afr 384916 257619 Ek kan nie nou aan sy naam dink nie. NielDLR I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 ara 1372566 257619 لا أستطيع تذكر اسمه الآن. alanood I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 deu 346973 257619 Mir fällt sein Name gerade nicht ein. lilygilder I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 deu 443717 257619 Ich komm im Moment nicht auf seinen Namen. al_ex_an_der I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 fin 1516530 257619 Hänen nimensä ei juuri nyt tule mieleen. ondo I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 fra 573731 257619 Je ne peux pas me rappeler son nom à l'instant. sacredceltic I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 jpn 81891 257619 僕は今、彼の名前が思い出せない。 bunbuku I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 jpn 156915 257619 私は今、彼の名前が思い出せない。 bunbuku I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 nds 800054 257619 Mi fallt sien Naam jüst nich in. slomox I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 nld 384984 257619 Ik kan even niet op zijn naam komen. Dorenda I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 rus 422444 257619 Прямо сейчас я не могу думать о его имени. Hellerick I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 spa 1263688 257619 No puedo recordar su nombre ahora mismo. marcelostockle I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 swe 1134752 257619 Jag kommer inte på hans namn just nu. arahlen I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 tur 1003706 257619 Ben şimdi onun adını hatırlayamıyorum. duran I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 yue 530861 257619 我頭先醒唔起佢個名。 nickyeow I can't think of his name just now. CK 1 deu 1305987 435278 Ich kann nicht verstehen, warum er das getan hat. samueldora I can't understand why he did that. aliene 1 jpn 201434 435278 どうして彼がそんなことをしたのか理解できない。 bunbuku I can't understand why he did that. aliene 1 lvs 2525168 435278 Es nesaprotu kāpēc viņš tā darija. SilverBirdLV I can't understand why he did that. aliene 1 spa 1305992 435278 No puedo entender por qué él hizo eso. marcelostockle I can't understand why he did that. aliene 1 tur 4749091 4664350 Tekrar eve gitmek için sabırsızlanıyorum. deyta I can't wait to go back home again. CK 1 deu 365805 254477 Ich trug die schwere Tasche auf meinem Rücken. Wolf I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 fra 822824 254477 Je portai le lourd sac sur le dos. sacredceltic I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 heb 676735 254477 נשאתי את התיק הכבד על גבי. Eldad I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 heb 676736 254477 נשאתי את התיק הכבד על הגב. Eldad I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 jpn 160045 254477 私はその重たい袋を背負って運んだ。 bunbuku I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 spa 1364565 254477 Llevé a la espalda la bolsa pesada. Shishir I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 tur 1456858 254477 Ağır çantayı sırtımda taşıdım. duran I carried the heavy bag on my back. CK 1 fra 6603 257143 Je l'ai aperçue au milieu de la foule. U2FS I caught sight of her in the crowd. CK 1 jpn 157390 257143 私は群衆の中で彼女を見つけた。 mookeee I caught sight of her in the crowd. CK 1 tur 1651247 257143 Kalabalıkta onu gördüm. duran I caught sight of her in the crowd. CK 1 fin 4123466 2307968 Käräytin Tomin flirttailemassa vaimoni kanssa. tadaa25 I caught Tom flirting with my wife. CK 1 spa 2324892 2307968 Atrapé a Tom coqueteando con mi esposa. marcelostockle I caught Tom flirting with my wife. CK 1 tur 2474837 2307968 Tom'u karımla flört ederken yakaladım. duran I caught Tom flirting with my wife. CK 1 mkd 4321736 2307970 Во никој случај не планирав да го сторам тоа. 123xyz I certainly didn't plan to do that. CK 1 tur 4435736 2307970 Kesinlikle bunu yapmayı planlamadım. duran I certainly didn't plan to do that. CK 1 tur 3961839 2290268 Ben kesinlikle bunun geldiğini görmedim. duran I certainly didn't see this coming. CK 1 fin 2825653 2308005 Tulen ison liudan tohtoreita luota. Kalle63 I come from a long line of doctors. CK 1 tur 4837408 2308005 Benim ailemde çok doktor var. tulin I come from a long line of doctors. CK 1 tur 4837409 2308005 Benim sülalemde çok doktor var. tulin I come from a long line of doctors. CK 1 spa 3603171 3371123 Confieso que en realidad no me llamo Tom. ficion I confess my name's not really Tom. CK 1 spa 3603175 3371123 Confieso que mi nombre no es Tom. ficion I confess my name's not really Tom. CK 1 spa 3603176 3371123 Confieso que en realidad mi nombre no es Tom. ficion I confess my name's not really Tom. CK 1 tur 4180125 3371123 Benim adımın gerçekten Tom olmadığını itiraf ediyorum. duran I confess my name's not really Tom. CK 1 ara 371194 321781 أهنّئك بنجاحك. saeb I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 ara 371195 321781 أهنّئك بمناسبة نجاحك. saeb I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 fin 354892 321781 Onneksi olkoon menestyksenne johdosta. Hautis I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 heb 2114891 321781 ברכות לרגל הצלחתך! Eldad I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 heb 2114927 321781 ברכותיי על הצלחתך! MrShoval I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 heb 2114930 321781 ברכותיי לרגל הצלחתך! Eldad I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 hun 672571 321781 Gratulálok a sikeredhez. szaby78 I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 rus 2499716 321781 Я поздравляю тебя с твоим успехом. Lenin_1917 