English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 9250

por	891202	887262	Ela se ajoelhou ao seu lado e perguntou qual era o seu nome.	alexmarcelo	She knelt beside him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
spa	1330735	887262	Ella se arrodilló a su lado y le preguntó cómo se llamaba.	Shishir	She knelt beside him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
tur	1468845	887262	O onun yanına diz çöktü ve onun adının ne olduğunu sordu.	duran	She knelt beside him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
ind	1046566	314839	Dia pasti sangat cantik ketika muda.	ajid	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
ita	1552629	314839	Dev'essere stata molto bella da giovane.	dada	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
jpn	88866	314839	彼女は若い頃はとても美しかったにちがいない。	bunbuku	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
jpn	88868	314839	彼女は若い頃ずいぶん美人だったにちがいない。	bunbuku	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
por	3163181	314839	Ela deve ter sido muito bonita quando era jovem.	Ricardo14	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
rus	3683679	314839	Она, должно быть, была очень красива в молодости.	sharptoothed	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
tur	4832484	314839	O gençken çok güzel olmalı.	duran	She must have been very beautiful when she was young.	CK	1
cmn	787041	315619	她跑得很快是为了赶上其他成员。	fucongcong	She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.	CK	1
fra	604836	315619	Elle courut très vite pour rattraper les autres membres.	qdii	She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.	CK	1
jpn	88088	315619	彼女は他のメンバーに追いつこうととても速く走った。	mookeee	She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.	CK	1
por	1319615	315619	Ela correu muito rápido para alcançar os outros membros.	alexmaur	She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.	CK	1
spa	742168	315619	Ella corrió muy rápido para alcanzar a los otros miembros.	ventana	She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.	CK	1
tur	1468848	315619	O, diğer üyelere yetişmek için çok hızlı koştu.	duran	She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.	CK	1
fra	1395059	887503	Elle marcha aussi vite qu'elle put pour le rattraper.	sacredceltic	She walked as fast as she could to catch up with him.	CK	1
fra	1395060	887503	Elle a marché aussi vite qu'elle a pu pour le rattraper.	sacredceltic	She walked as fast as she could to catch up with him.	CK	1
pol	4438791	887503	Żeby go dogonić, szła tak szybko, jak tylko mogła.	Luanne	She walked as fast as she could to catch up with him.	CK	1
spa	1205537	887503	Ella caminó tan rápido como pudo para alcanzarlo.	marcelostockle	She walked as fast as she could to catch up with him.	CK	1
tur	1468849	887503	O, ona yetişmek için elinden geldiğince hızlı yürüdü.	duran	She walked as fast as she could to catch up with him.	CK	1
ber	1770282	887505	Tedda ɣer-s, tesseqsa-t isem-nnes.	Amastan	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
fra	1395061	887505	Elle marcha vers lui et lui demanda quel était son nom.	sacredceltic	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
fra	1395062	887505	Elle a marché vers lui et lui a demandé quel était son nom.	sacredceltic	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
pol	2518082	887505	Podeszła do niego i spytała jak się nazywa.	jeedrek	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
por	889388	887505	Ela se aproximou dele e perguntou-lhe qual era o seu nome.	alexmarcelo	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
spa	1178525	887505	Ella se acercó a él y le preguntó cómo se llamaba.	Shishir	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
tur	1468850	887505	O, ona yanaştı ve adının ne olduğunu sordu.	duran	She walked up to him and asked him what his name was.	CK	1
fra	1395063	887552	Elle était impatiente d'aller au cinéma avec lui.	sacredceltic	She was looking forward to going to a movie with him.	CK	1
fra	1395066	887552	Elle se réjouissait d'aller au cinéma avec lui.	sacredceltic	She was looking forward to going to a movie with him.	CK	1
pol	4229879	887552	Nie mogła się doczekać pójścia z nim na film.	jeedrek	She was looking forward to going to a movie with him.	CK	1
spa	1346737	887552	Ella tenía ganas de ir a ver una película con él.	marcelostockle	She was looking forward to going to a movie with him.	CK	1
tur	1468851	887552	O, onunla bir sinemaya gitmeye can atıyordu.	duran	She was looking forward to going to a movie with him.	CK	1
jpn	225681	894467	くたくたに疲れていたので、彼女はすぐにぐっすり眠ってしまった。	bunbuku	She was soon sound asleep because she was very tired.	CK	1
