tur 1210632 275571 Şiddetşi yağmurlar nehrin taşmasına neden oldu. duran The heavy rains caused the river to flood. CK 1 deu 982073 307800 Sofort als ich ihn sah, wusste ich, dass er verärgert war. Esperantostern The instant I saw him I knew he was angry. CM 1 jpn 95892 307800 彼を見るやいなや私は彼が怒っているのがわかった。 mookeee The instant I saw him I knew he was angry. CM 1 nld 419039 307800 Zo gauw als ik hem zag, wist ik dat hij boos was. phiz The instant I saw him I knew he was angry. CM 1 tur 1043712 307800 Onu gördüğüm an kızgın olduğunu biliyordum. duran The instant I saw him I knew he was angry. CM 1 bul 2823486 2425983 Кухненската мивка беше пълна с мръсни чинии. korobo4ka The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes. CK 1 deu 2425989 2425983 Die Spüle in der Küche war voll schmutzigen Geschirrs. Pfirsichbaeumchen The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes. CK 1 tur 2778663 2425983 Mutfak lavabosu kirli bulaşıklarla doluydu. duran The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes. CK 1 jpn 212741 50024 そのはしごは埃と錆で覆われていた。 bunbuku The ladder was covered with dust and rust. CK 1 spa 1304889 50024 La escalera estaba cubierta de polvo y óxido. ildefonk The ladder was covered with dust and rust. CK 1 tur 1811070 50024 Merdiven toz ve pas ile kaplıydı. duran The ladder was covered with dust and rust. CK 1 tur 3954503 3281715 Yapmak istediğim son şey zaman kaybetmek. duran The last thing I want to do is waste time. CK 1 fin 3412707 324957 WC:n valot eivät toimi. Silja The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 hun 4126372 324957 Nem világítanak a lámpák a fürdőben. maaster The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 ita 4693191 324957 Le luci nel bagno non stanno funzionando. Guybrush88 The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 jpn 78759 324957 浴室の電気がつきません。 mookeee The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 jpn 539024 324957 お手洗の電気がつきません。 bunbuku The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 mar 3613234 324957 बाथरूममधले लाईट चालत नाहीयेत. sabretou The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 tur 1464443 324957 Banyodaki ışıklar çalışmıyor. duran The lights in the bathroom aren't working. CK 1 fin 3444291 29847 Leijona yritti kaikin voimin päästä ulos häkistään. tadaa25 The lion struggled to get out of his cage. CK 1 jpn 192683 29847 ライオンはオリから出ようともがいた。 mookeee The lion struggled to get out of his cage. CK 1 por 3353773 29847 O leão tentou escapar da jaula. lazymoose The lion struggled to get out of his cage. CK 1 rus 3186240 29847 Лев изо всех сил пытался выбраться из своей клетки. odexed The lion struggled to get out of his cage. CK 1 tur 1104384 29847 Aslan kafesinden dışarı çıkmak için mücadele etti. duran The lion struggled to get out of his cage. CK 1 deu 1932397 45274 Der Mann begann plötzlich mit seinem Gewehr zu schießen. Tamy The man suddenly started shooting his gun. CK 1 jpn 208017 45274 その男は突然、銃を撃ち始めた。 Blanka_Meduzo The man suddenly started shooting his gun. CK 1 por 968319 45274 O homem de repente começou a atirar com sua arma. une_monica The man suddenly started shooting his gun. CK 1 rus 3620882 45274 Мужчина внезапно открыл огонь из пистолета. sharptoothed The man suddenly started shooting his gun. CK 1 spa 968753 45274 De repente el hombre comenzó a disparar con su arma. Shishir The man suddenly started shooting his gun. CK 1 tur 1091397 45274 Adam aniden silahını ateşlemeye başladı. duran The man suddenly started shooting his gun. CK 1 deu 784668 57232 Der Sinn dieses Satzes ist doppeldeutig. Espi The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 hun 4554575 57232 Ennek a mondatnak a jelentése kétértelmű. Tammmasss The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 ita 1535391 57232 Il significato di questa frase è ambiguo. dada The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 jpn 76725 57232 この文の意味は曖昧だ。 