ita 2508016 2011757 Non voglio comprarla. Guybrush88 I don't want to buy it. CK 1 ita 2508017 2011757 Io non voglio comprarla. Guybrush88 I don't want to buy it. CK 1 rus 4092283 2011757 Я не хочу это покупать. marafon I don't want to buy it. CK 1 rus 4092286 2011757 Я не хочу его покупать. marafon I don't want to buy it. CK 1 rus 4092287 2011757 Я не хочу её покупать. marafon I don't want to buy it. CK 1 spa 2165486 2011757 No quiero comprarlo. hayastan I don't want to buy it. CK 1 tur 3136960 2011757 Bunu satın almak istemiyorum. deyta I don't want to buy it. CK 1 mar 4164855 2276258 मला बदलायचं नाहीये. sabretou I don't want to change. CK 1 por 4779918 2276258 Não quero mudar. anthrax26 I don't want to change. CK 1 rus 4779920 2276258 Я не хочу меняться. Balamax I don't want to change. CK 1 spa 2385177 2276258 No quiero cambiar. hayastan I don't want to change. CK 1 tur 4595118 2276258 Ben değişmek istemiyorum. duran I don't want to change. CK 1 cbk 4737858 2011758 No quiere yo olvidá. mervert1 I don't want to forget. CK 1 rus 2632290 2011758 Я не хочу забывать. Olya I don't want to forget. CK 1 tur 3996032 2011758 Unutmak istemiyorum. duran I don't want to forget. CK 1 deu 3926899 4700006 Ich will nicht aufstehen. kolonjano I don't want to get up. CK 1 nld 4704368 4700006 Ik wil niet opstaan. doemaar14 I don't want to get up. CK 1 rus 3926906 4700006 Я не хочу вставать. marafon I don't want to get up. CK 1 rus 4701191 4700006 Мне не хочется вставать. marafon I don't want to get up. CK 1 tur 4704852 4700006 Ben kalkmak istemiyorum. duran I don't want to get up. CK 1 cbk 4737887 256628 No quiere yo salé afuera. mervert1 I don't want to go out. CK 1 deu 621863 256628 Ich will nicht ausgehen. BraveSentry I don't want to go out. CK 1 por 912262 256628 Não quero sair. alexmarcelo I don't want to go out. CK 1 spa 1036496 256628 No quiero salir. DanaDescalza I don't want to go out. CK 1 tur 1013997 256628 Ben dışarı çıkmak istemiyorum. duran I don't want to go out. CK 1 ukr 481008 256628 Я не хочу виходити на вулицю. deniko I don't want to go out. CK 1 rus 4092174 2011759 Я не хочу навязываться. marafon I don't want to impose. CK 1 tur 4600904 2011759 Yük olmak istemiyorum. duran I don't want to impose. CK 1 cbk 4741073 2011760 No quiere yo mirá cunese. mervert1 I don't want to see it. CK 1 fra 3252037 2011760 Je ne veux pas le voir. sacredceltic I don't want to see it. CK 1 fra 3252199 2011760 Je ne veux pas la voir. Rovo I don't want to see it. CK 1 ita 3252188 2011760 Non voglio vederlo. Guybrush88 I don't want to see it. CK 1 ita 3252189 2011760 Io non voglio vederlo. Guybrush88 I don't want to see it. CK 1 ita 3252190 2011760 Non voglio vederla. Guybrush88 I don't want to see it. CK 1 ita 3252191 2011760 Io non voglio vederla. Guybrush88 I don't want to see it. CK 1 nld 2798640 2011760 Ik wil het niet zien. anders I don't want to see it. CK 1 rus 2632293 2011760 Я не хочу видеть это. Olya I don't want to see it. CK 1 spa 2800716 2011760 No quiero verlo. marcelostockle I don't want to see it. CK 1 tur 3503674 2011760 Onu görmek istemiyorum. deyta I don't want to see it. CK 1 cbk 4737874 2915023 No quiere yo sufrí. mervert1 I don't want to suffer. AlanF_US 1 heb 2566107 2915023 אני לא רוצה לסבול. VirtuOZ I don't want to suffer. AlanF_US 1 tur 4693546 2915023 Acı çekmek istemiyorum. duran I don't want to suffer. AlanF_US 1 rus 2497160 2276261 Я не хочу, чтобы Том был там. odexed I don't want Tom there. CK 1 tur 2478884 2276261 Tom'u orada istemiyorum. duran I don't want Tom there. CK 1 hun 4822545 4134178 Nem akarom, hogy Tom elmenjen. bandeirante I don't want Tom to go. CK 1 mkd 4137347 4134178 Не сакам Том да си оди. 123xyz I don't want Tom to go. CK 1 tur 4140078 4134178 Tom'un gitmesini istemiyorum. duran I don't want Tom to go. CK 1 heb 2237553 2011761 אינני רוצה שתלך. fekundulo I don't want you to go. CK 1 heb 2237554 2011761 אינני רוצה שתלכי. fekundulo I don't want you to go. CK 1 heb 2237555 2011761 אינני רוצה שתלכו. fekundulo I don't want you to go. CK 1 tur 3459147 2011761 Gitmeni istemiyorum. deyta I don't want you to go. CK 1 fra 2415811 2011762 Je ne veux pas de votre or. sacredceltic I don't want your gold. CK 1 fra 2415812 2011762 Je ne veux pas de ton or. sacredceltic I don't want your gold. CK 1 mar 4027190 2011762 मला तुमचं सोनं नको आहे. sabretou I don't want your gold. CK 1 mar 4027192 2011762 मला तुझं