English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1114

2240387	I don't have time for that.	Hybrid	1
2241021	We appreciate that.	CK	1
2247647	I'd appreciate that.	CK	1
2262197	Is Tom suggesting that?	CK	1
2269332	I didn't think of that.	CK	1
2270369	Don't ever forget that.	CK	1
2271349	Don't tell anyone that.	CK	1
2271401	Don't you understand that?	CK	1
2271716	I didn't expect that.	CK	1
2271755	I didn't realize that.	CK	1
2271927	I don't understand that.	CK	1
2271989	I won't tolerate that.	CK	1
2272391	Tom didn't expect that.	CK	1
2272659	Tom has accepted that.	CK	1
2273985	You didn't deserve that.	CK	1
2273989	You didn't mention that.	CK	1
2275285	Don't punish Tom for that.	CK	1
2275359	Don't wander off like that.	CK	1
2275368	Don't you dare answer that.	CK	1
2275403	Don't you still believe that?	CK	1
2275772	Didn't I just say that?	CK	1
2275904	I didn't quite catch that.	CK	1
2275942	I didn't tell Tom that.	CK	1
2276067	I don't know about that.	CK	1
2276446	I won't argue with that.	CK	1
2276524	It doesn't work like that.	CK	1
2276669	My dog didn't do that.	CK	1
2276670	My friends didn't do that.	CK	1
2276702	Some people don't know that.	CK	1
2278267	They don't care about that.	CK	1
2278301	They won't be needing that.	CK	1
2279385	Tom didn't tell us that.	CK	1
2280349	I'm sorry about that.	CK	1
2280352	I've already tried that.	CK	1
2281764	We didn't tell you that.	CK	1
2281765	We didn't think of that.	CK	1
2281828	Why didn't I know that?	CK	1
2281829	Why didn't I see that?	CK	1
2281868	Why doesn't Tom know that?	CK	1
2283754	Didn't I mention that?	CK	1
2288893	Don't you think I know that?	CK	1
2289023	Don't you dare ask Tom that.	CK	1
2291147	I didn't ask you that.	CK	1
2291629	I already know that.	CK	1
2291637	I already said that.	CK	1
2291653	I already tried that.	CK	1
2291913	I asked Tom to do that.	CK	1
2301256	I can help you with that.	CK	1
2301301	I can relate to that.	CK	1
2301402	I can understand that.	CK	1