mkd 4105474 1094888 Том им го опиша својот нов изум на Мери и на Џон. 123xyz Tom described his new invention to both John and Mary. CK 1 tur 1108908 1094888 Tom yeni icadını hem John'a hem de Mary'ye tanımladı. duran Tom described his new invention to both John and Mary. CK 1 deu 2161524 1868393 Tom sah sich den Bericht, den Maria ihm gegeben hatte, noch nicht einmal an. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom didn't even look at the report that Mary gave him. CK 1 jpn 2161178 1868393 トムはメアリーから受け取った報告書を見ることさえもしなかった。 bunbuku Tom didn't even look at the report that Mary gave him. CK 1 tur 4731314 1868393 Tom bile Mary'nin ona verdiği rapora bakmadı. duran Tom didn't even look at the report that Mary gave him. CK 1 bul 2613331 2428027 Том не се чувстваше много добре, но въпреки това отиде на работа. korobo4ka Tom didn't feel very well, but he went to work anyway. CK 1 deu 2428081 2428027 Es ging Tom nicht besonders gut, aber er fuhr trotzdem zur Arbeit. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom didn't feel very well, but he went to work anyway. CK 1 pol 2428856 2428027 Tom nie czuł się zbyt dobrze, ale mimo to poszedł do pracy. jeedrek Tom didn't feel very well, but he went to work anyway. CK 1 tur 2485593 2428027 Tom çok iyi hissetmiyordu ama yine de işe gitti. duran Tom didn't feel very well, but he went to work anyway. CK 1 heb 1365584 1029303 טום לא ידע שמרי החליטה להתפטר. MrShoval Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. CK 1 jpn 1710854 1029303 トムはメアリーが仕事を辞める決心をしていたことを知らなかった。 bunbuku Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. CK 1 jpn 1710855 1029303 トムはメアリーが仕事を辞めると決めていたことを知らなかった。 bunbuku Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. CK 1 spa 1434019 1029303 Tom no sabía que Mary había decidido renunciar a su trabajo. marcelostockle Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. CK 1 tur 1247658 1029303 Tom Mary'nin işini bırakmaya karar verdiğini bilmiyordu. duran Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. CK 1 por 4865799 4853282 Tom não se lembra se a sala estava vazia ou não. bill Tom didn't remember whether the room was empty or not. CK 1 tur 4865378 4853282 Tom odanın boş olup olmadığını hatırlamadı. duran Tom didn't remember whether the room was empty or not. CK 1 tur 1875208 1874240 Tom, Mary'nin partisine gidip gitmediğini söylemedi. duran Tom didn't say whether he went to Mary's party or not. CK 1 spa 1258249 1029256 Tom no le agradeció a Mary lo suficiente por todo el trabajo que ella hizo. marcelostockle Tom didn't thank Mary enough for all the work she did. CK 1 tur 1248305 1029256 Tom yaptığı bütün iş için Mary'ye yeterince teşekkür etmedi. duran Tom didn't thank Mary enough for all the work she did. CK 1 ber 1659683 1094615 Tom ur yelli yebɣa ad iceṭṭen Mary mi tella teqqar. Amastan Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 deu 1597896 1094615 Tom wollte Maria nicht beim Lernen stören. Sudajaengi Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 hun 3874266 1094615 Tomi nem akarta zavarni Marit amikor tanult. Aleksandro40 Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 ita 2217189 1094615 Tom non voleva disturbare Mary mentre stava studiando. hitori37 Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 jpn 1710859 1094615 メアリーが勉強をしている間、トムは彼女の邪魔をしたくなかった。 bunbuku Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 pol 2301490 1094615 Tom nie chciał przeszkadzać Marii gdy się uczyła. liori Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 tur 1190362 1094615 Tom Mary'yi çalışırken rahatsız etmek istemedi. duran Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying. CK 1 fin 3229538 2034513 Tom ei halunnut katsoa, mutta hän ei voinut vastustaa kiusausta. Silja Tom didn't want to look, but he couldn't help himself. CK 1 spa 3389916 2034513 Tom no quería mirar, pero no pudo resistir la tentación. marcelostockle Tom didn't want to look, but he couldn't help himself. CK 1 tur 3930362 2034513 Tom bakmak istemiyordu ama kendini tutamadı. duran Tom didn't want to look, but he couldn't help himself. CK 1 deu 3252034 3182120 Tom wollte nicht mit Maria reden, aber es blieb ihm nichts anderes übrig. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. CK 1 deu 3252036 3182120 Tom wollte nicht mit Maria sprechen, aber er hatte keine andere Wahl. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. CK 1 est 4430556 3182120 Tom ei tahtnud Mariga rääkida, aga tal polnud teist valikut. keegi Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. CK 1 jpn 3598289 3182120 トムはメアリーと話したくはなかったが、そうせざるを得なかった。 