English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 5400

rus	2772174	252995	Он хочет поехать в Америку.	marafon	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
spa	722066	252995	Él quiere ir a los Estados Unidos.	ventana	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
spa	722067	252995	Él quiere ir a América.	ventana	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
spa	987221	252995	Quiere ir a los Estados Unidos.	Shishir	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
spa	1354779	252995	Él quiere ir a Estados Unidos.	AMIKEMA	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
spa	1354780	252995	Él desea ir a Estados Unidos.	AMIKEMA	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
tur	1298604	252995	O, Amerika'ya gitmek istiyor.	duran	He wants to go to America.	CK	1
heb	1840092	294821	הוא נעדר מבית הספר.	MrShoval	He was absent from school.	CK	1
jpn	108868	294821	彼は学校を欠席した。	bunbuku	He was absent from school.	CK	1
spa	1387985	294821	Él faltó al colegio.	marcelostockle	He was absent from school.	CK	1
tur	1300700	294821	O, okulda yoktu.	duran	He was absent from school.	CK	1
deu	729831	293503	Er fürchtete sich vor der Dunkelheit.	Manfredo	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
fra	4552129	293503	Il avait peur de l'obscurité.	sacredceltic	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
ita	1170249	293503	Aveva paura del buio.	Guybrush88	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
ita	1170250	293503	Lui aveva paura del buio.	Guybrush88	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
jpn	110185	293503	彼は暗がりを怖がった。	bunbuku	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
rus	415871	293503	Он боялся темноты.	Hellerick	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
spa	1715761	293503	Él le tenía miedo a la oscuridad.	marcelostockle	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
tur	1300654	293503	O, karanlıktan korkardı.	duran	He was afraid of the dark.	CK	1
fra	4696108	295164	Il a été nommé Président.	sacredceltic	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
ita	2991485	295164	È stato nominato presidente.	Guybrush88	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
ita	2991486	295164	Lui è stato nominato presidente.	Guybrush88	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
ita	2991487	295164	Fu nominato presidente.	Guybrush88	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
ita	2991488	295164	Lui fu nominato presidente.	Guybrush88	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
ita	2991489	295164	Venne nominato presidente.	Guybrush88	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
ita	2991490	295164	Lui venne nominato presidente.	Guybrush88	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
jpn	108522	295164	彼は議長に任命された。	mookeee	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
pes	1519596	295164	او به ریاست منصوب شد.	AsliAbbasi	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
por	4807792	295164	Ele foi nomeado presidente.	carlosalberto	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
tur	1498737	295164	O, başkan olarak atandı.	duran	He was appointed chairman.	CK	1
dan	666952	297237	Han blev dømt til døden.	danepo	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
deu	363936	297237	Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt.	Wolf	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
fin	1202450	297237	Hänet tuomittiin kuolemaan.	ondo	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
fra	132169	297237	Il fut condamné à mort.	Phoenix	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
ita	376196	297237	Fu condannato a morte.	martin	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
ita	1225204	297237	È stato condannato a morte.	Guybrush88	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
ita	1307521	297237	Venne condannato a morte.	Guybrush88	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
jpn	106449	297237	彼は死刑を宣告された。	bunbuku	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
nld	439394	297237	Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld.	koosscharroo	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
por	380389	297237	Ele foi condenado à morte.	brauliobezerra	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
spa	399572	297237	Él fue condenado a muerte.	catakaoe	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
spa	709327	297237	Le condenaron a muerte.	Shishir	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
ukr	506633	297237	Його засудили на смерть.	deniko	He was condemned to death.	Nero	1
deu	644214	294925	Er war schweißgebadet.	samueldora	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
fra	237313	294925	Il était couvert de sueur.	hortusdei	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
heb	1923310	294925	הוא היה מכוסה זיעה.	MrShoval	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
ita	1646191	294925	Era ricoperto di sudore.	Guybrush88	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
ita	1646192	294925	Lui era ricoperto di sudore.	Guybrush88	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
