- one
- two
- O three
- l four
- five
- Z six
- seven
- eight
- nine
- \ ten
- S hundred
- thousand
- day
- month
- fire
- water
- tree
- gold
- y soil
- up
- below
- left
- E right
- large
- middle
- small
- hand
- foot
- eye
- ear
- mouth
- l person
- q child
- woman
- j male
- name
- N year
- R mountain
- river
- woods
- c rice paddy
- sky
- J rain
- V heaven
- C feeling
- [ evening
- flower
- grass
- dog
- insect
- stone
- king
- ball
- power
- thread
- car
- sound
- w study
- Z school
- previous
- life
- letter
- writing
- { book
- village
- village
- red
- white
- blue
- ~ yen
- correct
- early
- enter
- o exit
- stand up
- x rest
- see
- t springtime
- summer
- H autumn
- ~ winter
- ray
- wind
- clear up
- _ cloud
- snow
- morning
- daytime
- night
- bright
- star
- field
- field
- boulder
- J valley
- C sea
- r pond
- public
- garden
- east
- west
- south
- k north
- time
- minute
- T week
- j weekday
- now
- origin
- interval
- e parent
- father
- mother
- Z older brother
- younger brother
- o older sister
- oneself
- F friend
- body
- hair
- head
- face
- neck
- voice
- S heart
- v think
- l think
- genius
- say
- L write down
- b talk
- write
- read
- hear
- country
- language
- Z calculate
- number
- reason
- section
- company
- association
- } drawing
- picture
- H craft
- make
- y pleasure
- song
- G picture
- F color
- paper
- yellow
- black
- ` shape
- _ point
- circle
- line
- straight
- p angle
- fit
- v measure
- what
- answer
- d electricity
- teach
- m know
- ten thousand
- every
- -times
- half
- hit
- turn
- g association
- cross
- pass through
- road
- place
- n ground
- direction
- capital
- s city
- village
- house
- Buddhist temple
- X store
- gates
- room
- door
- pedestal
- D boat
- arrow
- sword
- cow
- n horse
- fish
- bird
- chirp
- H feather
- meat
- rice
- wheat
- tea
- H eat
- active
- p use
- O in front
- behind
- inside
- O outside
- far
- near
- many
- few
- old
- V new
- thick
- thin
- strong
- weak
- long
- tall
- L wide
- same
- walk
- run
- s go
- come
- A returning home
- ~ stop
- sell
- buy
- pull
- cut
- bad
- cheap
- dark
- medicine
- committee
- idea
- nurture
- member
- @ institution
- drink
- ^ carry
- j swim
- w station
- side
- shop
- warm
- change
- luggage
- E world
- J open
- K floor of a building
- cold
- feeling
- China
- public building
- beach
- N wake up
- period of time
- q guest
- research
- } hurry
- rank
- { Shinto shrine
- ball
- leave
- bridge
- business
- musical composition
- office
- silver
- ward
- suffer
- tool
- N you
- W person in charge
- y light
- blood
- decide
- sharpen
- prefecture
- warehouse
- over there
- K happiness
- ` harbor
- number
- root
- celebrate
- M dish
- d do
- death
- g use
- n begin
- w finger
- tooth
- poem
- next
- abstract thing
- hold
- style
- truth
- copy
- someone
- master
- protect
- take
- alcoholic drink
- accept
- B state
- I end
- K learn
- W collect
- Z dwelling
- d heavy
- h inn
- place
- hot
- help
- extinguish
- sell
- chapter
- win
- ride
- A plant
- \ say
- g body
- _ god(s)
- ^ true
- [ deep
- i advance
- world
- put in order
- long ago
- S whole
- mutual
- send
- z concept
- breath
- fast
- tribe
- other
- hit
- opposite
- wait
- substitute
- ordinal number prefix
- topic
- Y charcoal
- Z short
- k discuss
- wear
- pour
- pillar
- street
- account book
- investigate
- follow
- decide
- garden
- S iron
- ] revolve
- s metropolis
- x degrees
- throw
- beans
- island
- hot water
- o climb
- class
- move
- juvenile
- _ farming
- g wave
- z distribute
- { double
- box
- departure
- anti-
- board
- skin
- sad
- beauty
- @ nose
- M writing brush
- X ice
- \ express
- a sick
- i article
- lose
- part
- clothes
- luck
- thing
- flat
- return
- release
- flavor
- fate
- face
- question
- service
- medicine
- R reason
- oil
- L have
- V play
- \ in advance
- m ocean
- t leaf
- z sunshine
- l formal title
- fall
- stream
- trip
- both
- green
- thanks
- row
- practic
- H road
- a peace
- love
- plan
- since
- clothes
- rank
- surround
- mark
- p England
- h prosperity
- salt
- hundred million
- add
- fruit
- freight
- section
- bud
- reformation
- Q harm
- X street
- e each
- o memorize
- perfect
- government official
- pipe
- related
- observe
- request
- G seasons
- I chronicle
- rejoice
- national flag
- container
- @ machine
- c deliberation
- request
- cry
- ~ salvation
- salary
- raise
- fishing
- together
- cooperation
- mirror
- emulate
- poles
- P instruction
- R army
- ^ model
- i scenery
- | art
- lack
- tie
- build
- healthy
- test
- harden
- achievement
- D like
- climate
- q cruise
- N ease
- tell
- distinction
- vegetable
- most
- lumber
- previous
- D tag
- printing
- E kill
- @ guess
- Q participate
- Y give birth
- U scatter
- c remainder
- m gentleman
- family name
- j history
- i director
- test
- child
- govern
- resign
- lose
- borrow
- kind
- circumference
- j celebrate
- obey
- first
- pine
- laugh
- chant
- bake
- elephant
- illuminate
- prize
- M trust
- become
- government ministry
- pure
- quiet
- seat
- accumulate
- fold
- node
- theory
- shallow
- war
- I choose
- R so
- conflict
- q godown
- nest
- bundle
- side
- continue
- graduate
- sash
- group
- B attain
- P simple
- u put
- go-between
- savings
- portent
- intestines
- low
- bottom
- halt
- I target
- T code
- ` transmit
- k junior
- lamp
- public chamber
- work
- special
- acquire
- poison
- M heat
- O thought
- s failure
- ~ plum
- Dr.