mookeee The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 mal 652240 57232 ഈ വാക്യത്തിന് ഒന്നില് കൂടുതല് അര്ത്ഥങ്ങളുണ്ട്. jjrodz The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 spa 1233161 57232 El sentido de esta frase es ambiguo. marcelostockle The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 tur 2133703 57232 Bu cümlenin anlamı müphemdir. freefighter The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 deu 2838676 2841060 Die Sitzung währte bis Mitternacht. freddy1 The meeting continued late into the night. CK 1 jpn 2841049 2841060 会議は深夜まで続いた。 tommy_san The meeting continued late into the night. CK 1 rus 2841202 2841060 Встреча продолжилась поздно ночью. odexed The meeting continued late into the night. CK 1 tur 2841104 2841060 Toplantı gece geç saatlere kadar sürdü. duran The meeting continued late into the night. CK 1 heb 3079844 1096079 התבלין היחיד שטום שם על בשר הוא פלפל. Ramiav The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper. CK 1 mkd 4067460 1096079 Единствениот зачин што Том го става на месо е бибер. 123xyz The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper. CK 1 rus 2471817 1096079 Единственная приправа, которую Том добавляет в мясо - это перец. Lenin_1917 The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper. CK 1 spa 1211831 1096079 La única especia que Tom le pone a la carne es pimienta. marcelostockle The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper. CK 1 tur 1201682 1096079 Tom'un ete koyduğu tek baharat biberdir. duran The only spice Tom puts on meat is pepper. CK 1 bul 2374290 1497767 Единственото нещо, което трябва да направиш, е да отидеш там. korobo4ka The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 deu 2120053 1497767 Du brauchst nur hinzugehen. Pfirsichbaeumchen The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 ell 1497769 1497767 Το μόνο πράγμα που χρειάζεσαι είναι να πας εκεί. glavkos The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 jpn 232631 1497767 あなたはそこへ行きさえすればよいのだ。 mookeee The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 por 4490803 1497767 A única coisa que você precisa fazer é ir lá. Ricardo14 The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 rus 3648558 1497767 Единственное, что тебе нужно сделать, — это пойти туда. sharptoothed The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 tur 2412706 1497767 Yapman gereken tek şey oraya gitmek. fjrjdk The only thing you need to do is go there. CK 1 deu 699410 283839 Der Ort, wo er wohnt, ist weit von der Stadt weg. Alois The place where he lives is far from town. CK 1 fra 1078332 283839 L'endroit où il vit est éloigné de la ville. sacredceltic The place where he lives is far from town. CK 1 ita 701074 283839 Il luogo dove abita è lontano dalla città. Heracleum The place where he lives is far from town. CK 1 jpn 1198077 283839 彼が住んでいる場所は町から遠いところです。 bunbuku The place where he lives is far from town. CK 1 spa 1793308 283839 El lugar en donde vive queda lejos de la ciudad. marcelostockle The place where he lives is far from town. CK 1 tur 1464445 283839 Yaşadığı yer kasabadan uzaktır. duran The place where he lives is far from town. CK 1 deu 402518 238280 Die Polizei verhaftete gestern den Tatverdächtigen. xtofu80 The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 fra 430840 238280 Hier, la police a arrêté le suspect. chtof The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 heb 604265 238280 המשטרה עצרה אתמול את החשוד. Eldad The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 ita 2996136 238280 La polizia ha arrestato il sospetto ieri. Guybrush88 The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 jpn 176185 238280 警察は昨日その容疑者を逮捕した。 