English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 4640

ita	1267742	249704	Lasciami provare.	riccioberto	Let me have a try at it.	CK	1
spa	508499	249704	Déjame intentarlo.	Shishir	Let me have a try at it.	CK	1
spa	726504	249704	Déjame probarlo.	Fanki	Let me have a try at it.	CK	1
tur	1280260	249704	Onu denememe izin verin.	duran	Let me have a try at it.	CK	1
fin	3419610	353241	Anna kun esittelen itseni.	Silja	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
fra	14388	353241	Laissez-moi me présenter.	Phoenix	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
heb	1424700	353241	בוא ואציג את עצמי.	Eldad	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
heb	1424701	353241	אציג את עצמי.	Eldad	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
heb	1424702	353241	ברצוני להציג את עצמי.	Eldad	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
ita	399333	353241	Lasciate che mi presenti.	Pharamp	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
jpn	150123	353241	自己紹介をさせてください。	bunbuku	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
jpn	150128	353241	自己紹介させて下さい。	bunbuku	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
jpn	150129	353241	自己紹介させて頂きます。	tommy__san	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
por	956119	353241	Permita que eu me apresente.	une_monica	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
rus	698000	353241	Разрешите представиться.	ae5s	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
tur	1097473	353241	Kendimi tanıtmama izin verin.	duran	Let me introduce myself.	Hertz	1
tur	3931240	3819833	Sadece bunu bitirmeme izin ver.	duran	Let me just finish this.	CK	1
dan	4133708	1845494	Lad mig vide hvordan det går.	danepo	Let me know how it goes.	CK	1
deu	1846515	1845494	Sag mir Bescheid, wie es läuft!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Let me know how it goes.	CK	1
deu	1846516	1845494	Sagen Sie mir Bescheid, wie es läuft!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Let me know how it goes.	CK	1
fra	1846114	1845494	Fais-moi savoir comment ça se déroule !	sacredceltic	Let me know how it goes.	CK	1
fra	1846117	1845494	Faites-moi savoir comment ça se déroule !	sacredceltic	Let me know how it goes.	CK	1
ita	1548305	268239	Fammi sapere i dettagli.	dada	Let me know the details.	CK	1
ita	1548306	268239	Fatemi sapere i dettagli.	dada	Let me know the details.	CK	1
ita	1548307	268239	Mi faccia sapere i dettagli.	dada	Let me know the details.	CK	1
jpn	146323	268239	詳しく教えて下さい。	bunbuku	Let me know the details.	CK	1
tur	1280871	268239	Bana ayrıntıları bildirin.	duran	Let me know the details.	CK	1
ukr	490901	268239	Розкажи мені подробиці.	Qermit	Let me know the details.	CK	1
rus	4253658	3825942	Дай мне сделать несколько звонков.	odexed	Let me make a few calls.	CK	1
rus	4253659	3825942	Дайте мне сделать несколько звонков.	odexed	Let me make a few calls.	CK	1
rus	4253660	3825942	Позволь мне сделать несколько звонков.	odexed	Let me make a few calls.	CK	1
rus	4253661	3825942	Позвольте мне сделать несколько звонков.	odexed	Let me make a few calls.	CK	1
tur	3853261	3825942	Birkaç arama yapmama izin verin.	duran	Let me make a few calls.	CK	1
heb	4673242	3286827	תן לי לשים על עצמי משהו.	fekundulo	Let me put something on.	CK	1
heb	4673243	3286827	תני לי לשים על עצמי משהו.	fekundulo	Let me put something on.	CK	1
heb	4673244	3286827	תנו לי לשים על עצמי משהו.	fekundulo	Let me put something on.	CK	1
tur	4225314	3286827	Bir şey giyeyim.	duran	Let me put something on.	CK	1
ber	1755576	250880	Ejj-iyi ad d-iniɣ ayen ttxemmimeɣ.	Amastan	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
deu	1205145	250880	Lassen Sie mich sagen, was ich denke.	samueldora	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
ita	1237777	250880	Lasciami dire quello che penso.	Guybrush88	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
ita	1237778	250880	Lasciami dire ciò che penso.	Guybrush88	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
ita	1237779	250880	Lasciatemi dire quello che penso.	Guybrush88	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
ita	1237780	250880	Lasciatemi dire ciò che penso.	Guybrush88	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
ita	1237781	250880	Mi lasci dire quello che penso.	Guybrush88	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
ita	1237782	250880	Mi lasci dire ciò che penso.	Guybrush88	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
jpn	163632	250880	私の考えを言わせて下さい。	tommy__san	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
nld	759813	250880	Laat mij zeggen wat ik denk.	martinod	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
rus	2932859	250880	Дай мне сказать, что я думаю.	Ooneykcall	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
