bul 2605712 2451582 Том ми говореше на френски. korobo4ka Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 bul 2605713 2451582 Том ми проговори на френски. korobo4ka Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 bul 2605716 2451582 Том се обърна към мен на френски. korobo4ka Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 dan 2483032 2451582 Tom talte til mig på fransk. danepo Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 deu 2453533 2451582 Tom hat mit mir Französisch gesprochen. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 fin 3793890 2451582 Tom puhui minulle ranskaa. Silja Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 fin 3793891 2451582 Tom puhui ranskaa minulle. Silja Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 fin 3793893 2451582 Tom puhui minulle ranskaksi. Silja Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 rus 2454481 2451582 Том говорил со мной по-французски. odexed Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 spa 2454442 2451582 Tom me habló en francés. hayastan Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 tur 2480994 2451582 Tom benimle Fransızca konuştu. duran Tom spoke to me in French. CK 1 deu 1931990 1024137 Tom stand taumelnd auf. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom staggered to his feet. CK 1 pol 4829506 1024137 Tom zachwiał się na nogach. jeedrek Tom staggered to his feet. CK 1 deu 4890553 2958213 Tom starrte an die Decke. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom stared at the ceiling. CK 1 mkd 4071277 2958213 Том ѕуреше во таванот. 123xyz Tom stared at the ceiling. CK 1 rus 3931755 2958213 Том уставился на потолок. marafon Tom stared at the ceiling. CK 1 tur 2965756 2958213 Tom tavana baktı. duran Tom stared at the ceiling. CK 1 mri 4463853 2958217 I titiro mākutu a Tom ki te whakaahua. iarere91 Tom stared at the picture. CK 1 pol 3502767 2958217 Tom patrzył na obraz. jeedrek Tom stared at the picture. CK 1 tur 2965766 2958217 Tom resme baktı. duran Tom stared at the picture. CK 1 tur 2965747 2958224 Tom uzaya baktı. duran Tom stared off into space. CK 1 deu 3155810 2958225 Tom sah aufs Meer hinaus. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom stared out at the sea. CK 1 tur 2965750 2958225 Tom denizde dışarıya baktı. duran Tom stared out at the sea. CK 1 tur 2965751 2958226 Tom pencereden dışarıya baktı. duran Tom stared out the window. CK 1 tur 4759256 4502278 Tom dosdoğru baktı. deyta Tom stared straight ahead. CK 1 ita 4527863 4498510 Tom ha iniziato a sentirsi arrabbiato. Guybrush88 Tom started feeling angry. CK 1 ita 4527864 4498510 Tom iniziò a sentirsi arrabbiato. Guybrush88 Tom started feeling angry. CK 1 tur 4850505 4498510 Tom kızgın hissetmeye başladı. duran Tom started feeling angry. CK 1 est 4440084 2644317 Tom hakkas kaasa laulma. keegi Tom started singing along. CK 1 heb 4722169 2644317 תום הצטרף לשירה. fekundulo Tom started singing along. CK 1 tur 4574957 2644317 Tom şarkıya eşlik etmeye başladı. duran Tom started singing along. CK 1 fin 3200825 2986016 Tom alkoi tulla nälkäiseksi. Silja Tom started to get hungry. CK 1 spa 3202213 2986016 A Tom le empezó a dar hambre. marcelostockle Tom started to get hungry. CK 1 tur 2982795 2986016 Tom acıkmaya başladı. duran Tom started to get hungry. CK 1 rus 3972679 3185057 Том весь день пролежал в постели. sharptoothed Tom stayed in bed all day. CK 1 tur 3667034 3185057 Tom bütün gün yatakta kaldı. deyta Tom stayed in bed all day. CK 1 ber 2556289 1867875 Tom yeffeɣ‑d s ulaway. Uyezjen Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 deu 3395596 1867875 Tom stieg aus dem Zug aus. Manfredo Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 deu 3407580 1867875 Tom stieg aus dem Zug. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 fin 3395586 1867875 Tom nousi pois junan kyydistä. Silja Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 fin 3395587 1867875 Tom jäi pois junan kyydistä. Silja Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 fra 2045987 1867875 Tom descendit du train. jcgillet Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 ita 2074913 1867875 Tom è sceso dal treno. Guybrush88 Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 ita 2074914 1867875 Tom scese dal treno. Guybrush88 Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 jpn 2110028 1867875 トムは電車から降りた。 bunbuku Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 mkd 4138203 1867875 Том се симна од возот. 