jpn 993959 288348 彼は10ヶ国語しゃべれる。 mookeee He is able to speak ten languages. CK 1 jpn 1177021 288348 彼は10ヶ国語を話すことができる。 bunbuku He is able to speak ten languages. CK 1 por 1169662 288348 Ele consegue falar dez línguas. lazymoose He is able to speak ten languages. CK 1 spa 1332258 288348 Él es capaz de hablar diez lenguas. Shishir He is able to speak ten languages. CK 1 spa 1878888 288348 Él sabe hablar diez lenguas. Shishir He is able to speak ten languages. CK 1 tur 615826 288348 O, on dil konuşabilir. duran He is able to speak ten languages. CK 1 ber 1797933 288966 Iɛewwel ad yeddu ɣer Langliz. Amastan He is determined to go to England. CK 1 ita 1319363 288966 È determinato ad andare in Inghilterra. Guybrush88 He is determined to go to England. CK 1 ita 1319365 288966 Lui è determinato ad andare in Inghilterra. Guybrush88 He is determined to go to England. CK 1 jpn 114697 288966 彼はイギリスへ行こうと決心している。 mookeee He is determined to go to England. CK 1 por 3428207 288966 Ele está determinado a ir para a Inglaterra. piterkeo He is determined to go to England. CK 1 spa 696541 288966 Está decidido a ir a Inglaterra. Shishir He is determined to go to England. CK 1 tur 1629335 288966 İngiltere'ye gitmek için kararlı. duran He is determined to go to England. CK 1 cmn 333901 386693 他正在学怎么开车。 fucongcong He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 fra 333885 386693 Il est en train d'apprendre comment conduire une voiture. sysko He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 heb 1568110 386693 הוא לומד נהיגה. MrShoval He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 heb 2977485 386693 הוא לומד איך לנהוג מכונית. Ramiav He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 ita 3535521 386693 Sta imparando a guidare una macchina. Guybrush88 He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 ita 3535523 386693 Sta imparando a guidare un'auto. Guybrush88 He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 ita 3535525 386693 Sta imparando a guidare un'automobile. Guybrush88 He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 ita 3883240 386693 Lui sta imparando a guidare una macchina. Guybrush88 He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 ita 3883242 386693 Lui sta imparando a guidare un'auto. Guybrush88 He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 ita 3883244 386693 Lui sta imparando a guidare un'automobile. Guybrush88 He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 jpn 530789 386693 彼は車の運転を習っています。 qahwa He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 pol 530518 386693 On uczy się prowadzić samochód. zipangu He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 rus 446717 386693 Он учится водить машину. Hellerick He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 spa 1994511 386693 Él está aprendiendo a conducir un auto. marcelostockle He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 tur 4624382 386693 O bir arabayı nasıl süreceğini öğreniyor. duran He is learning how to drive a car. Mouseneb 1 deu 457223 290842 Er ist noch zu jung für diese Arbeit. MUIRIEL He is still too young for the job. CK 1 jpn 112834 290842 彼はその仕事をするのにまだ若すぎる。 bunbuku He is still too young for the job. CK 1 rus 2081920 290842 Он ещё слишком молод для такой работы. marafon He is still too young for the job. CK 1 spa 1363624 290842 Él aún es demasiado joven para este trabajo. marcelostockle He is still too young for the job. CK 1 tur 1455321 290842 O, iş için hâlâ çok gençtir. duran He is still too young for the job. CK 1 urd 1507263 290842 وہ اس نوکری کے لئیے ابھی بھی کافی چھوٹا ہے۔ nabeel_tahir He is still too young for the job. CK 1 deu 596069 298040 Er ist zwei Zoll größer als ich. samueldora He is two inches taller than I am. CK 1 jpn 105647 298040 彼は私よりも2インチ背が高い。 bunbuku He is two inches taller than I am. CK 1 rus 2832417 298040 Он меня на два дюйма выше. odexed He is two inches taller than I am. CK 1 tur 1455323 298040 O, benden iki inç daha uzundur. duran He is two inches taller than I am. CK 1 ukr 501251 298040 Він на два дюйми вищий за мене. deniko He is two inches taller than I am. CK 1 ukr 501253 298040 Він вищий за мене на п'ять сантиметрів. deniko He is two inches taller than I am. CK 1 ber 1763225 294093 La itteddu ɣer teɣsert. Amastan He is walking towards the station. CK 1 fra 1359150 294093 Il marche en direction de la gare. sacredceltic He is walking towards the station. CK 1 jpn 109597 294093 彼は駅のほうへ歩いている。 bunbuku He is walking towards the station. CK 1 jpn 1056473 294093 彼は駅に向かって歩いています。 bunbuku He is walking towards the station. CK 1 tur 1455324 294093 O, istasyona doğru yürüyor. duran He is walking towards the station. CK 1 fra 13498 293000 Tout le monde parle de lui en bien. sacredceltic He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 jpn 110686 293000 彼はみんなにほめられる。 bunbuku He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 jpn 1276652 293000 彼は皆からの評判がいい。 bunbuku He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 nld 1101204 293000 Iedereen spreekt goed over hem. megamanenm He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 rus 1870785 293000 О нём все хорошо отзываются. sharptoothed He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 spa 1055545 293000 Todo el mundo habla bien de él. Shishir He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 spa 1292525 293000 Él tiene buena fama con todos. marcelostockle He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 ukr 555557 293000 Про нього усі говорять добре. aandrusiak He is well spoken of by everybody. CK 1 deu 3275324 2592858 Er mag Tiere mehr als die Menschen. raggione He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 fra 2225280 2592858 Il aime les animaux davantage que les hommes. Rovo He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 jpn 2263796 2592858 彼は人間よりも動物を愛している。 