bunbuku The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 por 1456065 238280 A polícia prendeu o suspeito ontem. roger_rf The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 rus 2055651 238280 Вчера полиция арестовала подозреваемого. marafon The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 spa 358269 238280 La policía arrestó al sospechoso ayer. tatoerique The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 tur 1464447 238280 Dün polisler şüpheliyi tutukladı. duran The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Eldad 1 bul 2378245 1422688 От сутринта няма ток. bghelper The power has been off since this morning. CK 1 fin 2333858 1422688 Sähköt ovat olleet poikki tästä aamusta lähtien. Abla The power has been off since this morning. CK 1 jpn 172313 1422688 今朝から停電している。 bunbuku The power has been off since this morning. CK 1 por 2845678 1422688 Estamos sem eletricidade desde manhã. MarlonX19 The power has been off since this morning. CK 1 tur 1811198 1422688 Bu sabahtan beri elektrik kesik. duran The power has been off since this morning. CK 1 jpn 187295 24432 価格には消費税は含まれていません。 tommy__san The price doesn't include consumption tax. CK 1 deu 574017 34326 Probieren geht über Studieren. Pfirsichbaeumchen The proof of the pudding is in the eating. CM 1 fra 4215075 34326 La preuve que le gâteau est bon est qu'il est consommé. sacredceltic The proof of the pudding is in the eating. CM 1 jpn 77229 34326 論より証拠。 mookeee The proof of the pudding is in the eating. CM 1 jpn 220330 2945151 この辺りの風景はとても美しい。 mookeee The scenery around here is very beautiful. CK 1 tur 2945749 2945151 Buradaki manzara çok güzel. duran The scenery around here is very beautiful. CK 1 dan 464031 455287 Røgalarmen er aldrig blevet vedligeholdt. Jon The smoke alarm has never been maintained. CK 1 deu 454822 455287 Der Rauchmelder wurde nie gewartet. MUIRIEL The smoke alarm has never been maintained. CK 1 fra 455619 455287 L'alarme anti-fumée n'a jamais eu de maintenance. chtof The smoke alarm has never been maintained. CK 1 jpn 1189481 455287 火災報知器はまったくメンテナンスされなかった。 mookeee The smoke alarm has never been maintained. CK 1 tur 1982528 455287 Yangın alarmının bakımı hiç yapılmadı. freefighter The smoke alarm has never been maintained. CK 1 deu 1704009 282293 Der Stall ist gleich hinter dem Bauernhaus. Hans07 The stable is right behind the farm house. CK 1 fra 510667 282293 L'écurie est juste derrière la ferme. SUZIE The stable is right behind the farm house. CK 1 nld 647248 282293 De stal is net achter de boerderij. corani The stable is right behind the farm house. CK 1 tur 1811229 282293 Ahır çiftlik evinin tam arkasında. duran The stable is right behind the farm house. CK 1 ita 624819 326245 Il treno era in ritardo per una pesante nevicata. Guybrush88 The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. CK 1 jpn 77474 326245 列車は大雪のため遅れた。 mookeee The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. CK 1 nld 2660720 326245 De trein had vertraging wegens hevige sneeuwval. martinod The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. CK 1 spa 2944683 326245 El tren estaba retrasado debido a una intensa nevada. marcelostockle The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. CK 1 tur 1811270 326245 Tren yoğun kar yağışı nedeniyle ertelendi. duran The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. CK 1 deu 1790704 1428377 Der Zug verspätete sich aufgrund eines Unfalls. Pfirsichbaeumchen The train was late because of an accident. CK 1 jpn 77491 1428377 列車は事故のため遅れた。 mookeee The train was late because of an accident. CK 1 por 1430845 1428377 O trem se atrasou por causa de um acidente. alexmarcelo The train was late because of an accident. CK 1 rus 4097352 1428377 Поезд опоздал из-за аварии. odexed The train was late because of an accident. CK 1 tur 1428442 1428377 Bir kazadan dolayı tren geç kalmıştı. duran The train was late because of an accident. CK 1 ber 4473369 326345 Ddukklen yixeddamen-nni akken ad ssutren ad asen-rnun deg lexlaṣ. Amastan The workers united to demand higher wages. CM 1 hun 3865077 326345 A dolgozók összefogtak, hogy magasabb béreket követeljenek. Tammmasss The workers united to demand higher wages. CM 1
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