English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 8660

ber	1732685	286111	Ayen akken ay d-yenna yelfa-d d tikerkas.	Amastan	What he had said turned out to be a lie.	CK	1
deu	360883	286111	Was er gesagt hatte, entpuppte sich als Lüge.	Kerstin	What he had said turned out to be a lie.	CK	1
jpn	117553	286111	彼の言っていることが嘘だとわかった。	bunbuku	What he had said turned out to be a lie.	CK	1
tur	1770073	286111	Onun söylediğinin bir yalan olduğu ortaya çıktı.	duran	What he had said turned out to be a lie.	CK	1
deu	2718790	2033751	Was ich gerne wissen möchte ist, wie Tom hierher kam.	raggione	What I want to know is how Tom got here.	CK	1
rus	2620238	2033751	Что я хочу знать, так это как Том добрался сюда.	Olya	What I want to know is how Tom got here.	CK	1
tur	4599770	2033751	Bilmek istediğim Tom'un buraya nasıl geldiğidir.	duran	What I want to know is how Tom got here.	CK	1
tur	3955170	3365400	Gitmeyi planlamadığımı sana düşündüren nedir?	duran	What made you think I didn't plan to go?	CK	1
fra	1370914	1079412	Que crois-tu donc être en train de faire ?	sacredceltic	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
fra	1370915	1079412	Que croyez-vous donc être en train de faire ?	sacredceltic	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
jpn	1078926	1079412	自分が一体何をしているか分かっているのか?	thyc244	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
nld	1401652	1079412	Wat ben je godsnaam aan het doen?	DjWLaan	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
por	4837153	1079412	Que diabos você acha que está fazendo?	bill	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
rus	3654753	1079412	Какого черта ты, по-твоему, делаешь?	sharptoothed	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
spa	1391514	1079412	¿Qué demonios te crees que estás haciendo?	Shishir	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
tur	1442945	1079412	Sen ne halt yaptığını sanıyorsun?	duran	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
tur	1442948	1079412	Sen ne halt ettiğini sanıyorsun?	duran	What on earth do you think you're doing?	CK	1
deu	2726937	894919	Wann bist du gestern ins Bett gegangen?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
deu	2726939	894919	Wann bist du gestern schlafen gegangen?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
fin	1012613	894919	Mihin aikaan menit eilen nukkumaan?	Silja	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
fin	3398843	894919	Monelta menit nukkumaan eilen?	Silja	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
heb	4696802	894919	באיזו שעה הלכת לישון אתמול?	fekundulo	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
jpn	2726763	894919	昨日は何時に寝たんですか?	tommy_san	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
jpn	2726764	894919	昨日は何時に寝たの?	tommy_san	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
spa	1411121	894919	¿A qué hora fuiste a dormir ayer?	hayastan	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
swe	923174	894919	Hur dags gick du och lade dig igår?	Tximist	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
swe	3739381	894919	Hur dags gick du och lade dig i går?	herrsilen	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
tur	2310822	894919	Dün saat kaçta yattın?	Gulo_Luscus	What time did you go to sleep yesterday?	pauldhunt	1
ber	1604092	66088	Ɣef wacḥal ay tettetteḍ imekli n tṣebḥit?	Amastan	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
deu	829751	66088	Um wie viel Uhr frühstückst du normalerweise?	Esperantostern	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
deu	829752	66088	Um wie viel Uhr frühstückt ihr normalerweise?	Esperantostern	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
deu	829754	66088	Um wie viel Uhr frühstücken Sie normalerweise?	Esperantostern	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
fra	1144402	66088	À quelle heure prends-tu habituellement ton petit déjeuner ?	sacredceltic	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
heb	1384447	66088	באיזו שעה, בדרך כלל, אתה אוכל ארוחת בוקר?	MrShoval	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