deu	2042273	2034587	Manchmal muss man auch Dinge tun, die man nicht tun möchte.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
fra	2035973	2034587	Parfois, on doit faire des choses qu'on ne veut pas faire.	sacredceltic	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
fra	2035975	2034587	Parfois, Il nous faut faire des choses que nous ne voulons pas faire.	sacredceltic	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
fra	2035976	2034587	Parfois, nous devons faire des choses que nous ne voulons pas faire.	sacredceltic	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
ita	3112255	2034587	A volte devi fare cose che non vuoi fare.	Guybrush88	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
ita	3112256	2034587	A volte deve fare cose che non vuole fare.	Guybrush88	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
ita	3112257	2034587	A volte dovete fare cose che non volete fare.	Guybrush88	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
ita	3112259	2034587	A volte si devono fare cose che non si vogliono fare.	Guybrush88	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
rus	2172129	2034587	Иногда ты должен делать вещи, которые не хочешь делать.	Lenin_1917	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
spa	2050329	2034587	A veces tienes que hacer cosas que no quieres hacer.	Shishir	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
tur	4854797	2034587	Bazen sen yapmak istemediğin şeyleri yapmak zorunda olursun.	dursun	Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.	CK	1
tur	4079038	1860560	Tom'un nerede üniversiteye gideceğini planladığını bana tekrar söyle.	duran	Tell me again where Tom is planning to go to college.	CK	1
deu	2463290	25859	Vielen Dank, dass Sie den weiten Weg gekommen sind, um mich zu besuchen.	Zaghawa	Thank you very much for coming all the way to see me.	CK	1
fra	138706	25859	Merci d'avoir fait tout ce chemin pour venir me voir.	hortusdei	Thank you very much for coming all the way to see me.	CK	1
jpn	188713	25859	遠いところを、わざわざおいでくださってありがとうございます。	bunbuku	Thank you very much for coming all the way to see me.	CK	1
spa	339034	25859	Le agradezco que haya venido expresamente desde tan lejos.	tatoerique	Thank you very much for coming all the way to see me.	CK	1
tur	4574936	25859	Bütün yolu beni görmek için geldiğin için sana çok teşekkür ederim.	duran	Thank you very much for coming all the way to see me.	CK	1
deu	2042274	2034588	Das ist nichts, worüber ich mir jetzt Gedanken machen möchte.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
fra	2035969	2034588	Ce n'est pas quelque chose auquel je veux penser, à l'instant.	sacredceltic	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
heb	2037009	2034588	זה לא דבר בו אני רוצה להרהר כעת.	fekundulo	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
nld	3062060	2034588	Dat is niet iets waar ik nu aan wil denken.	Citrine	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
rus	3766091	2034588	Это не то, о чём я хочу сейчас думать.	odexed	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
spa	2050330	2034588	Eso no es algo en lo que quiera pensar ahora.	Shishir	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
tur	4544900	2034588	O şu anda düşünmek istediğim bir şey değil.	duran	That's not something I want to think about right now.	CK	1
deu	1905832	44687	Die Höhle war so dunkel, dass sie ihren Weg ertasten mussten.	Tamy	The cave was so dark that they had to feel their way.	CK	1
jpn	207434	44687	その洞穴はとても暗かったので、彼らは手探りで進まねばならなかった。	bunbuku	The cave was so dark that they had to feel their way.	CK	1
ita	2412229	388855	L'impermeabile che ha detto di volere era estremamente costoso.	Guybrush88	The coat she said she wanted was extremely expensive.	CK	1
jpn	95183	388855	彼女が欲しいって言ってたコート、目の玉が飛び出るほど高かったんだ。	bunbuku	The coat she said she wanted was extremely expensive.	CK	1
spa	1745581	388855	El abrigo que dijo que quería era carísimo.	Shishir	The coat she said she wanted was extremely expensive.	CK	1
tur	4590179	388855	Onun istediğini söylediği ceket son derece pahalıydı.	duran	The coat she said she wanted was extremely expensive.	CK	1
jpn	95183	388854	彼女が欲しいって言ってたコート、目の玉が飛び出るほど高かったんだ。	bunbuku	The coat that she said she wanted was very expensive.	CK	1
tur	4590190	388854	Onun istediğini söylediği ceket çok pahalıydı.	duran	The coat that she said she wanted was very expensive.	CK	1
tur	2447812	2400061	İş zordu ama Tom hâlâ onu yapmak istiyordu.	duran	The job was difficult, but Tom still wanted to do it.	CK	1
tur	3951009	2046923	Son birkaç gün ikimiz için de çok yoğundu.	duran	The last few days have been very busy for both of us.	CK	1
