rus 3109796 22440 Встреча затянулась. wir2ozz The meeting dragged on. NekoKanjya 1 tur 1490108 22440 Toplantı uzadı. duran The meeting dragged on. NekoKanjya 1 fra 1328866 320195 La réunion fut clôturée. sacredceltic The meeting was closed. CK 1 heb 1809679 320195 הישיבה הסתיימה. MrShoval The meeting was closed. CK 1 heb 1809680 320195 הדיון ננעל. MrShoval The meeting was closed. CK 1 jpn 1282979 320195 会議は終了しました。 bunbuku The meeting was closed. CK 1 jpn 1282980 320195 ミーティングは終わりました。 bunbuku The meeting was closed. CK 1 por 1296289 320195 A reunião terminou. brauliobezerra The meeting was closed. CK 1 tur 1276283 320195 Toplantı kapatıldı. duran The meeting was closed. CK 1 fin 4298800 3735334 Kaikki miehet nukkuvat. tadaa25 The men are all asleep. CK 1 fin 4298801 3735334 Miehet ovat kaikki unessa. tadaa25 The men are all asleep. CK 1 hun 4417055 3735334 A férfiak mind alszanak. bandeirante The men are all asleep. CK 1 mkd 4163058 3735334 Сите мажи спијат. 123xyz The men are all asleep. CK 1 tur 4047177 3735334 Adamların hepsi uyuyor. duran The men are all asleep. CK 1 tur 1274578 270407 Adamlar yardım için bağırdılar. duran The men cried for help. CK 1 deu 477406 276931 Die Männer haben Schnurrbärte. Ullalia The men have mustaches. CK 1 tur 1274607 276931 Erkeklerin bıyıkları vardır. duran The men have mustaches. CK 1 vie 4580335 276931 Ông ta có ria mép. khoaharp The men have mustaches. CK 1 fin 3742179 3732253 Mikrofoni on rikki. Silja The microphone is dead. CK 1 hun 4415880 3732253 A mikrofon süket. bandeirante The microphone is dead. CK 1 ita 3743438 3732253 Il microfono è morto. Guybrush88 The microphone is dead. CK 1 tur 3783481 3732253 Mikrofon bozuk. duran The microphone is dead. CK 1 tur 1272664 32905 Mikrofon açık. duran The microphone is live. CK 1 fin 3991576 3168161 Keskimmäinen on minun. Silja The middle one is mine. CK 1 hun 4395081 3168161 A középső az enyém. bandeirante The middle one is mine. CK 1 mkd 4089125 3168161 Тоа во средината е мое. 123xyz The middle one is mine. CK 1 tur 4041718 3168161 Ortadaki benim. deyta The middle one is mine. CK 1 ita 4507304 4502142 La missione era semplice. Guybrush88 The mission was simple. CK 1 rus 4855406 4502142 Миссия была простой. odexed The mission was simple. CK 1 tur 4694002 4502142 Görev basitti. duran The mission was simple. CK 1 hun 4417060 3735418 Meglesz az a pénz. bandeirante The money will turn up. CK 1 mkd 4163188 3735418 Ќе се појават парите. 123xyz The money will turn up. CK 1 tur 4047025 3735418 Para ortaya çıkacak. duran The money will turn up. CK 1 ita 4534896 4494471 Il film era orribile. Guybrush88 The movie was horrible. CK 1 tur 4570438 4494471 Film korkunçtu. duran The movie was horrible. CK 1 hun 4429857 3822970 A film túl hosszú volt. bandeirante The movie was too long. CK 1 rus 3988938 3822970 Фильм был слишком длинный. marafon The movie was too long. CK 1 rus 3988939 3822970 Фильм был слишком длинным. marafon The movie was too long. CK 1 tur 3884072 3822970 Film çok uzundu. duran The movie was too long. CK 1 tur 4570435 4494470 Müzik müthişti. duran The music was terrific. CK 1 deu 1929600 45203 Die Nachricht kann nicht wahr sein. Tamy The news can't be true. CK 1 deu 1929601 45203 Die Nachricht kann nicht stimmen. Tamy The news can't be true. CK 1 fra 1317379 45203 Les nouvelles ne peuvent pas être vraies. sacredceltic The news can't be true. CK 1 heb 1809685 45203 לא יתכן שהחדשות נכונות. MrShoval The news can't be true. CK 1 heb 1809687 45203 לא יכול להיות שיש אמת בחדשות. MrShoval The news can't be true. CK 1 ita 3782528 45203 La notizia non può essere vera. Guybrush88 The news can't be true. CK 1 ita 4374744 45203 Le notizie non possono essere vere. Guybrush88 The news can't be true. CK 1 jpn 236974 45203 その知らせは本当であるはずがない。 