सोनं नको आहे. sabretou I don't want your gold. CK 1 tur 4600905 2011762 Senin altınını istemiyorum. duran I don't want your gold. CK 1 deu 3860507 2011763 Ich will deine Hilfe nicht. Zaghawa I don't want your help. CK 1 ita 3014752 2011763 Non voglio il tuo aiuto. Guybrush88 I don't want your help. CK 1 ita 3014754 2011763 Io non voglio il tuo aiuto. Guybrush88 I don't want your help. CK 1 ita 3014756 2011763 Non voglio il suo aiuto. Guybrush88 I don't want your help. CK 1 ita 3014757 2011763 Io non voglio il suo aiuto. Guybrush88 I don't want your help. CK 1 ita 3014758 2011763 Non voglio il vostro aiuto. Guybrush88 I don't want your help. CK 1 ita 3014759 2011763 Io non voglio il vostro aiuto. Guybrush88 I don't want your help. CK 1 por 2149238 2011763 Eu não quero a sua ajuda. alexmarcelo I don't want your help. CK 1 por 2149239 2011763 Eu não quero a tua ajuda. alexmarcelo I don't want your help. CK 1 spa 2148535 2011763 No quiero tu ayuda. hayastan I don't want your help. CK 1 tur 4140136 2011763 Yardımını istemiyorum. duran I don't want your help. CK 1 dan 2635774 393816 Jeg vil ikke have din medlidenhed. danepo I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 dan 2635775 393816 Jeg ønsker ikke din medlidenhed. danepo I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 deu 398644 393816 Ich brauche dein Mitleid nicht. MUIRIEL I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 deu 632945 393816 Ich will dein Mitleid nicht. BraveSentry I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 deu 632946 393816 Ich will euer Mitleid nicht. BraveSentry I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 deu 632948 393816 Ich will Ihr Mitleid nicht. BraveSentry I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 hin 459422 393816 मुझे तुम्हारी दया नहीं चहिए। minshirui I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 ita 1512675 393816 Non voglio la tua pietà. Shadd I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 mar 2724835 393816 मला तुझी दया नकोय. sabretou I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 nob 2948469 393816 Jeg vil ikke ha din medlidenhet. eirik174 I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 rus 417249 393816 Мне не нужна твоя жалость. Hellerick I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 spa 1600504 393816 No quiero tu compasión. marcelostockle I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 tur 1489525 393816 Ben merhametini istemiyorum. duran I don't want your pity. blay_paul 1 0 0 3652072 0 0 I don't waste anything. karloelkebekio 1 fra 2415832 2276269 Je ne travaille pas ainsi. sacredceltic I don't work like that. CK 1 tur 4575540 2276269 Öyle çalışmam. duran I don't work like that. CK 1 mar 4684501 3822354 मी सोमवारी काम करत नाही. sabretou I don't work on Monday. CK 1 rus 4045775 3822354 Я в понедельник не работаю. marafon I don't work on Monday. CK 1 tur 3888630 3822354 Pazartesi günü çalışmıyorum. duran I don't work on Monday. CK 1 heb 1425318 252313 אני לא עובד ביום ראשון. Eldad I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 heb 1425319 252313 אינני עובדת ביום א'. Eldad I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 hun 4575233 252313 Nem dolgozom vasárnap. mraz I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 ita 350920 252313 Non lavoro di domenica. martin I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 nld 413587 252313 Ik werk niet op zondag. phiz I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 nld 2319934 252313 Ik werk 's zondags niet. MSWindowsinside I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 nld 4540039 252313 Ik werk zondags niet. PaulP I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 rus 844865 252313 В воскресенье я не работаю. Arkadeko I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 spa 2139080 252313 No trabajo el domingo. Shishir I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 tur 1489526 252313 Ben pazar günü çalışmam. duran I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 ukr 499478 252313 Я не працюю в неділю. brambury I don't work on Sunday. CK 1 rus 3977907 3824654 Мне снилось, что я летаю. odexed I dreamed I was flying. CK 1 swe 4424006 3824654 Jag drömde att jag flög. richke I dreamed I was flying. CK 1 tur 3975019 3824654 Uçtuğumu hayal ettim. duran I dreamed I was flying. CK 1
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