vie	4608375	2046923	Mấy ngày vừa qua là những ngày rất bận rộn cho cả hai chúng tôi.	khoaharp	The last few days have been very busy for both of us.	CK	1
ara	550341	1318	آخِرُ شخصٍ أخبرتُه فكرتي ظنّنِيْ مجنونًا.	Samer	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
bul	2817753	1318	Последният човек, на когото казах идеята си, реши, че съм луд.	korobo4ka	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
bul	2817754	1318	Последният човек, на когото казах идеята си, реши, че съм луда.	korobo4ka	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
cmn	501305	1318	最后一个听我说我的主意的人认为我疯了。	fucongcong	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
deu	120	1318	Die letzte Person, der ich meine Idee erzählt habe, dachte, ich wäre bekloppt.	ludoviko	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
fin	3715751	1318	Viimeisin henkilö, jolle kerroin ideani, oli sitä mieltä, että olen päästäni sekaisin.	Silja	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
heb	571582	1318	האדם האחרון שסיפרתי לו את הרעיון שלי, חשב שאני דפוק.	Geek_God	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
hun	4043849	1318	Akinek legutóbb elmondtam az elképzelésemet, bolondnak nézett.	bandeirante	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
ita	2734900	1318	L'ultima persona a cui ho raccontato la mia idea ha pensato che io fossi pazzo.	Guybrush88	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
ita	2734901	1318	L'ultima persona a cui ho raccontato la mia idea ha pensato che io fossi pazza.	Guybrush88	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
jpn	4745	1318	僕が最後に自分の考えを伝えた人は、僕を気違いだと思ったようだ。	bunbuku	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
mkd	4094279	1318	Последниот човек комушто му ја кажав својата идеја мислеше дека сум чукнат.	123xyz	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
nld	377519	1318	De vorige persoon aan wie ik mijn idee vertelde, dacht dat ik gestoord was.	Dorenda	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
por	405072	1318	A última pessoa para quem eu contei a minha ideia achou que eu estava louca.	brauliobezerra	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
por	3424909	1318	A última pessoa para quem contei minha ideia pensou que eu estava louco.	Ricardo14	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
ron	2536095	1318	Ultima persoană căreia i-am spus ideea mea credea că-s nebun.	ijikure	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
rus	5452	1318	Последний человек, которому я рассказал свою идею, решил, что я сумасшедший.	Ann74	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
spa	2524	1318	La última persona a la que le conté mi idea pensó que yo estaba loco.	Shishir	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
tur	2581159	1318	Fikrimi söylediğim son kişi deli olduğumu düşündü.	duran	The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.	Zifre	1
bul	2787900	2400062	Последният път, когато това стана, не знаех какво да правя.	korobo4ka	The last time that happened I didn't know what to do.	CK	1
mkd	4092610	2400062	Последниот пат кога се случи тоа, не знаев што да правам.	123xyz	The last time that happened I didn't know what to do.	CK	1
rus	3622501	2400062	Когда это произошло в последний раз, я не знал, что делать.	odexed	The last time that happened I didn't know what to do.	CK	1
tur	2447811	2400062	Son kez olduğunda ne yapacağımı bilmiyordum.	duran	The last time that happened I didn't know what to do.	CK	1
deu	1080198	242277	Der neue Lehrer ist mehr ein Freund als ein Lehrer.	MUIRIEL	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
ita	1741451	242277	Il nuovo insegnante è più un amico che un insegnante.	Guybrush88	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
ita	1741452	242277	La nuova insegnante è più un'amica che un'insegnante.	Guybrush88	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
ita	1741453	242277	Il nuovo professore è più un amico che un professore.	Guybrush88	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
ita	1741456	242277	La nuova professoressa è più un'amica che una professoressa.	Guybrush88	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
jpn	172198	242277	今度来た先生は、先生というより友達みたいだ。	mookeee	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
rus	3002721	242277	Новый учитель скорее похож на друга, чем на учителя.	odexed	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1
spa	1852409	242277	El nuevo profesor es más como un amigo que como un profesor.	topofabi	The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher.	CK	1

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