English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 1098

2245454	Everyone stayed standing.	CK	1
2308101	I could have been a star.	CK	1
67789	Look at that shooting star.	CK	1
2275891	I didn't mean to stare.	CK	1
2957956	Tom returned Mary's stare.	CK	1
300369	He looked up at the stars.	CK	1
453490	This book is about stars.	saasmath	1
18278	The sky is full of stars.	CK	1
26457	When does the movie start?	CK	1
28771	We got an early start.	CK	1
31574	It's about time to start.	CK	1
40132	I was about to start.	Swift	1
266860	Are you ready to start?	CK	1
1567440	I don't know where to start.	alexmarcelo	1
2012187	Tom wanted a fresh start.	CK	1
2012553	When do you want to start?	CK	1
2012756	Where do you want to start?	CK	1
2050619	What time does that play start?	CK	1
2543511	I'm not sure where to start.	CK	1
2643822	When did the meeting start?	CK	1
2644240	We're off to a good start.	CK	1
2646389	Tom is ready to start.	CK	1
3024852	When do the fireworks start?	CK	1
306850	They are about to start.	CK	1
238465	What time does the play start?	CK	1
47284	What time does the game start?	CK	1
24575	What time will the game start?	CK	1
1936479	I'd like to get started.	CK	1
2241647	We've already started.	CK	1
2249033	It's already started.	CK	1
2544852	I'll just get you started.	CK	1
2545374	I'm just getting started.	CK	1
2546083	I'll get dinner started.	CK	1
2546742	I'd better get started.	CK	1
2547058	The party has started.	CK	1
2878188	When can we get started?	CK	1
2891838	Shouldn't we get started?	CK	1
2892737	When do we get started?	CK	1
3310023	We've only just started.	CK	1
3312814	We'd better get started.	CK	1
3355353	You'd better get started.	CK	1
2848663	Finish what you started.	CK	1
1051877	Let's eat now. I'm starving.	CK	1
2358665	I have a brief statement.	CK	1
2543922	We have a signed statement.	CK	1
256255	I walked from the station.	CK	1
256270	I went to the station.	CK	1
1860572	Take Tom to the station.	CK	1
256268	I am near the station.	CK	1
638544	Where is the train station?	Nero	1