arnab Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. CK 1 srp 3252032 3182120 Tom nije želeo da priča sa Meri, ali nije imao izbora. neron Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. CK 1 0 0 1991970 0 0 Tom does a pretty good job of forecasting the weather. CK 1 deu 1885272 1884519 Tom weiß noch nicht einmal, warum er der Schule verwiesen wurde. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. CK 1 fra 3141818 1884519 Tom ne sait même pas pourquoi il a été renvoyé de l'école. KeepYourEyesPeeled Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. CK 1 tur 2936142 1884519 Tom okuldan niçin atıldığını bile bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. CK 1 deu 3018914 1026175 Tom geht nicht so oft ins Kino, wie er gerne würde. pne Tom doesn't go to the movies as often as he'd like to. CK 1 fin 3200544 1026175 Tom ei käy elokuvissa niin usein kuin hän haluaisi. Silja Tom doesn't go to the movies as often as he'd like to. CK 1 tur 1248951 1026175 Tom istediği kadar sık sinemaya gitmez. duran Tom doesn't go to the movies as often as he'd like to. CK 1 jpn 1713647 1026168 トムは今ペットを飼っていないが、以前は犬を飼っていた。 bunbuku Tom doesn't have a pet now, but he used to have a dog. CK 1 rus 1892493 1026168 Сейчас у Тома нет домашних животных, но раньше он держал собаку. sharptoothed Tom doesn't have a pet now, but he used to have a dog. CK 1 spa 1433294 1026168 Ahora Tom no tiene mascota, pero solía tener un perro. marcelostockle Tom doesn't have a pet now, but he used to have a dog. CK 1 tur 1248964 1026168 Tom şimdi bir evcil hayvana sahip değil fakat daha önce bir köpeği vardı. duran Tom doesn't have a pet now, but he used to have a dog. CK 1 deu 1722437 1029164 Tom weiß nicht genau, was Maria vorhat. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. CK 1 deu 1722439 1029164 Tom weiß nicht mit Gewissheit, was Maria zu tun beabsichtigt. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. CK 1 jpn 1715914 1029164 トムはメアリーが何をするつもりなのか、はっきりと知らない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. CK 1 jpn 1715915 1029164 トムはメアリーが何をするつもりなのか正確には知らない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. CK 1 spa 1722455 1029164 Tom no sabe exactamente que pretende hacer María. marcelostockle Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. CK 1 tur 1249124 1029164 Tom Mary'nin ne yapacağını kesin olarak bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. CK 1 deu 1231943 1029160 Tom weiß nicht, wie lange er auf Mary wird warten müssen. Espi Tom doesn't know how long he'll have to wait for Mary. CK 1 jpn 1715916 1029160 どれくらいメアリーを待てばいいのか、トムにはわからない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know how long he'll have to wait for Mary. CK 1 tur 1249136 1029160 Tom Mary için ne kadar beklemek zorunda olduğunu bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know how long he'll have to wait for Mary. CK 1 deu 1722441 1029158 Tom weiß nicht, wie Maria morgen zur Schule kommt. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. CK 1 jpn 1715917 1029158 トムは明日メアリーがどうやって学校に行くのか知らない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. CK 1 spa 1722453 1029158 Tom no sabe cómo va a ir María al colegio mañana. marcelostockle Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. CK 1 tur 1249145 1029158 Tom Mary'nin yarın okula nasıl gideceğini bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. CK 1 tur 3855307 1910422 Tom yapılması gerekenleri nasıl açıklayacağını bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know how to explain what needs to be done. CK 1 bul 2624504 2451112 Том не знае как да пише любовни писма на френски. korobo4ka Tom doesn't know how to write a love letter in French. CK 1 rus 3999443 2451112 Том не умеет писать любовные письма на французском. odexed Tom doesn't know how to write a love letter in French. CK 1 spa 2484593 2451112 Tom no sabe escribir una carta de amor en francés. Shishir Tom doesn't know how to write a love letter in French. CK 1 tur 2483902 2451112 Tom Fransızca bir aşk mektubunu nasıl yazacağını bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know how to write a love letter in French. CK 1 deu 1217696 1029111 Tom weiß nicht, was zu sagen ist, damit Mary sich besser fühlt. Espi Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. CK 1 fin 2675968 1029111 Tom ei tiedä mitä sanoisi saadakseen Maryn paremmalle tuulelle. Kalle63 Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. CK 1 jpn 1716138 1029111 トムはメアリーの気持ちを楽にするのに何と言っていいかわからない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. CK 1 tur 1249867 1029111 Tom Mary'yi daha iyi hissettirmek için ne söyleyeceğini bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. CK 1 deu 1217608 1029083 Tom weiß nicht, ob Mary einverstanden sein wird zu gehen oder nicht. Espi Tom doesn't know whether Mary will agree to go or not. CK 1 jpn 1716139 1029083 トムはメアリーが行くことに賛成かどうかわからない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know whether Mary will agree to go or not. CK 1 deu 1234129 1026069 Tom weiß nicht, ob das Konzert gut angekommen ist oder nicht. Espi Tom doesn't know whether the concert went well or not. CK 1 jpn 1716140 1026069 トムはそのコンサートが上手くいったかどうか知らない。 