English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 9400

ita	4726734	4708900	Devi mettere un po' di ghiaccio sulla caviglia per contenere il gonfiore.	Guybrush88	You need to put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.	CK	1
ita	4726735	4708900	Deve mettere un po' di ghiaccio sulla caviglia per contenere il gonfiore.	Guybrush88	You need to put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.	CK	1
ita	4726736	4708900	Dovete mettere un po' di ghiaccio sulla caviglia per contenere il gonfiore.	Guybrush88	You need to put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.	CK	1
por	4810618	4708900	Você precisa colocar um pouco de gelo no seu tornozelo para reduzir o inchaço.	Ricardo14	You need to put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.	CK	1
por	4810620	4708900	Você precisa colocar um pouco de gelo em seu tornozelo para reduzir o inchaço.	Ricardo14	You need to put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.	CK	1
tur	4713394	4708900	Şişliği önlemek için bileğine buz koymalısın.	alopare	You need to put some ice on your ankle to keep the swelling down.	CK	1
bul	2194582	58086	Изглежда си постигнал значителен успех от последният път в който те видях.	martinhr	You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.	CK	1
deu	2771017	58086	Sie scheinen erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht zu haben, seit ich Sie das letzte Mal traf.	Tamy	You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.	CK	1
deu	2771019	58086	Du scheinst beachtliche Fortschritte gemacht zu haben, seit ich dich das letzte Mal getroffen habe.	Tamy	You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.	CK	1
deu	2771021	58086	Ihr scheint beträchtliche Fortschritte gemacht zu haben, seit ich euch das letzte Mal traf.	Tamy	You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.	CK	1
jpn	1240857	58086	前回君に会ってから、かなり進歩したようだね。	bunbuku	You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.	CK	1
tur	3897485	58086	Seni son gördüğümden beri önemli ilerleme yapmış görünüyorsun.	duran	You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.	CK	1
jpn	182718	19845	久しぶりに昔の友人がひょっこり訪ねてきてくれた。	bunbuku	An old friend of mine dropped in on me for the first time in ages.	CK	1
tur	1057271	19845	Eski arkadaşlarımdan biri uzun süredir ilk defa beni ziyaret etti.	duran	An old friend of mine dropped in on me for the first time in ages.	CK	1
ber	1626208	37658	Lḥaṣul, lemmer kan ad yeḥbes wenẓar, ad neddu.	Amastan	Anyway, if it just stops raining, then we might be able to go out.	CK	1
jpn	200457	37658	とにかく雨さえ止めば、出かけられるだろう。	bunbuku	Anyway, if it just stops raining, then we might be able to go out.	CK	1
pol	355668	37658	W każdym razie, kiedy przestanie padać, będziemy mogli wyjść.	zipangu	Anyway, if it just stops raining, then we might be able to go out.	CK	1
tur	3779920	37658	Her halükârda, sadece yağmur durursa, sonra dışarı çıkabiliriz.	duran	Anyway, if it just stops raining, then we might be able to go out.	CK	1
ber	1733585	953136	Akken kan ara d-afeɣ amek ara n-azneɣ idrimen, ad ak-n-azneɣ.	Amastan	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
deu	3697878	953136	Sobald ich dahinterkomme, wie man Geld verschickt, schicke ich dir welches.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
fra	1403999	953136	Dès que j'arrive à comprendre comment envoyer de l'argent, je vous en enverrai.	sacredceltic	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
fra	1404000	953136	Dès que j'arrive à comprendre comment envoyer de l'argent, je t'en enverrai.	sacredceltic	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
pol	959164	953136	Jak tylko znajdę możliwość, poślę ci pieniądze.	zipangu	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
rus	2362280	953136	Как только я разберусь, как отправить деньги, я отправлю тебе немного.	odexed	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
spa	1235105	953136	Tan pronto como descifre cómo enviar dinero, te enviaré algo.	marcelostockle	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