- meal
- fly
- expense
- K without fail
- [ ballot
- W signpost
- s not
- v husband
- t attach
- { urban prefecture
- vice-
- flour
- soldier
- separate
- environs
- change
- convenience
- wrap
- @ method
- ] hope
- q breed
- end
- full
- un-
- vein
- people
- nothing
- promise
- E courage
- v need
- { foster
- bathe
- profit
- land
- good
- fee
- quantity
- wheel
- sort
- orders
- "cool
- example
- curriculum
- A take along
- V old man
- J labor
- ^ record
- pressure
- "shift
- cause
- i eternity
- c manage
- q defense
- easy
- v benefit
- t fluid
- perform
- respond
- journey
- grace
- possible
- sham
- value
- river
- go beyond
- congratulations
- cheerful
- untie
- i status
- m certain
- z amount
- publish
- tree-trunk
- accustomed
- eyeball
- foundation
- approach
- K rule
- Z skill
- ` righteousness
- t inverted
- v long time
- old times
- reside
- permit
- boundary
- level
- prohibition
- phrase
- Q flock
- o manage
- undefiled
- affair
- ticket
- precipitous
- examine
- limit
- appear
- decrease
- circumstances
- individual
- safeguard
- effect
- thick
- z mineral
- \ construct
- entertain
- u lecture
- mix
- investigate
- again
- disaster
- wife
- pick
- occasion
- exist
- wealth
- guilt
- G miscellaneous
- _ acid
- ^ approve
- x branch
- u intention
- } branch
- t expert
- resources
- domesticate
- indicate
- becoming
- discriminating
- quality
- cottage
- apologize
- instruct
- C discipline
- q mention
- p art
- standard
- preface
- beckon
- aquiesce
- evidence
- clause
- form
- normal
- feelings
- D weave
- E employment
- control
- gender
- politics
- power
- refined
- manufacture
- tax
- blame
- exploits
- contact
- establish
- tongue
- discontinue
- K coin
- c ancestor
- f elementary
- whole
- create
- statue
- increase
- rule
- fathom
- belong
- rate
- loss
- retreat
- lend
- condition
- c group
- f cut off
- z fabricate
- stretch
- present
- extent
- K suitable
- G enemy
- unite
- copper
- guide
- alone
- C responsibility
- R burn
- \ ability
- j rend
- crime
- judge
- printing block
- compare
- fertilizer
- negative
- provide
- ] evaluate
- n poor
- z linen
- w lady
- x rich
- military
- again
- duplicate
- Buddha
- compile
- valve
- preserve
- grave
- report
- L bountiful
- h prevent
- \ outburst
- duty
- dream
- astray
- cotton
- A transport
- ] too much
- a deposit
- e contain
- abbreviation
- detain
- territory
- uncommon
- bequeath
- range
- F eaves
- f reflect
- prolong
- run alongside
- ego
- D ashes
- g broaden
- v leather
- t tall
- divide
- stocks
- dry
- scroll
- watch over
- simplicity
- dangerous
- M precious
- ^ doubt
- z suck
- offer
- bosom
- home town
- diligence
- muscle
- n lineage
- h respect
- x guard against
- drama
- violent
- hole
- silk
- rights
- constitution
- origin
- strict
- self
- call
- mistake
- F filial piety
- c emperor
- g deep red
- ~ descend
- | steel
- engrave
- bone
- become distressed
- sand
- sit
- settle
- judge
- scheme
- counter for books
- climax
- me
- look at
- poetry
- document
- magnet
- shoot
- throw away
- young
- trees
- take in
- @ religion
- A concerning
- O masses
- ] obey
- c vertical
- k shrink
- n ripen
- genuine
- dispose
- government office
- exclude
- leader
- wound
- hurt
- castle
- steam
- j needle
- droop
- infer
- measurement
- prosper
- holy
- sincerity
- proclaim
- specialty
- wash
- dye
- P good
- t play music
- window
- n create
- attire
- w stratum
- maneuver
- warehouse
- entrails
- suppose
- revered
- home
- S shouldering
- T grope
- i steps
- g warmth
- l value
- mid-air
- loyalty
- renowned
- government office
- place on the head
- tide
- fare
- pain
- W expand
- chastise
- } political party
- sugar
- deliver
- difficult
- milk
- F recognize
- [ settlement
- ] brain
- h sect
- q worship
- w back
- nightfall
- negate
- secret
- abdomen
- stirred up
- row
- closed
- one-sided
- supplement
- livelihood
- treasure
- K visit
- S deceased
- Y forget
- _ rod
- sheet of...