bunbuku Tom doesn't know whether the concert went well or not. CK 1 spa 1439779 1026069 Tom no sabe si acaso el concierto salió bien o no. marcelostockle Tom doesn't know whether the concert went well or not. CK 1 tur 4709009 1026069 Tom konserin iyi gidip gitmediğini bilmiyor. duran Tom doesn't know whether the concert went well or not. CK 1 deu 1722498 1026030 Tom mag keine Leute, die in Nichtraucherbereichen rauchen. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom doesn't like people who smoke in no smoking areas. CK 1 jpn 1716143 1026030 トムは禁煙場所で喫煙する人が嫌いだ。 bunbuku Tom doesn't like people who smoke in no smoking areas. CK 1 tur 1188887 1094359 Mary onunla konuşurken Tom gerçekten dinlemiyor. duran Tom doesn't really listen when Mary is talking to him. CK 1 por 2488305 1094356 O Tom não lembra de ter feito o que todo mundo diz que ele fez. MarlonX19 Tom doesn't remember doing what everybody says he did. CK 1 spa 1427538 1094356 Tom no recuerda haber hecho lo que todos dicen que hizo. marcelostockle Tom doesn't remember doing what everybody says he did. CK 1 tur 1188866 1094356 Tom herkesin onun yaptığını söylediğini yaptığını hatırlamıyor. duran Tom doesn't remember doing what everybody says he did. CK 1 tur 3099096 2774119 Tom İngilizce konuştuğu kadar iyi Fransızca konuşmaz. duran Tom doesn't speak French as well as he speaks English. CK 1 spa 1282003 1094321 Tom no cree que Mary hiciera lo que dijiste que hizo. Shishir Tom doesn't think Mary would do what you said she did. CK 1 tur 1188614 1094321 Tom Mary'nin yaptı dediğin şeyi yaptığını düşünmüyor. duran Tom doesn't think Mary would do what you said she did. CK 1 tur 1186571 1094313 Tom onun yapacak doğru şey olduğunu sanmıyor. duran Tom doesn't think that would be the right thing to do. CK 1 deu 3281224 1094232 Tom bezweifelt, dass das, was heute passiert ist, jemals wieder passieren wird. Plusquamperfekt Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. CK 1 ita 2599093 1094232 Tom dubita che quello che è successo oggi capiterà ancora. Guybrush88 Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. CK 1 ita 2599095 1094232 Tom dubita che quello che è successo oggi capiterà di nuovo. Guybrush88 Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. CK 1 rus 3285438 1094232 Том сомневается, что то, что произошло сегодня, когда-нибудь ещё повторится. odexed Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. CK 1 tur 1185923 1094232 Tom bugün olanın her zaman tekrar olacağından şüphe ediyor. duran Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. CK 1 fra 1181396 1025885 Tom a bu trois bouteilles de vin à lui tout seul, la nuit dernière. rene1596 Tom drank three bottles of wine by himself last night. CK 1 jpn 1722181 1025885 トムは昨夜ボトル三本のワインを一人で飲んだ。 bunbuku Tom drank three bottles of wine by himself last night. CK 1 por 1049688 1025885 Tom bebeu três garrafas de vinho sozinho ontem à noite. une_monica Tom drank three bottles of wine by himself last night. CK 1 rus 4299606 1025885 Вчера вечером Том выпил три бутылки вина в одно горло. sharptoothed Tom drank three bottles of wine by himself last night. CK 1 tur 4730984 1025885 Tom dün gece kendi başına üç şişe şarap içti. duran Tom drank three bottles of wine by himself last night. CK 1 tur 1039415 1028982 Tom, Mary ile bir hafta sonu daha geçirmek zorunda kalmaktan ödü patladı. duran Tom dreaded having to spend another weekend with Mary. CK 1 ita 2527194 1025760 Tom ha finalmente scoperto dov'era nascosto il tesoro. Guybrush88 Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden. CK 1 jpn 1729294 1025760 トムは宝物の隠し場所をついに探し当てた。 bunbuku Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden. CK 1 rus 4299599 1025760 Том в конце концов понял, где были спрятаны сокровища. sharptoothed Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden. CK 1 spa 1195403 1025760 Finalmente Tom descubrió dónde estaba el tesoro escondido. nancy Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden. CK 1 tur 2025253 1025760 Ton sonunda hazinenin nerede olduğunu çözdü. aydink Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden. CK 1 bul 2317765 1025752 На Том му е много по-лесно да говори на английски, отколкото на френски. korobo4ka Tom finds it much easier to speak English than French. CK 1
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