hun	2468114	66088	Általában hány órakor reggelizel?	Muelisto	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
hun	2468116	66088	Hány órakor szoktál reggelizni?	Muelisto	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
hun	2468118	66088	Hány órakor szokott reggelizni?	Muelisto	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
hun	2468119	66088	Hány órakor szoktatok reggelizni?	Muelisto	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
ita	694326	66088	A che ora fai colazione di solito?	Heracleum	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
jpn	1143592	66088	普段は何時に朝食を食べるのですか。	bunbuku	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
jpn	1143602	66088	いつも何時に朝ごはんを食べるの?	bunbuku	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
nld	3672193	66088	Hoe laat ontbijt u gewoonlijk?	PaulP	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
spa	959884	66088	¿A qué hora sueles desayunar?	hundo	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
spa	1370163	66088	¿A qué hora acostumbras desayunar?	AMIKEMA	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
tur	1463039	66088	Genellikle saat kaçta kahvaltı yaparsın?	duran	What time do you usually have breakfast?	CK	1
fra	2026655	2026625	À quelle heure voulez-vous que je vous prenne ?	sacredceltic	What time do you want me to pick you up?	CK	1
fra	2026656	2026625	À quelle heure veux-tu que je te prenne ?	sacredceltic	What time do you want me to pick you up?	CK	1
spa	2505803	2026625	¿A qué hora querés que te pase a buscar?	hayastan	What time do you want me to pick you up?	CK	1
bul	3217933	3039893	По кое време пристигаш в Бостън, Том?	korobo4ka	What time will you arrive in Boston,Tom?	CK	1
fin	3629304	3039893	Mihin aikaan saavut Bostoniin, Tom?	Silja	What time will you arrive in Boston,Tom?	CK	1
fin	3629306	3039893	Mihin aikaan olet perillä Bostonissa, Tom?	Silja	What time will you arrive in Boston,Tom?	CK	1
jpn	3033143	3039893	トムは何時にボストンに着くの?	tommy_san	What time will you arrive in Boston,Tom?	CK	1
rus	3052781	3039893	Во сколько ты приезжаешь в Бостон, Том?	marafon	What time will you arrive in Boston,Tom?	CK	1
tur	3051018	3039893	Boston'a ne zaman varacaksın, Tom?	duran	What time will you arrive in Boston,Tom?	CK	1
deu	1904379	1898025	Was Tom wirklich wollte, war eine neue Gitarre.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What Tom really wanted was a new guitar.	CK	1
ita	2457011	1898025	Ciò che Tom voleva veramente era una nuova chitarra.	Guybrush88	What Tom really wanted was a new guitar.	CK	1
ita	2457012	1898025	Ciò che Tom voleva davvero era una nuova chitarra.	Guybrush88	What Tom really wanted was a new guitar.	CK	1
spa	1898757	1898025	Lo que Tom verdaderamente quería era una guitarra nueva.	marcelostockle	What Tom really wanted was a new guitar.	CK	1
tur	3523695	1898025	Tom'un gerçekten istediği şey yeni bir gitardı.	maydoo	What Tom really wanted was a new guitar.	CK	1
deu	1906981	1898015	Was Tom sagte, ärgerte dich, nicht wahr?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What Tom said made you angry, didn't it?	CK	1
spa	1898745	1898015	Lo que Tom dijo te hizo enojar, ¿no es así?	marcelostockle	What Tom said made you angry, didn't it?	CK	1
tur	4768504	1898015	Tom'un söylediği seni kızdırdı, değil mi?	duran	What Tom said made you angry, didn't it?	CK	1
deu	1906980	1898014	Was Tom sagte, brachte dich zum Lächeln, oder?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What Tom said made you smile, didn't it?	CK	1
rus	2942226	1898014	То, что сказал Том, вызвало у тебя улыбку, не так ли?	odexed	What Tom said made you smile, didn't it?	CK	1
spa	1898746	1898014	Lo que Tom dijo te hizo sonreír, ¿no es así?	marcelostockle	What Tom said made you smile, didn't it?	CK	1
tur	4732394	1898014	Tom'un söylediği seni güldürdü, değil mi?	duran	What Tom said made you smile, didn't it?	CK	1
rus	4859471	3115807	Что вы делали в Бостоне на прошлой неделе?	odexed	What were you doing in Boston last week?	CK	1
tur	3155497	3115807	Geçen hafta Boston'da ne yaptın?	deyta	What were you doing in Boston last week?	CK	1