jpn	108764	294925	彼は汗びっしょりだった。	bunbuku	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
mar	2357629	294925	तो घामाघूम झालेला.	sabretou	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
mar	2357630	294925	तो घामाने भिजून गेलेला.	sabretou	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
nld	760049	294925	Hij was helemaal bezweet.	martinod	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
por	1675896	294925	Ele estava coberto de suor.	alexmarcelo	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
rus	1675890	294925	Он был покрыт потом.	Biga	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
spa	1331721	294925	Él estaba cubierto en sudor.	Shishir	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
tur	867167	294925	O terle kaplıydı.	duran	He was covered with sweat.	CK	1
heb	2005411	294805	הוא הגיע לבית הספר בזמן.	MrShoval	He was in time for school.	CK	1
ita	3759565	294805	Era in tempo per la scuola.	Guybrush88	He was in time for school.	CK	1
ita	3759566	294805	Lui era in tempo per la scuola.	Guybrush88	He was in time for school.	CK	1
jpn	108886	294805	彼は学校に間に合った。	bunbuku	He was in time for school.	CK	1
rus	1668287	294805	Он пришёл в школу вовремя.	marafon	He was in time for school.	CK	1
tur	1300698	294805	O okula zamanında geldi.	duran	He was in time for school.	CK	1
bel	432555	294205	Ён слухаў музыку.	Demetrius2	He was listening to music.	CK	1
cmn	788729	294205	他正在聽音樂。	Martha	He was listening to music.	CK	1
heb	1923311	294205	הוא האזין למוזיקה.	MrShoval	He was listening to music.	CK	1
isl	872655	294205	Hann var að hlusta á tónlist?	Swift	He was listening to music.	CK	1
ita	1426818	294205	Stava ascoltando la musica.	Guybrush88	He was listening to music.	CK	1
ita	1426819	294205	Lui stava ascoltando la musica.	Guybrush88	He was listening to music.	CK	1
jpn	109485	294205	彼は音楽を聞いていた。	bunbuku	He was listening to music.	CK	1
nld	1333867	294205	Hij was naar muziek aan het luisteren.	martinod	He was listening to music.	CK	1
por	1652711	294205	Ele estava ouvindo música.	Ricardo14	He was listening to music.	CK	1
rus	646222	294205	Он слушал музыку.	shanghainese	He was listening to music.	CK	1
spa	872227	294205	Él estaba escuchando música.	japegon	He was listening to music.	CK	1
tur	1061088	294205	O müzik dinliyordu.	duran	He was listening to music.	CK	1
fra	131892	295586	Il était en train de regarder le ciel.	sacredceltic	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
fra	637712	295586	Il regardait le ciel.	qdii	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
heb	1366548	295586	הוא הביט בשמים.	MrShoval	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
hin	475987	295586	वह आसमान की ओर देख रहा था।	minshirui	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
ita	2279792	295586	Stava guardando il cielo.	Guybrush88	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
ita	2279793	295586	Lui stava guardando il cielo.	Guybrush88	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
jpn	108100	295586	彼は空を見ていた。	bunbuku	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
rus	3458806	295586	Он смотрел на небо.	marafon	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
tur	1300912	295586	O, gökyüzüne bakıyordu.	duran	He was looking at the sky.	CK	1
bul	4756896	295667	Той беше осъден на смърт.	korobo4ka	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
dan	666952	295667	Han blev dømt til døden.	danepo	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
deu	363936	295667	Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt.	Wolf	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
fin	1202450	295667	Hänet tuomittiin kuolemaan.	ondo	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
fin	1202452	295667	Hän sai kuolemantuomion.	ondo	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
fra	132169	295667	Il fut condamné à mort.	Phoenix	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
hin	461278	295667	उसे मौत की सज़ा दे दी गई।	minshirui	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
ita	376196	295667	Fu condannato a morte.	martin	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
ita	1225204	295667	È stato condannato a morte.	Guybrush88	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
ita	1307521	295667	Venne condannato a morte.	Guybrush88	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
jpn	106449	295667	彼は死刑を宣告された。	bunbuku	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
jpn	106451	295667	彼は死刑に処せられた。	bunbuku	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
jpn	2263382	295667	彼は死刑判決を受けた。	bunbuku	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
nld	439394	295667	Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld.	koosscharroo	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
por	380389	295667	Ele foi condenado à morte.	brauliobezerra	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
spa	399572	295667	Él fue condenado a muerte.	catakaoe	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1
tur	1300916	295667	O, ölüm cezasına çarptırıldı.	duran	He was sentenced to death.	CK	1

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