ita 2670685 2033891 È sicura che non vuole aspettare fino a domani? Guybrush88 Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow? CK 1 ita 2670687 2033891 Siete sicuri che non volete aspettare fino a domani? Guybrush88 Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow? CK 1 ita 2670688 2033891 Siete sicure che non volete aspettare fino a domani? Guybrush88 Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow? CK 1 tur 3932079 2033891 Yarına kadar beklemek istemediğinden emin misin? duran Are you sure you don't want to wait till tomorrow? CK 1 rus 3330729 3204934 Насколько я могу сказать, французский Тома достаточно хорош. odexed As far as I can tell, Tom's French is pretty good. CK 1 tur 4230976 3204934 Bildiğim kadarıyla, Tom'un Fransızcası oldukça iyidir. duran As far as I can tell, Tom's French is pretty good. CK 1 jpn 2112294 1027644 ベルが鳴るとすぐにトムはドアに向かった。 bunbuku As soon as the bell rang, Tom headed for the door. CK 1 rus 4052068 1027644 Как только звонок прозвенел, Том направился к двери. odexed As soon as the bell rang, Tom headed for the door. CK 1 tur 4048877 1027644 Zil çalar çalmaz, Tom kapıya yöneldi. deyta As soon as the bell rang, Tom headed for the door. CK 1 hun 4847875 2951546 Mihelyst Tom megérkezett, elkezdjük a megbeszélést. maaster As soon as Tom gets here, we'll start the meeting. CK 1 jpn 2985909 2951546 トムがここに到着したら、ミーテイングを始めよう。 Fukuko As soon as Tom gets here, we'll start the meeting. CK 1 tur 2955228 2951546 Tom buraya gelir gelmez toplantıya başlayacağız. duran As soon as Tom gets here, we'll start the meeting. CK 1 deu 2187451 1096269 So komisch es auch klingen mag, aber Tom hat recht. Vortarulo As strange as it may sound, what Tom said is true. CK 1 por 1167442 1096269 Por mais estranho que possa soar, o que Tom disse é verdade. alexmarcelo As strange as it may sound, what Tom said is true. CK 1 spa 1166917 1096269 Por más extraño que pueda sonar, lo que Tom dijo es verdad. nancy As strange as it may sound, what Tom said is true. CK 1 ita 2972646 2640025 Boston è uno dei posti che ho visitato l'estate scorsa. Guybrush88 Boston is one of the places I visited last summer. CK 1 rus 4227736 2640025 Бостон — одно из мест, которые я посетил прошлым летом. odexed Boston is one of the places I visited last summer. CK 1 jpn 78058 325660 両親そろって空港まで私を見送ってくれた。 mookeee Both my parents came to see me off at the airport. Dejo 1 rus 3674336 325660 Оба моих родителя пришли в аэропорт проводить меня. odexed Both my parents came to see me off at the airport. Dejo 1 spa 1683732 325660 Mis dos padres vinieron a despedirme al aeropuerto. marcelostockle Both my parents came to see me off at the airport. Dejo 1 tur 4090090 325660 Hem annem hem de babam beni uğurlamak için havaalanına geldiler. deyta Both my parents came to see me off at the airport. Dejo 1 rus 2264169 2264168 Можете вы прийти сегодня или завтра после обеда? sharptoothed Can you come this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon? sharptoothed 1 tur 4641929 2264168 Bu öğleden sonra ya da yarın öğleden sonra gelebilir misin? duran Can you come this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon? sharptoothed 1 cmn 2368463 270947 周三你可以载我到办公室吗? vicch Can you give me a ride to the office on Wednesday? CK 1 fra 640130 270947 Tu pourras me poser au bureau mercredi ? qdii Can you give me a ride to the office on Wednesday? CK 1 ber 2503936 2451155 Tzemred ad d-iyi-tqeddmed kra n yiwen ay yessnen tafṛensist? Amastan Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 ber 2503937 2451155 Tzemreḍ ad d-iyi-tqeddmeḍ kra n yiwen ay yessnen tafṛensist? Amastan Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 deu 2578064 2451155 Kannst du mich jemandem vorstellen, der Französisch spricht? raggione Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 deu 2578066 2451155 Können Sie mich jemandem vorstellen, der Französisch spricht? raggione Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 por 2604229 2451155 Você pode me apresentar a alguém que fale francês? alexmarcelo Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 rus 2475691 2451155 Ты можешь представить меня кому-нибудь, кто говорит по-французски? odexed Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 spa 2454538 2451155 ¿Podés presentarme a alguien que hable francés? hayastan Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 tur 2483847 2451155 Beni Fransızca konuşan biriyle tanıştırır mısın? duran Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? CK 1 deu 1809935 