English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 3240

hun	4641079	777592	Megölték a tigrist.	maaster	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
mar	2306336	777592	वाघाला मारून टाकण्यात आलं.	sabretou	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
mar	2306337	777592	वाघाला मारून टाकलं.	sabretou	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
mkd	4390451	777592	Тигарот го убија.	123xyz	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
rus	2401845	777592	Тигр был убит.	marafon	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
spa	1508403	777592	Mataron al tigre.	marcelostockle	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
tur	1486586	777592	Kaplan öldürüldü.	duran	The tiger was killed.	eastasiastudent	1
cbk	4804591	273375	Mabuling el maga toalla.	mervert1	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
cbk	4804592	273375	Ma-sucio el maga toalla.	mervert1	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
deu	845780	273375	Die Handtücher sind dreckig.	MUIRIEL	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
deu	3224714	273375	Die Handtücher sind schmutzig.	al_ex_an_der	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
fra	845690	273375	Les serviettes sont sales.	sacredceltic	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
heb	3216432	273375	המגבות מלוכלכות.	fekundulo	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
ita	3757976	273375	Gli asciugamani sono sporchi.	Guybrush88	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
jpn	3324355	273375	タオルが汚れています。	arnab	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
mkd	4390449	273375	Пешкирите се валкани.	123xyz	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
por	1172219	273375	As toalhas estão sujas.	lazymoose	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
rus	3216402	273375	Полотенца грязные.	Inego	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
tur	1266319	273375	Havlular kirli.	duran	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
tur	4535846	4530121	Yolculuk inanılmazdı.	Lort	The trip was amazing.	CK	1
deu	3308025	3307520	Der Tumor war gutartig.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The tumor was benign.	Hybrid	1
ita	1299662	39270	La TV era accesa.	Guybrush88	The TV was turned on.	CK	1
mkd	4390447	39270	Телевизорот беше вклучен.	123xyz	The TV was turned on.	CK	1
por	4311494	39270	A TV estava ligada.	ajdavidl	The TV was turned on.	CK	1
spa	1711000	39270	La televisión estaba encendida.	marcelostockle	The TV was turned on.	CK	1
tur	1264090	39270	Televizyon açıktı.	duran	The TV was turned on.	CK	1
ber	2052937	39259	Tugi ad taɣ tliẓri.	Amastan	The TV won't turn on.	CK	1
ind	4333001	39259	Televisinya tidak mau menyala.	Bilmanda	The TV won't turn on.	CK	1
mkd	4390446	39259	Телевизорот не се вклучува.	123xyz	The TV won't turn on.	CK	1
tur	1264088	39259	TV açılmıyor.	duran	The TV won't turn on.	CK	1
fra	3657485	270921	La canalisation d'eau a explosé.	sacredceltic	The water pipe burst.	CK	1
hin	516794	270921	पानी का पाइप फट गया।	minshirui	The water pipe burst.	CK	1
hun	4598110	270921	A vízcső szétrepedt.	Tammmasss	The water pipe burst.	CK	1
isl	385569	270921	Vatnsleiðslan brast.	Swift	The water pipe burst.	CK	1
mkd	4084390	270921	Цевката за вода се распрсна.	123xyz	The water pipe burst.	CK	1
tur	1266302	270921	Su borusu patladı.	duran	The water pipe burst.	CK	1
tur	3683144	3635837	Su buz gibi soğuk.	duran	The water's ice cold.	CK	1
aze	4405020	961734	Hava soyudu.	vertigo93	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
mkd	4390459	961734	Времето залади.	123xyz	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
mkd	4390460	961734	Залади.	123xyz	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
rus	2098839	961734	Установилась холодная погода.	Balamax	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
rus	2098844	961734	Стало холодно.	Balamax	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
tur	2098834	961734	Hava soğudu.	duran	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
cmn	866153	27884	這口井乾涸了。	Martha	The well has run dry.	CK	1
fin	1031854	27884	Kaivo on kuivunut.	Silja	The well has run dry.	CK	1
ita	1246697	27884	Il pozzo si è prosciugato.	Guybrush88	The well has run dry.	CK	1
jpn	190724	27884	井戸の水がかれてしまった。	tommy__san	The well has run dry.	CK	1
mkd	4390458	27884	Бунарот се пресушил.	123xyz	The well has run dry.	CK	1
por	999829	27884	O poço secou.	une_monica	The well has run dry.	CK	1