tur	1471794	953136	Nasıl para gönderebileceğimi öğrenir öğrenmez, sana biraz göndereceğim.	duran	As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some.	CK	1
rus	4867805	1096268	Как бы странно это ни звучало, но произошло именно то, о чём говорил Том.	maks	As strange as it may sound, what Tom said is what really happened.	CK	1
spa	1401071	1096268	Tan extraño como pueda sonar, lo que dijo Tom es lo que pasó verdaderamente.	marcelostockle	As strange as it may sound, what Tom said is what really happened.	CK	1
jpn	116073	1427955	彼の無礼な返事に彼女はかっとなって彼の顔をぴしゃりとたたいた。	bunbuku	Because of his impolite reply, she got angry and slapped his face.	CK	1
tur	1428425	1427955	Onun kaba cevabından dolayı, o kızdı ve onun yüzüne tokat attı.	duran	Because of his impolite reply, she got angry and slapped his face.	CK	1
deu	1513447	997866	Wegen des Taifuns haben meine Eltern ihre Reise einen Tag früher beendet.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Because of the typhoon, my parents ended their trip one day early.	CK	1
deu	1513448	997866	Wegen des Taifuns beendeten meine Eltern ihre Reise einen Tag früher.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Because of the typhoon, my parents ended their trip one day early.	CK	1
jpn	997587	997866	台風のせいで両親が一日早く旅行から帰ってきた。	mookeee	Because of the typhoon, my parents ended their trip one day early.	CK	1
tur	1443848	997866	Tayfundan dolayı ebeveynlerim seyahatlarını bir gün erken bitirdiler.	duran	Because of the typhoon, my parents ended their trip one day early.	CK	1
ita	2769908	1027640	Prima che Tom diventasse famoso, era un insegnante d'arte in una scuola media.	Guybrush88	Before Tom became famous, he was a junior high school art teacher.	CK	1
ita	2769909	1027640	Prima che Tom divenisse famoso, era un insegnante d'arte in una scuola media.	Guybrush88	Before Tom became famous, he was a junior high school art teacher.	CK	1
tur	4652257	1027640	Tom ünlü olmadan önce, o ortaokul resim öğretmeniydi.	duran	Before Tom became famous, he was a junior high school art teacher.	CK	1
rus	3208099	3205250	Ты можешь честно мне сказать, что ты не знал, что это произойдёт?	odexed	Can you honestly tell me you didn't know this was going to happen?	CK	1
tur	4229966	3205250	Bunun olacağını bilmediğini bana dürüstçe söyleyebilir misin?	duran	Can you honestly tell me you didn't know this was going to happen?	CK	1
tur	2960146	2951748	Tom'un gelecek hafta sonu Boston'a gitmeyi planlayıp planlamadığını biliyor musun?	duran	Do you know whether or not Tom plans to go to Boston next weekend?	CK	1
deu	2812107	2042831	Willst du jetzt aufgeben – nach all der Zeit, die wir darin investiert haben?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Do you want to give up now after all the time we've put into this?	CK	1
deu	1899366	953256	Auch wenn viele Plätzchen in der Schüssel waren, ich aß nur drei.	Esperantostern	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
fra	2567522	953256	Bien qu'il restât de nombreux biscuits sur le plateau, je n'en mangeai que trois.	bout	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
pol	959794	953256	Chociaż na talerzu było dużo ciastek, zjadłem tylko trzy.	zipangu	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
por	957521	953256	Havia muitos biscoitos no prato, mas, apesar disso, só comi três deles.	brauliobezerra	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
por	957527	953256	Comi somente três biscoitos, apesar de haver muito mais no prato.	brauliobezerra	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
rus	1496261	953256	Хотя на блюде было много печенек, я съел только три.	Biga	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
spa	1251908	953256	Aún cuando había muchas galletas en el plato, yo comí sólo tres.	marcelostockle	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
tur	1106774	953256	Tabakta birçok kurabiye bulunmasına rağmen, sadece üç tane yedim.	duran	Even though there were many cookies on the dish, I only ate three.	CK	1