2047576 Kannst du mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Strand komme? Tamy Can you please tell me how I can get to the beach? halfb1t 1 heb 2052241 2047576 תוכל בבקשה לומר לי איך להגיע לחוף? MrShoval Can you please tell me how I can get to the beach? halfb1t 1 rus 4739359 2047576 Вы не подскажете, как мне попасть на пляж? sharptoothed Can you please tell me how I can get to the beach? halfb1t 1 spa 2055541 2047576 ¿Puede decirme cómo llegar a la playa, por favor? Shishir Can you please tell me how I can get to the beach? halfb1t 1 tur 3677468 2047576 Plaja nasıl gidebileceğimi lütfen bana anlatabilir misiniz? vvv123 Can you please tell me how I can get to the beach? halfb1t 1 ara 618446 24588 أيمكنك أن تخبرني متى يغادر القطار؟ saeb Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 deu 375504 24588 Können Sie mir bitte sagen, um wie viel Uhr der Zug fährt? MUIRIEL Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 fra 9642 24588 Pouvez-vous me dire à quelle heure le train part, s'il vous plaît ? Petro1 Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 jpn 187451 24588 何時にその列車が出発するのか教えてくれませんか。 bunbuku Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 jpn 1160393 24588 その電車の出発時間を教えてください。 bunbuku Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 nld 3173139 24588 Kunt u me zeggen wanneer de trein vertrekt, alstublieft? PaulP Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 por 1571844 24588 Você pode me dizer a que horas o trem parte, por favor? paula_guisard Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 tur 636574 24588 Trenin ne zaman kalkacağını lütfen bana söyleyebilir misin? duran Can you please tell me what time the train leaves? CK 1 fin 2626749 953153 Voitko muistaa kuinka hidas Internet tapasi olla? Kalle63 Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 fra 955100 953153 Te rappelles-tu comme Internet était lent ? sacredceltic Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 heb 1404810 953153 אתה יכול לזכור עד כמה אטית הייתה פעם רשת האינטרנט? Eldad Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 heb 1404812 953153 את יכולה לזכור כמה אטית הייתה פעם רשת האינטרנט? Eldad Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 ita 955121 953153 Ti ricordi com'era lento Internet? Guybrush88 Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 ita 955122 953153 Vi ricordate com'era lento Internet? Guybrush88 Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 ita 955123 953153 Si ricorda com'era lento Internet? Guybrush88 Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 pol 959222 953153 Pamiętasz, jaki wolny był kiedyś internet? zipangu Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 por 1054955 953153 Você lembra como a Internet costumava ser lenta? brauliobezerra Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 por 1054957 953153 Você lembra como a Internet era lenta? brauliobezerra Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 rus 3594557 953153 Ты можешь вспомнить, каким медленным был когда-то Интернет? sharptoothed Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 spa 1239109 953153 ¿Te puedes acordar de lo lento que solía ser el Internet? marcelostockle Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 tur 1468049 953153 İnternetin ne kadar yavaş olduğunu hatırlıyor musun? duran Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? CK 1 ces 3524645 953154 Vzpomínáš, jak jsme se spolu poprvé potkali? nueby Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 deu 2232193 953154 Kanst du dich erinnern, wann wir uns das erste Mal getroffen haben? Manfredo Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 deu 2232197 953154 Können Sie sich erinnern, wann wir uns das erste Mal getroffen haben? Manfredo Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 fra 1392364 953154 Peux-tu te rappeler la première fois que nous nous sommes rencontrés ? sacredceltic Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 fra 1392365 953154 Pouvez-vous vous rappeler la première fois que nous nous sommes rencontrés ? sacredceltic Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 heb 3231534 953154 אתה יכול לזכור מתי נפגשנו לראשונה? fekundulo Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 heb 3231536 953154 אתם יכולים לזכור מתי נפגשנו לראשונה? fekundulo Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 pol 959223 953154 Pamiętasz, kiedy spotkaliśmy się po raz pierwszy? zipangu Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 pol 959224 953154 Przypominasz