mookeee The news can't be true. CK 1 mar 2349055 45203 ती बातमी खरी असूच शकत नाही. sabretou The news can't be true. CK 1 mar 2349056 45203 ती बातमी खरी असू शकत नाही. sabretou The news can't be true. CK 1 rus 3334811 45203 Эта новость не может быть правдой. Biga The news can't be true. CK 1 spa 1325122 45203 La noticia no puede ser cierta. marcelostockle The news can't be true. CK 1 tgl 1837930 45203 Di yata totoo ang balita. nonong The news can't be true. CK 1 tur 1273231 45203 Haber doğru olamaz. duran The news can't be true. CK 1 ukr 1579227 45203 Ця новина не може бути правдою. deniko The news can't be true. CK 1 fra 1317380 50107 Les nouvelles m'ont rendu heureux. sacredceltic The news made me happy. CK 1 heb 2003880 50107 החדשות שימחו אותי. MrShoval The news made me happy. CK 1 hun 1059056 50107 Megörültem a híreknek. Mofli The news made me happy. CK 1 jpn 212822 50107 そのニュースは私をうれしい気分にしてくれました。 bunbuku The news made me happy. CK 1 rus 4740194 50107 Новость меня обрадовала. odexed The news made me happy. CK 1 tur 1273249 50107 Bu haber beni mutlu etti. duran The news made me happy. CK 1 pol 3404708 3168160 Następny jest dla ciebie. konrad509 The next one's for you. CK 1 tur 3168928 3168160 Sıradaki senin için. Gulo_Luscus The next one's for you. CK 1 tur 3168929 3168160 Sıradaki sana. Gulo_Luscus The next one's for you. CK 1 deu 4159142 3723952 Der Lärm ist ohrenbetäubend. Dani6187 The noise is deafening. CM 1 mkd 4169114 3723952 Вревата оглувува. 123xyz The noise is deafening. CM 1 tur 4715332 3723952 Gürültü sağır ediyor. duran The noise is deafening. CM 1 pol 3416029 3171843 Hałas przestraszył Toma. Hikaru The noise startled Tom. CK 1 rus 3465114 3171843 Шум напугал Тома. odexed The noise startled Tom. CK 1 rus 3465117 3171843 Шум всполошил Тома. odexed The noise startled Tom. CK 1 tur 4035495 3171843 Gürültü Tom'u ürküttü. deyta The noise startled Tom. CK 1 deu 4146979 4144887 Die alte Scheune ist eingestürzt. raggione The old barn collapsed. Hybrid 1 hun 4151194 4144887 Az öreg pajta összeroskadt. bandeirante The old barn collapsed. Hybrid 1 mkd 4145449 4144887 Старате плевна се сруши. 123xyz The old barn collapsed. Hybrid 1 tur 4148853 4144887 Eski ahır çöktü. duran The old barn collapsed. Hybrid 1 fra 4218334 4190404 Le vieil ouvrage était moisi. sacredceltic The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 hun 4191622 4190404 A régi könyv penészes volt. bandeirante The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 ita 4193130 4190404 Il vecchio libro era ammuffito. Guybrush88 The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 mkd 4191399 4190404 Старата книга беше мувлосана. 123xyz The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 por 4832261 4190404 O livro velho estava mofado. bill The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 rus 4295905 4190404 Старая книга покрыта плесенью. whatnot The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 tur 4192392 4190404 Eski kitap küflüydü. duran The old book was moldy. Hybrid 1 jpn 684575 2719633 老人が近づいてきた。 arihato The old man approached. WestofEden 1 rus 4772668 2719633 Старик приблизился. sharptoothed The old man approached. WestofEden 1 tur 4568264 2719633 Yaşlı adam yaklaştı. duran The old man approached. WestofEden 1 heb 1874880 59604 הורג אותי הכאב הזה. fekundulo The pain is killing me. CK 1 hun 2816745 59604 Ez a fájdalom megöl engem. Muelisto The pain is killing me. CK 1 spa 513080 59604 Este dolor me está matando. Shishir The pain is killing me. CK 1 tur 1273457 59604 Ağrı beni öldürüyor. duran The pain is killing me. CK 1 ukr 491737 59604 Цей біль мене вбиває. deniko The pain is killing me. CK 1 deu 1948471 1946907 Der Schmerz war unerträglich. Pfirsichbaeumchen The pain was agonizing. Spamster 1 fra 1947392 1946907 La douleur était insoutenable. sacredceltic The pain was agonizing. Spamster 1 fra 1947393 1946907 La douleur fut insoutenable. sacredceltic The pain was agonizing. Spamster 1 hun 4374271 1946907 A fájdalom pokoli volt. bandeirante The pain was agonizing. Spamster 1 tur 4542146 1946907 Ağrı acı verendi. duran The pain was agonizing. Spamster 1 tur 4543515 1946907 Ağrı kahrediyordu. tornado The pain was agonizing. Spamster 1 tur 4715401 4501326 Boya hala yaş. duran The paint is still wet. CK 1 0 0 4494469 0 0 The pep rally was loud. CK 1 ber 1769957 279290 Asawal-nni ikemmel yettsersir. Amastan The phone kept ringing. CK 1 deu 893884 279290 Das Telefon hörte nicht auf zu klingeln. MUIRIEL The phone kept ringing. CK 1
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