deu	1798251	1430144	Zum Nachtisch bestellte sich Tom Schokoladenparfait mit Vanilleeis.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	For dessert, Tom ordered chocolate parfait with vanilla ice cream.	CK	1
heb	1430398	1430144	לקינוח, טום הזמין פרפה שוקולד עם גלידת וניל.	Eldad	For dessert, Tom ordered chocolate parfait with vanilla ice cream.	CK	1
heb	1865248	1430144	לקינוח, תום הזמין רפרפת שוקולד עם גלידת וניל.	fekundulo	For dessert, Tom ordered chocolate parfait with vanilla ice cream.	CK	1
ukr	1601449	1430144	На десерт Том замовив шоколадне парфе з ванільним морозивом.	mutternoise	For dessert, Tom ordered chocolate parfait with vanilla ice cream.	CK	1
ben	3715222	72607	চল্লিশ কোটি মানুষ তাদের প্রথম ভাষা হিসাবে ইংরেজী বলে।	tanay	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
cmn	811541	72607	四億人以英語作為他們的第一語言。	Martha	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
jpn	235230	72607	4億人の人が英語を第一言語として話します。	bunbuku	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
mar	2088265	72607	चारशे दशलक्ष लोकं इंग्रजी मातृभाषेचा रूपाने बोलतात.	sabretou	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
mar	2088268	72607	चाळीस कोटी लोकं इंग्रजीला आपली मातृभाषा समझून ती बोलतात.	sabretou	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
rus	4283500	72607	Четыреста миллионов человек говорят на английском языке с рождения.	odexed	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
tur	1471795	72607	Dört yüz milyon insan ilk dilleri olarak İngilizce konuşmaktadırlar.	duran	Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.	CK	1
fra	437635	325405	Pour être franc, il est difficile de comprendre pourquoi vous souhaitez partir.	chtof	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
ita	3102898	325405	Francamente, è difficile capire perché vuoi andare.	Guybrush88	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
ita	3102900	325405	Francamente, è difficile capire perché vuole andare.	Guybrush88	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
ita	3102901	325405	Francamente, è difficile capire perché volete andare.	Guybrush88	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
jpn	78312	325405	率直にいえばなぜ君が行きたいのか理解しにくい。	mookeee	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
rus	2593386	325405	Честно говоря, трудно понять, почему ты хочешь пойти.	sharptoothed	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
rus	2619915	325405	Откровенно говоря, трудно понять, почему вы хотите пойти.	Olya	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
tur	4600816	325405	Açık konuşmak gerekirse, neden gitmek istediğini anlamak zor.	duran	Frankly speaking, it's difficult to understand why you want to go.	CK	1
fin	3984307	3205248	Onko Tom kertonut Marille, ettei hän oikeasti osaa puhua ranskaa?	Silja	Has Tom told Mary that he doesn't really know how to speak French?	CK	1
rus	4867796	3205248	Том сказал Мэри, что он не очень-то умеет говорить по-французски?	maks	Has Tom told Mary that he doesn't really know how to speak French?	CK	1
tur	4053831	3205248	Tom Mary'ye Fransızca konuşmayı gerçekten bilmediğini söyledi mi?	duran	Has Tom told Mary that he doesn't really know how to speak French?	CK	1
tur	3950305	2042832	Yılın hangi zamanında Boston'u ziyaret etmek istediğini düşündün mü?	duran	Have you thought about what time of year you want to visit Boston?	CK	1
deu	781973	299584	Er kann überhaupt nicht schwimmen, aber beim Skifahren ist er der Beste.	Hans_Adler	He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.	CK	1
fra	132609	299584	Il ne sait pas du tout nager, mais quand il faut skier, c'est le meilleur.	sysko	He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.	CK	1
jpn	104108	299584	彼は少しも泳げないが、スキーとなると彼が一番だ。	wakatyann630	He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.	CK	1
nld	734925	299584	Hij kan totaal niet zwemmen, maar voor skiën is hij de beste.	martinod	He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.	CK	1