sobie pierwszy raz, kiedy się spotkaliśmy? zipangu Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 rus 3654872 953154 Вы можете припомнить, когда мы впервые повстречали друг друга? sharptoothed Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 spa 1239114 953154 ¿Te puedes acordar de la primera vez que nos vimos el uno al otro? marcelostockle Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 tur 1468053 953154 Birbirimizle karşılaştığımız ilk anı hatırlayabiliyor musun? duran Can you remember the first time we met each other? CK 1 jpn 2987887 2951582 はじめて泳ぎに行った時のこと思い出せますか? Fukuko Can you remember the first time you went swimming? CK 1 tur 2959869 2951582 İlk kez yüzmeye gittiğin zamanı hatırlayabiliyor musun? duran Can you remember the first time you went swimming? CK 1 tur 2959874 2951585 Ana okulu öğretmeninin adını hatırlayabiliyor musun? duran Can you remember your kindergarten teacher's name? CK 1 tur 3952155 3127958 Daha faydalı olabilecek bir şey önerebilir misin? duran Can you suggest something that may be more useful? CK 1 deu 2161505 1886241 Können Sie mir sagen, wann Tom seinen Führerschein gemacht hat? Pfirsichbaeumchen Can you tell me when Tom got his driver's license? CK 1 jpn 2161130 1886241 トムがいつ運転免許を取ったか教えてもらえますか。 bunbuku Can you tell me when Tom got his driver's license? CK 1 rus 4268692 1886241 Вы можете мне сказать, когда Том получил свои водительские права? odexed Can you tell me when Tom got his driver's license? CK 1 fra 1534486 1534328 Arrives-tu à te toucher les orteils sans plier les jambes ? sacredceltic Can you touch your toes without bending your legs? darinmex 1 por 1534332 1534328 Você consegue tocar os dedos dos pés sem dobrar as pernas? alexmarcelo Can you touch your toes without bending your legs? darinmex 1 rus 4579071 1534328 Ты можешь дотронуться до пальцев ног, не сгибая коленей? Wezel Can you touch your toes without bending your legs? darinmex 1 fra 1392366 953170 Pourrais-tu me dire à nouveau qui est ton père ? sacredceltic Could you please tell me again who your father is? CK 1 fra 1392367 953170 Pourriez-vous me dire à nouveau qui est votre père ? sacredceltic Could you please tell me again who your father is? CK 1 pol 959509 953170 Czy mógłbyś mi przypomnieć, kim jest twój ojciec? zipangu Could you please tell me again who your father is? CK 1 spa 1239136 953170 ¿Podrías repetirme quien es tu padre? marcelostockle Could you please tell me again who your father is? CK 1 tur 1468469 953170 Lütfen babanın kim olduğunu bana tekrar söyler misin? duran Could you please tell me again who your father is? CK 1 ber 3224158 2951605 Tzemred ad tesfeqded ma yeffurek uselkim-nnek? Amastan Could you verify that your computer is plugged in? CK 1 jpn 2988652 2951605 お客様のパソコンのプラグが電源に差し込まれているか確認してくださいませんか? Fukuko Could you verify that your computer is plugged in? CK 1 tur 2959895 2951605 Bilgisayarınızın prize takılı olduğunu doğrular mısınız? duran Could you verify that your computer is plugged in? CK 1 deu 2161509 1886190 Hat Tom verlauten lassen, wohin er in die Sommerferien gefahren ist? Pfirsichbaeumchen Did Tom say where he went for his summer vacation? CK 1 jpn 2161141 1886190 トムは夏休みにどこに行ったか言ってましたか。 bunbuku Did Tom say where he went for his summer vacation? CK 1 tur 4587978 1886190 Tom yaz tatili için nereye gittiğini söyledi mi? duran Did Tom say where he went for his summer vacation? CK 1 jpn 2161146 1886189 トムは誰に車を直してもらうか言っていましたか。 bunbuku Did Tom say who was going to help him fix his car? CK 1 tur 4585716 1886189 Tom arabasını tamir etmesine kimin yardım edeceğini söyledi mi? duran Did Tom say who was going to help him fix his car? CK 1 deu 452584 35712 Hast du auf der Party viele interessante Leute getroffen? al_ex_an_der Did you meet many interesting people at the party? Eldad 1 heb 580125 35712 האם פגשת הרבה אנשים מעניינים במסיבה? Eldad Did you meet many interesting people at the party? Eldad 1 heb 580126 35712 פגשת הרבה אנשים מעניינים במסיבה? Eldad Did you meet many interesting people at the party? Eldad 1 tur 3630098 35712 Partide çok sayıda enteresan insanla tanıştın mı? maydoo Did you meet many interesting people at the party? Eldad 1 deu 2628134 2395953 Hast du Tom nicht gefragt, ob du dir etwas Geld borgen kannst? raggione Didn't you ask Tom if you could borrow some money? CK 1 deu 2628136 2395953 Haben Sie Tom nicht gefragt, ob Sie sich etwas Geld borgen können? raggione Didn't you ask Tom if you could borrow some money? CK 1
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