rus	661022	27884	Колодец высох.	shanghainese	The well has run dry.	CK	1
rus	1474212	27884	Колодец пересох.	MikaM	The well has run dry.	CK	1
tur	1253381	27884	Kuyu kurudu.	duran	The well has run dry.	CK	1
ukr	508467	27884	Криниця вичерпалася.	ChickenKiev	The well has run dry.	CK	1
ukr	508520	27884	Колодязь висох.	aandrusiak	The well has run dry.	CK	1
ber	2883170	1771	Yers waḍu-nni.	Amastan	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
cmn	502704	1771	风停了。	fucongcong	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
deu	576	1771	Der Wind hat sich beruhigt.	MUIRIEL	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
deu	940555	1771	Der Wind ließ nach.	Fingerhut	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
fin	2840722	1771	Tuuli tyyntyi.	Kalle63	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
fin	3090099	1771	Tuuli laantui.	Kalle63	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
fra	3591	1771	Le vent s'est calmé.	le_petit_ane_gris	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
fra	940822	1771	Le vent s'apaisa.	sacredceltic	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
hun	3754020	1771	A szél lenyugodott.	gabci255	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
isl	476829	1771	Vindinn lægði.	Swift	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
ita	1239674	1771	Il vento si è calmato.	Guybrush88	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
ita	1239675	1771	Il vento si calmò.	Guybrush88	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
jpn	5165	1771	風がおだやかになった。	bunbuku	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
jpn	84033	1771	風が和らいだ。	tommy_san	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
jpn	84066	1771	風がおさまった。	tommy_san	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
mkd	4390456	1771	Ветерот се смири.	123xyz	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
mkd	4390457	1771	Ветерот стивна.	123xyz	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
nob	3458443	1771	Vinden har roet seg.	danieljtah	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
pol	526720	1771	Wiatr się uspokoił.	Pacio	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
por	886693	1771	O vento se acalmou.	alexmarcelo	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
ron	2536701	1771	Vântul s-a calmat.	ijikure	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
rus	811649	1771	Ветер утих.	afyodor	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
rus	3521020	1771	Ветер успокоился.	marafon	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
spa	1268519	1771	El viento se calmó.	Shishir	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
swe	1960787	1771	Vinden avtog.	herrsilen	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
tur	1486590	1771	Rüzgar sakinleşti.	duran	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
ukr	497153	1771	Вітер вщух.	ChickenKiev	The wind calmed down.	CK	1
hun	4357160	3409317	A szél irányt váltott.	bandeirante	The wind has shifted.	CK	1
mkd	4390461	3409317	Ветерот сменил правец.	123xyz	The wind has shifted.	CK	1
rus	4056276	3409317	Ветер переменился.	marafon	The wind has shifted.	CK	1
tur	4154451	3409317	Rüzgar yön değiştirdi.	duran	The wind has shifted.	CK	1
tur	4124776	4026545	Rüzgar yön değiştiriyor.	duran	The wind is shifting.	Hybrid	1
fra	3702385	3693718	Le vent hurlait.	sacredceltic	The wind was howling.	Hybrid	1
rus	3702387	3693718	Ветер завывал.	Selena777	The wind was howling.	Hybrid	1
tur	4711423	3693718	Rüzgar uğulduyordu.	duran	The wind was howling.	Hybrid	1
cbk	4774895	462986	Cerrao el ventana.	mervert1	The window is closed.	lukaszpp	1
deu	2108332	462986	Das Fenster ist zu.	kolonjano	The window is closed.	lukaszpp	1
ita	2798655	462986	La finestra è chiusa.	Guybrush88	The window is closed.	lukaszpp	1
rus	2107853	462986	Окно закрыто.	Balamax	The window is closed.	lukaszpp	1
tur	2098835	462986	Pencere kapalı.	duran	The window is closed.	lukaszpp	1
uig	2298321	462986	دېرىزە تاقاق.	tarim222	The window is closed.	lukaszpp	1
cbk	4774902	1388222	Abierto el maga ventana.	mervert1	The windows are open.	CK	1
deu	1818367	1388222	Die Fenster stehen offen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The windows are open.	CK	1
fra	1818410	1388222	Les fenêtres sont ouvertes.	sacredceltic	The windows are open.	CK	1
heb	1388253	1388222	החלונות פתוחים.	MrShoval	The windows are open.	CK	1
ita	1871452	1388222	Le finestre sono aperte.	Guybrush88	The windows are open.	CK	1

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