom isn't one of them.	CK	1
3150523	We're buying food for them.	CK	1