123xyz Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 rus 2783025 1867875 Том вышел из поезда. marafon Tom stepped off the train. CK 1 heb 1556635 1553884 טום עדיין לא יכול להרשות את זה לעצמו. MrShoval Tom still can't afford it. Spamster 1 rus 4575140 1553884 Том всё ещё не может себе этого позволить. Selena777 Tom still can't afford it. Spamster 1 tur 2836091 1553884 Tom hâlâ buna gücü yetmiyor. duran Tom still can't afford it. Spamster 1 tur 3885991 3822730 Tom hâlâ beni sevmiyor. duran Tom still doesn't like me. CK 1 mkd 4055666 3431261 Том се уште има работа за вршење. 123xyz Tom still has a job to do. CK 1 por 3433596 3431261 Tom ainda tem um trabalho a fazer. piterkeo Tom still has a job to do. CK 1 tur 3431646 3431261 Tom'un hala yapılacak işleri var. yavuz Tom still has a job to do. CK 1 dan 4839557 2644316 Tom er stadig ikke dukket op. danepo Tom still hasn't shown up. CK 1 ita 3482618 2644316 Tom non si è ancora presentato. Guybrush88 Tom still hasn't shown up. CK 1 ita 3482620 2644316 Tom non si è ancora fatto vivo. Guybrush88 Tom still hasn't shown up. CK 1 swe 4839553 2644316 Tom har fortfarande inte dykt up. Nour Tom still hasn't shown up. CK 1 rus 4751805 4500705 Том всё ещё живёт в Бостоне. marafon Tom still lives in Boston. CK 1 rus 4751806 4500705 Том до сих пор живёт в Бостоне. marafon Tom still lives in Boston. CK 1 tur 4573145 4500705 Tom hala Boston'da yaşıyor. duran Tom still lives in Boston. CK 1 swe 4839551 2644315 Tom ser fortfarande deprimerad ut. Nour Tom still looks depressed. CK 1 tur 3324930 2644315 Tom hala gergin görünüyor. deyta Tom still looks depressed. CK 1 heb 4722170 2644314 תום נראה עדיין מופתע. fekundulo Tom still looks surprised. CK 1 rus 4350189 2644314 Том всё ещё выглядит изумлённым. sharptoothed Tom still looks surprised. CK 1 swe 4839550 2644314 Tom ser fortfarande förvånad ut. Nour Tom still looks surprised. CK 1 tur 4547290 2644314 Tom hala şaşırmış görünüyor. duran Tom still looks surprised. CK 1 heb 4722171 2644313 תום עוד נראה מודאג. fekundulo Tom still seems concerned. CK 1 heb 4722172 2644313 תום נראה עדיין מודאג. fekundulo Tom still seems concerned. CK 1 swe 4839539 2644313 Tom verkar fortfarande bekymrad. Nour Tom still seems concerned. CK 1 tur 4547287 2644313 Tom hala endişeli görünüyor. duran Tom still seems concerned. CK 1 mar 3369839 3181422 टॉम अजूनही तुझ्याबद्दल बोलतो. sabretou Tom still talks about you. CK 1 mar 3369841 3181422 टॉम अजूनही तुमच्याबद्दल बोलतो. sabretou Tom still talks about you. CK 1 mkd 4285896 3181422 Том сѐ уште зборува за тебе. 123xyz Tom still talks about you. CK 1 tur 4333227 3181422 Tom hâlâ senden bahsediyor. duran Tom still talks about you. CK 1 mar 4822203 3406317 टॉमने एक मोटर स्कूटर चोरली. sabretou Tom stole a motor scooter. Objectivesea 1 rus 3406320 3406317 Том угнал мотороллер. odexed Tom stole a motor scooter. Objectivesea 1 deu 1990146 1027990 Tom hat Mary's Computer gestohlen. Manfredo Tom stole Mary's computer. CK 1 ita 1990150 1027990 Tom ha rubato il computer di Mary. Guybrush88 Tom stole Mary's computer. CK 1 ita 1990151 1027990 Tom rubò il computer di Mary. Guybrush88 Tom stole Mary's computer. CK 1 rus 4135389 1027990 Том украл у Мэри компьютер. odexed Tom stole Mary's computer. CK 1 spa 1439630 1027990 Tom robó el computador de Mary. marcelostockle Tom stole Mary's computer. CK 1 tur 1304990 1027990 Tom Mary'nin bilgisayarını çaldı. duran Tom stole Mary's computer. CK 1 hun 4831095 3721949 Tomot agyontaposták a földön. Larson Tom stomped on the ground. CM 1 tur 4843616 3721949 Tom yere bastı. duran Tom stomped on the ground. CM 1 0 0 4529901 0 0 Tom stood as I approached. CK 1 tur 4162817 3403156 Tom pencerenin yanında durdu. duran Tom stood near the window. CK 1 tur 4568994 3409138 Tom kusursuzca sakin durdu. duran Tom stood perfectly still. CK 1 rus 3803198 2238800 Том отчаянно боролся. odexed Tom struggled frantically. CK 1 tur 2598124 2238800 Tom çılgınca mücadele etti. duran Tom struggled frantically. CK 1 heb 4722173 2644312 תום נאבק להשתחרר. fekundulo Tom struggled to get free. CK 1 mkd 4288542 2644312 Том се мачеше да се ослободи. 123xyz Tom struggled to get free. CK 1 swe 4839535 2644312 Tom kämpade för att bli fri. Nour Tom struggled to get free. CK 1 est 4436723 3726759 Tom vaarus uksest välja. keegi Tom stumbled out the door. CM 1 tur 4051896 3417393 Tom kazadan sağ kurtuldu. duran Tom survived the accident. CK 1 deu 4152799 3410731 Tom schwamm über den Fluss. Pfirsichbaeumchen Tom swam across the river. CK 1 tur 4152772 3410731 Tom nehri yüzerek geçti. duran Tom swam across the river. CK 1 deu 4477162 2958263 Tom geht alle zwei Tage schwimmen. raggione Tom swims every other day. CK 1 tur 2965706 2958263 Tom günaşırı yüzer. duran Tom swims every other day. CK 1 tur 1304987 1027981 Tom Mary'ye sempati duydu. duran Tom sympathized with Mary. CK 1
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