spa	330083	299584	Él no sabe nadar en absoluto, pero esquiando es el número uno.	tatoerique	He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.	CK	1
tur	4591821	299584	O hiç yüzemiyor ama kayak yapmaya gelince o en iyidir.	duran	He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.	CK	1
fra	1013357	322385	Je regarde toujours le bulletin météo avant de sortir le matin.	sacredceltic	I always watch the weather report before going out in the morning.	CK	1
por	1396546	1345536	Eu agradeço a sua oferta, mas gostaria de tentar fazer isso sozinho.	alexmarcelo	I appreciate your offer, but I'd like to try to do this on my own.	CK	1
por	1396547	1345536	Eu agradeço a sua oferta, mas gostaria de tentar fazer isso sozinha.	alexmarcelo	I appreciate your offer, but I'd like to try to do this on my own.	CK	1
spa	1345682	1345536	Agradezco su oferta, pero me gustaría intentar hacerlo solo.	Shishir	I appreciate your offer, but I'd like to try to do this on my own.	CK	1
tur	4577694	1345536	Ben senin teklifini takdir ediyorum, ama bunu tek başıma yapmaya çalışmak istiyorum.	duran	I appreciate your offer, but I'd like to try to do this on my own.	CK	1
deu	2898678	2294106	Ich wette, wir haben uns alle schon mehr als einmal eben diese Frage gestellt.	raggione	I bet we've all asked ourselves that same question more than once.	CK	1
nld	4298908	2294106	Ik durf erop wedden dat we ons allen die vraag al meermaals hebben gesteld.	PaulP	I bet we've all asked ourselves that same question more than once.	CK	1
deu	3227947	1847827	Ich glaube es ja wohl nicht, dass du das isst, wovon der Arzt dir abgeraten hat!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
fra	1850290	1847827	Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu manges ce que le médecin t'a prescrit de ne pas manger.	sacredceltic	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
fra	1850291	1847827	Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous mangez ce que le médecin vous a prescrit de ne pas manger.	sacredceltic	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
jpn	2657024	1847827	医者が食べるなって言ったのを食べるなんて、信じられない。	bunbuku	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
por	4872916	1847827	Eu não acredito que você está comendo o que o médico disse para você não comer.	bill	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
rus	3227944	1847827	Поверить не могу, что ты ешь то, что доктор запретил тебе есть.	odexed	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
tur	4607374	1847827	Doktorun yememeni söylediği şeyleri yediğine inanamıyorum.	duran	I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat.	CK	1
fra	1404827	953402	Je ne peux pas te dire combien j'attendais ta visite avec impatience.	sacredceltic	I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to your visit.	CK	1
fra	1404828	953402	Je ne peux pas vous dire combien j'attendais votre visite avec impatience.	sacredceltic	I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to your visit.	CK	1
pol	965005	953402	Nie wyobrażasz sobie, jak cieszyłem się na twój przyjazd.	zipangu	I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to your visit.	CK	1
spa	1305552	953402	No puedo expresarte cuánto he esperado tu visita.	marcelostockle	I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to your visit.	CK	1
tur	1471796	953402	Ziyaretine ne kadar çok can attığımı sana anlatamam.	duran	I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to your visit.	CK	1
tur	4579699	2308012	Bana işkence edildiği için yapmadığım bir şeyi kabullendim.	duran	I confessed to something I didn't do because I was being tortured.	CK	1
fra	1404829	953411	Je considère les spaghettis comme l'un des meilleurs aliments du monde.	sacredceltic	I consider spaghetti to be one of the greatest foods in the world.	CK	1
ita	2436767	953411	Considero gli spaghetti uno dei migliori cibi al mondo.	Guybrush88	I consider spaghetti to be one of the greatest foods in the world.	CK	1

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