Wildcards: Tom, Mary
Try substituting in names of people you know.
Tags: While I'm developing this set of pages, this is just a rough category to help group similar sentences.
Level: This is also just a rough guide.
Sentences are sorted by length, with up to 50 sentences per page.
Only sentences from the Tatoeba Corpus that have been proofread are included.
Warning! The Tatoeba Corpus has errors. (Read details.)
I have limited my use to English sentences that I have personally proofread. However, some of the translations may be wrong or were written by non-native speakers and sound very unnatural.
Teachers and high-level students can help by joining the Tatoeba Project and translating these sentences into their own native languages.
This project is still under construction.
These pages are being built from a collection of over 139,000 English sentences that I have recorded.
If you notice any problems, please write to me using kelly.reachby.com.