tommy_san He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 mar 2623878 2592858 त्याला लोकांपेक्षा जास्त प्राणी आवडतात. sabretou He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 por 2593032 2592858 Ele gosta dos animais mais do que gosta das pessoas. alexmarcelo He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 rus 2263944 2592858 Он любит животных больше, чем людей. sharptoothed He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 tur 2594570 2592858 O hayvanları insanlardan daha çok sever. meinung44 He likes animals more than people. WestofEden 1 deu 362095 300227 Er mag Mathematik, aber ich nicht. Wolf He likes mathematics, but I don't. CK 1 jpn 103466 300227 彼は数学が好きだが、僕は嫌いだ。 mookeee He likes mathematics, but I don't. CK 1 por 1941560 300227 Ele gosta de matemática, mas eu não. alexmarcelo He likes mathematics, but I don't. CK 1 rus 2370886 300227 Он любит математику, а я нет. marafon He likes mathematics, but I don't. CK 1 tur 1629362 300227 O, matematikten hoşlanır fakat ben hoşlanmam. duran He likes mathematics, but I don't. CK 1 deu 871150 301170 Er schaute sich im Wartezimmer um. Esperantostern He looked around the waiting room. CK 1 jpn 102523 301170 彼は待合室を見回した。 bunbuku He looked around the waiting room. CK 1 spa 1629512 301170 Él echó una mirada alrededor en la sala de espera. teskmon He looked around the waiting room. CK 1 tur 1629365 301170 Bekleme odası etrafına bakındı. duran He looked around the waiting room. CK 1 dan 1911484 1316306 Han ligner sin bror på en plet. danepo He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 deu 1516848 1316306 Er sieht genauso aus wie sein Bruder. riotlake He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 deu 2143000 1316306 Er sieht haargenau so wie sein Bruder aus. Pfirsichbaeumchen He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 heb 1954195 1316306 הוא דומה בדיוק לאחיו. fekundulo He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 ita 1863570 1316306 Lui assomiglia proprio a suo fratello. hitori37 He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 ita 2725213 1316306 Assomiglia esattamente a suo fratello. Guybrush88 He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 ita 2725214 1316306 Lui assomiglia esattamente a suo fratello. Guybrush88 He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 jpn 108006 1316306 彼は兄にそっくりだ。 bunbuku He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 nld 4782361 1316306 Hij lijkt precies op zijn broer. Raizin He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 pol 2138875 1316306 Wygląda dokładnie jak jego brat. liori He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 rus 2605739 1316306 Он выглядит абсолютно так же, как и его брат. Olya He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 rus 4476620 1316306 Он вылитый брат. marafon He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 spa 343430 1316306 Él es idéntico a su hermano mayor. tatoerique He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 spa 2216652 1316306 Él se ve igual a su hermano. marcelostockle He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 tur 1436033 1316306 O, tam olarak erkek kardeşine benziyor. duran He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 tur 4156646 1316306 O tam olarak erkek kardeşine benziyor. duran He looks exactly like his brother. CK 1 deu 344274 293499 Er verlor das Gleichgewicht und fiel hin. MUIRIEL He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 deu 2423563 293499 Er verlor die Balance und fiel hin. xtofu80 He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 fra 131523 293499 Il perdit l'équilibre et tomba. Phoenix He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 ita 1003937 293499 Ha perso l'equilibrio ed è caduto. Guybrush88 He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 ita 1003938 293499 Perse l'equilibrio e cadde. Guybrush88 He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 jpn 2420472 293499 彼はバランスを崩して倒れた。 bunbuku He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 rus 2422748 293499 Он потерял равновесие и упал. sharptoothed He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 tur 1629370 293499 Dengesini kaybetti ve düştü. duran He lost his balance and fell down. CK 1 jpn 109830 293859 彼は右に急カーブした。 bunbuku He made a sharp turn to the right. CK 1 rus 425156 293859 Он сделал резкий поворот направо. Hellerick He made a sharp turn to the right. CK 1 tur 1455325 293859 O, sağa doğru keskin bir dönüş yaptı. duran He made a sharp turn to the right. CK 1 dan 4281261 292367 Han besluttede sig for at blive pilot. danepo He made up his mind to be a pilot. CK 1 fra 1359153 292367 Il s'est décidé à être pilote. sacredceltic He made up his mind to be a pilot. CK 1 hun 4292956 292367 Úgy döntött, hogy pilóta lesz. bandeirante He made up his mind to be a pilot. CK 1 jpn 111316 292367 彼はパイロットになる決意をした。 bunbuku He made up his mind to be a pilot. CK 1
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