rus	2932862	250880	Дайте мне сказать, что я думаю.	Ooneykcall	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
spa	1886958	250880	Déjeme decir lo que pienso.	marcelostockle	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
spa	1886959	250880	Déjame decir lo que pienso.	marcelostockle	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
tur	4590527	250880	Düşündüğümü söyleyeyim.	duran	Let me say what I think.	Dejo	1
deu	3435877	3308244	Zeig mir die Bilder.	dinkel_girl	Let me see the pictures.	CK	1
rus	3926267	3308244	Дай мне посмотреть фотографии.	marafon	Let me see the pictures.	CK	1
rus	3926268	3308244	Дайте мне посмотреть фотографии.	marafon	Let me see the pictures.	CK	1
tur	4223685	3308244	Resimleri göreyim.	duran	Let me see the pictures.	CK	1
tur	4223689	3308244	Bana resimleri göster.	duran	Let me see the pictures.	CK	1
tur	3879150	3823439	Onu içmeni görmeme izin ver.	duran	Let me see you drink it.	CK	1
heb	4673245	2545866	תן לי לראות את הקבלה שלך.	fekundulo	Let me see your receipt.	CK	1
heb	4673246	2545866	תני לי לראות את הקבלה שלך.	fekundulo	Let me see your receipt.	CK	1
heb	4673247	2545866	תנו לי לראות את הקבלה שלכם.	fekundulo	Let me see your receipt.	CK	1
srp	4292241	2545866	Da vidim vaš recept.	Lebad	Let me see your receipt.	CK	1
srp	4292242	2545866	Da ti vidim recept.	Lebad	Let me see your receipt.	CK	1
tur	4286163	2545866	Makbuzunu göreyim.	duran	Let me see your receipt.	CK	1
deu	1585243	954130	Lass mich dir den Weg zeigen.	Espi	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
deu	1585246	954130	Lassen Sie mich Ihnen den Weg zeigen.	Espi	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
pol	611773	954130	Pokażę ci drogę.	Bilberry	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
rus	2505589	954130	Позволь мне показать тебе путь.	Lenin_1917	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
rus	4535090	954130	Давай я покажу тебе дорогу.	marafon	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
rus	4535091	954130	Давайте я покажу вам дорогу.	marafon	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
rus	4561727	954130	Давайте я покажу Вам дорогу.	marafon	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
tur	1282407	954130	Size yolu göstereyim.	duran	Let me show you the way.	CK	1
heb	4673248	3184993	תן לי להשאר ללילה.	fekundulo	Let me stay for a night.	CK	1
heb	4673249	3184993	תני לי להשאר ללילה.	fekundulo	Let me stay for a night.	CK	1
heb	4673250	3184993	הרשו לי להשאר ללילה.	fekundulo	Let me stay for a night.	CK	1
mkd	4280297	3184993	Дозволи ми да преноќам еднаш.	123xyz	Let me stay for a night.	CK	1
rus	4311624	3184993	Разреши мне остаться на ночь.	soniamiku	Let me stay for a night.	CK	1
tur	4282500	3184993	Bir gece kalayım.	duran	Let me stay for a night.	CK	1
mkd	4252832	3818247	Дозволи ми да се грижам за тебе.	123xyz	Let me take care of you.	CK	1
tur	3976684	3818247	Seninle ilgileneyim.	duran	Let me take care of you.	CK	1
tur	3891169	3821833	Ceketimi çıkarayım.	duran	Let me take my coat off.	CK	1
ita	3593869	3181242	Fammi parlare con qualcuno.	Guybrush88	Let me talk to somebody.	CK	1
ita	3593870	3181242	Fatemi parlare con qualcuno.	Guybrush88	Let me talk to somebody.	CK	1
ita	3593872	3181242	Mi faccia parlare con qualcuno.	Guybrush88	Let me talk to somebody.	CK	1
tur	4724253	3181242	Biriyle konuşayım.	duran	Let me talk to somebody.	CK	1
rus	3701630	3200036	Позволь рассказать тебе историю.	odexed	Let me tell you a story.	CK	1
tur	4258450	3200036	Sana bir hikaye anlatayım.	duran	Let me tell you a story.	CK	1
ces	3993610	3820156	Nech mě promyslet si to.	lipao	Let me think about that.	CK	1
deu	3967871	3820156	Lass mich mal nachdenken.	pullnosemans	Let me think about that.	CK	1
por	3979689	3820156	Deixe-me pensar a respeito disso.	alexmarcelo	Let me think about that.	CK	1
rus	4068079	3820156	Дай мне над этим подумать.	marafon	Let me think about that.	CK	1
rus	4068080	3820156	Дайте мне над этим подумать.	marafon	Let me think about that.	CK	1
tur	3925359	3820156	Onun hakkında düşüneyim.	duran	Let me think about that.	CK	1
heb	4673251	3168205	תן לי לנסות אחד מאלו.	fekundulo	Let me try one of those.	CK	1
heb	4673253	3168205	תני לי לנסות אחד מאלו.	fekundulo	Let me try one of those.	CK	1
heb	4673254	3168205	תנו לי לנסות אחד מאלו.	fekundulo	Let me try one of those.	CK	1
mkd	4280146	3168205	Дај ми да пробам едно такво.	123xyz	Let me try one of those.	CK	1
tur	4285398	3168205	Onlardan birini deneyeyim.	duran	Let me try one of those.	CK	1
tur	3925371	3820144	O hakkında endişe edeyim.	duran	Let me worry about that.	CK	1
pol	3926312	2997141	Dajmy to zrobić komuś innemu.	jeedrek	Let somebody else do it.	CK	1

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