2644070 Thank you for your service. CK 1 2645734 Tom was in the service. CK 1 275066 The sun is just setting. CM 1 2544423 I thought this was settled. CK 1 3311013 We're still getting settled. CK 1 72357 I'll call you at seven. CK 1 252622 I got home at seven. CK 1 72360 I got up at seven. CK 1 31683 It's already seven. CK 1 743103 He gets up at seven. Zifre 1 743104 She gets up at seven. Zifre 1 258354 I left home at seven. CK 1 761867 My friend is seventeen. Zifre 1 2495040 Let's go sit in the shade. CK 1 310232 She's wearing eye shadow. CK 1 3121665 Tom looked a bit shaken. CK 1 3121699 Tom looks a bit shaken. CK 1 2273608 Tom is very shaken. CK 1 2548741 I'm a little shaky. CK 1 3183933 I think Tom is shallow. CK 1 1025326 Tom has no sense of shame. CK 1 1093524 Tom hung his head in shame. CK 1 2644645 Wouldn't that be a shame? CK 1 53040 We used up the shampoo. CK 1 303828 He's really in good shape. CK 1 1494210 Tom doesn't like to share. Spamster 1 60764 This knife is very sharp. CK 1 73432 Come at ten o'clock sharp. CK 1 2547205 I'm going to go shave. CK 1 34805 I cut myself shaving. CK 1 1094999 Tom cut himself shaving. CK 1 313891 She's at work, isn't she? CK 1 262116 I saw a flock of sheep. CK 1 3170808 Tom is white as a sheet. CK 1 276083 Can you reach the top shelf? CK 1 681847 I can reach the top shelf. Source_VOA 1 1023878 Tom works the evening shift. CK 1 241199 I will go, rain or shine. CK 1 45712 They unloaded the ship. CK 1 1963031 What's the name of your ship? CK 1 1963043 Is Tom aboard that ship? CK 1 1963058 I want Tom off this ship. CK 1 1963060 Why are you on this ship? CK 1 1963091 What happened to the ship? CK 1 1963103 Let's get back to the ship. CK 1 2170667 He's now aboard the ship. CK 1 2547923 I was born on a ship. CK 1 1963145 Tom was born on a ship. CK 1 61379 How much is this T-shirt? CK 1 384721 I don't have a spare shirt. CK 1