I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 rus 4747914 321781 Поздравляю тебя с успехом. marafon I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 rus 4747915 321781 Поздравляю вас с успехом. marafon I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 spa 1052072 321781 Le felicito por su triunfo. Shishir I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 tur 1097035 321781 Ben, sizin başarınız için sizi tebrik ediyorum. duran I congratulate you on your success. Scott 1 ara 1409142 260444 هنأته على نجاحه. alanood I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 ara 1409145 260444 باركت له على نجاحه. alanood I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 deu 449871 260444 Ich gratulierte ihm zu seinem Erfolg. Pfirsichbaeumchen I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 heb 1844987 260444 ברכתי אותו לרגל הצלחתו. fekundulo I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 heb 1845000 260444 בירכתי אותו על הצלחתו. Eldad I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 heb 1846123 260444 בירכתי אותו לרגל ההצלחה שלו. MrShoval I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 pol 1845009 260444 Pogratulowałem mu sukcesu. zipangu I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 por 391840 260444 Eu o parabenizei pelo seu sucesso. brauliobezerra I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 tur 4879350 260444 Ben onu başarısı üzerine onu kutladım. dursun I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 ukr 515679 260444 Я привітав його з успіхом. Squaw I congratulated him on his success. adjusting 1 por 4261517 2308056 Eu poderia realmente ter quebrado uma perna. carlosalberto I could actually have broken a leg. CK 1 tur 4843483 2308056 Aslında bir bacak kırabilirdim. duran I could actually have broken a leg. CK 1 deu 3613043 619792 Ich hätte schwören können, dass sich etwas bewegt hat. raggione I could have sworn something moved. ulyssemc1 1 swe 2031191 619792 Jag kunde svära på att någonting rörde sig. Lazzlo I could have sworn something moved. ulyssemc1 1 rus 4686988 4664349 Мне слышно было, как Том с Мэри смеются. marafon I could hear Tom and Mary laughing. CK 1 tur 4686329 4664349 Tom ve Mary'nin güldüğünü duyabildim. duran I could hear Tom and Mary laughing. CK 1 rus 3885254 2308131 Я мог бы помочь в уходе за ребёнком. namikiri I could help take care of the baby. CK 1 tur 2472253 2308137 Akşam yemeği için Tom'u eve davet edebilirim. duran I could invite Tom over for dinner. CK 1 mkd 4321686 2308147 Би можел да ти ја олеснам работата. 123xyz I could make things easier for you. CK 1 tur 4435456 2308147 İşleri senin için daha kolay yapabilirim. duran I could make things easier for you. CK 1 mkd 4321822 2308155 Никогаш не би можел да го правам тоа што ти го правиш. 123xyz I could never do what you're doing. CK 1 tur 4435938 2308155 Senin yaptığını asla yapamadım. duran I could never do what you're doing. CK 1 ber 1763531 257980 Asmi ay lliɣ d amecṭuḥ, lliɣ ssneɣ ad ɛumeɣ. Amastan I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 deu 352815 257980 Ich konnte gut schwimmen, als ich jung war. MUIRIEL I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 fra 6433 257980 Je nageais bien quand j'étais jeune. Vercingetorix I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 jpn 156555 257980 私は子供のときは上手に泳げました。 bunbuku I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 rus 513992 257980 Я хорошо плавал, когда был ребёнком. papersaltserver I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 spa 1398151 257980 De niño podía nadar bien. marcelostockle I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 tur 1456971 257980 Ben bir çocukken iyi yüzebiliyordum. duran I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 ukr 495077 257980 Я вмів добре плавати в дитинстві. ChickenKiev I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 ukr 495465 257980 Я гарно плавав в дитинстві. ChickenKiev I could swim well when I was a boy. CK 1 por 2447357 2308182 Eu podia jurar que o Tom não estava feliz. MarlonX19 I could tell that Tom wasn't happy. CK 1 tur 2472245 2308182 Tom'un mutlu olmadığını söyleyebilirim. duran I could tell that Tom wasn't happy. CK 1 deu 2214120 2208644 Ich könnte ein paar Tage für mich allein vertragen. Pfirsichbaeumchen I could use a couple of days alone. CK 1 mkd 4321764 1887153 Добро би ми дошла поддршка сега. 123xyz I could use some support right now. CK 1 tur 4435778 1887153 Şu anda biraz yardım kullanabilirim. duran I could use some support right now. CK 1 pol 3886338 2063338 Mógłbym przysiąc, że coś słyszałem. jeedrek I could've sworn I heard something. CK 1 tur 4184541 2063338 Bir şey duyduğuma yemin edebilirdim. duran I could've sworn I heard something. CK 1 mkd 4310160 2044826 Многу сум среќен за вас, дечки. 123xyz I couldn't be happier for you guys. CK 1 tur 4435900 2044826 Siz arkadaşlar için daha mutlu olamadım. duran I couldn't be happier for you guys. CK 1 hun 4450415 254201 Nem bírtam rájönni, hogyan működik. maaster I couldn't figure out how to do it. CK 1 spa 1926342 254201 No se me pudo ocurrir cómo hacerlo. marcelostockle I couldn't figure out how to do it. CK 1 tur 1651252 254201 Onu nasıl yapacağımı anlayamadım. duran I couldn't figure out how to do it. CK 1 heb 2309596 2308224 לא יכולתי למצוא את מה ששאלת. fekundulo I couldn't find what you asked for. CK 1 hun 4264185 2308224 Nem találtam, amit kértél. maaster I couldn't find what you asked for. CK 1
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