deu	689639	682378	Wie kommt man am schnellsten nach Boston?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What's the fastest way to get to Boston?	Source_VOA	1
ita	2188998	682378	Qual è il modo più veloce per andare a Boston?	Guybrush88	What's the fastest way to get to Boston?	Source_VOA	1
rus	3673668	682378	Какой самый быстрый способ добраться до Бостона?	sharptoothed	What's the fastest way to get to Boston?	Source_VOA	1
tur	1770155	682378	Boston'a gitmenin en hızlı yolu nedir?	duran	What's the fastest way to get to Boston?	Source_VOA	1
rus	2951688	2949080	Какое самое длинное французское слово ты знаешь?	odexed	What's the longest French word you know?	CK	1
tur	2949099	2949080	Bildiğiniz en uzun Fransızca kelime nedir?	duran	What's the longest French word you know?	CK	1
ben	3713004	70982	আপনার প্রিয় টেলিভিশন কার্যক্রমটা কী?	tanay	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
ben	3713005	70982	তোমারে প্রিয় টেলিভিশন কার্যক্রমটা কী?	tanay	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
ber	1640465	70982	D acu-tt tesgilt ay tḥemmleḍ ad tt-teẓreḍ deg tliẓri?	Amastan	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
deu	1038797	70982	Was ist deine Lieblingssendung im Fernsehen?	Manfredo	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
fin	3303791	70982	Mikä on sinun suosikkitelevisio-ohjelmasi?	Silja	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
fin	3303792	70982	Mikä on sinun lempiohjelmasi?	Silja	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
fin	3303793	70982	Mikä on sinun suosikkiohjelmasi?	Silja	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
fra	1008707	70982	Quel est ton programme télé préféré ?	elgranjuego	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
ind	3804755	70982	Apa acara televisi kesukaanmu?	orion17	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
isl	398808	70982	Hver er uppáhalds þátturinn þinn?	Swift	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
ita	796837	70982	Qual è il tuo programma televisivo preferito?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
ita	2219957	70982	Qual è il suo programma televisivo preferito?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
ita	2219959	70982	Qual è il vostro programma televisivo preferito?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
jpn	233611	70982	あなたのお気に入りのテレビ番組は何ですか。	bunbuku	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
por	1012147	70982	Qual é o teu programa de televisão favorito?	alexmarcelo	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
rus	3613352	70982	Какая у тебя любимая программа по телевизору?	sharptoothed	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
spa	1189769	70982	¿Cuál es tu programa de televisión favorito?	Shishir	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
swe	3881427	70982	Vilket är ditt favoritprogram på tv?	herrsilen	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
tur	1983143	70982	En sevdiğiniz TV programı hangisi?	duran	What's your favorite television program?	Zifre	1
bel	2614876	2610134	Што б не здарылася, я буду поплеч.	Impersonator	Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.	WestofEden	1
ita	3681984	2610134	Qualunque cosa succeda, io ci sarò per te.	Guybrush88	Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.	WestofEden	1
ita	3681985	2610134	Qualunque cosa succeda, io ci sarò per voi.	Guybrush88	Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.	WestofEden	1
ita	3681986	2610134	Qualunque cosa succeda, io ci sarò per lei.	Guybrush88	Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.	WestofEden	1
jpn	1023604	2610134	何があっても俺は君の味方だよ。	mookeee	Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.	WestofEden	1
ita	2854057	2044926	Qualunque cosa ti renda felice mi rende felice.	Guybrush88	Whatever makes you happy makes me happy.	CK	1
ita	2854058	2044926	Qualunque cosa vi renda felici mi rende felice.	Guybrush88	Whatever makes you happy makes me happy.	CK	1

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