- curtain
- secrecy
- alliance
- imitation
- translate
- X mail
- D superior
- c infancy
- ~ longing
- the following
- riot
- egg
- perusal
- back
- rhythm
- look to
- N melodious
- _ theory
- intimidate
- well
- rice plant
- B conceal
- e shadow
- z cross over
- aid
- affinity
- dirty
- heart
- Europe
- open sea
- candy
- pocket
- F all
- j nucleus
- k husk
- l seize
- drought
- crown
- persuade
- delight
- ring
- oversee
- warship
- pierce
- specimen
- strange
- abandon
- V ceremony
- y reach out
- gigantic
- foothold
- fear
- face-up
- germ
- accidentally
- @ dig
- beat
- sabre
- offering
- dispatch
- appear
- R confront
- ] inlet
- d stiff
- e draft
- incense
- overpowering
- prison
- marriage
- chain
- -years old
- dose
- { carry out
- axis
- damp
- boil
- P attack
- e gun
- m cram school
- bed
- rise up
- clean
- decorate
- B augment
- L expand
- Q lie down
- R examine
- U shake
- f checkup
- k quake
- blow
- lucidity
- surname
- vow
- solicit
- enroll
- tracks
- submerge
- N fresh
- T Zen
- m Buddhist priest
- interment
- eminent
- I shelf
- e bullet
- ~ amass
- carve
- indications
- listen
- sovereign
- Y annexed
- a Mr.
- n transit
- { angry
- | overthrow
- cylinder
- arrival
- step
- S sticky
- Z concentrated
- p abolish
- r repudiate
- overnight
- explode
- hair of the head
- generally
- pattern
- exhausted
- tombstone
- incur
- tail
- delicate
- ~ spread
- universal
- floating
- token
- rot
- musical score
- prostrated
- erupt
- distract
- observance
- C cannon
- v drown
- sleep
- destroy
- netting
- Y male
- g hoist
- n melt
- trust
- thunder
- entwine
- bases
- I dew
- r arm
- plan
- swamp
- ^ give
- differ
- i sue
- include
- assist
- Z dissolve
- condition
- echo
- stab
- U aggression
- sponsor
- p gulf
- detach
- E pinch
- { search
- transcend
- heal
- catch
- jammed in
- } welcome
- marketing
- hanging scroll
- he
- M home country
- dance
- crowded
- tense
- interchange
- fortune telling
- colleague
- r route
- slip out
- demolition
- bond
- p inherit
- fight
- evade
- age
- urge
- f beguile
- crumble
- E undress
- push
- complete
- afflicted
- tighten
- tenacious
- [ tassel
- recruit
- P remove
- pay
- plane
- ride
- w camp
- do
- x slow
- } repress
- choose
- G excel
- reparation
- X grow late
- repel
- Y punish
- v doth
- embrace
- J winding
- tray
- r miss
- consort
- suspend
- re-
- f put up (a notice)
- leap
- G contact
- @ residence
- reliant
- send back
- mutually
- prudence
- b favor
- escape
- slacken
- demand
- X lean
- [ allot
- thong
- stop-over
- p instead
- [ edge
- join
- O penetrate
- collide
- char
- D rob
- employ
- exchange
- defer
- appellation
- U entice
- stimulate
- T withdraw
- presents
- grip
- dilute
- a astringent
- g portable
- l packed
- consign
- N encroach
- fasten
- | hang
- o pair
- h thorn
- drive
- transparent
- wall
- split
- q cleverness
- just so
- strict
- steal
- turf
- j hawser
- handle
- look back
- commandment
- boisterous
- b armor
- straw rope
- h swing
- excuse
- previously
- neighboring
- Y trouble
- splendor
- honorable
- explanation
- r laid waste
- stagnate
- bury
- symptoms
- liver
- exquisite
- sack
- cord
- sociable
- design
- wonder
- hemp
- seal
- rapids
- gist
- consolation
- intelligent
- { 10-day period (of the month)
- concurrently
- | delicious
- instant
- willow
- U falsehood
- e hegemony
- detailed
- resist
- threaten
- _ tender
- long-distance
- dragon
- luxuriant
- wing
- dislike
- i embrace
- sphere
- zero
- penalty
- r skids
- s exhaust
- t counter for cupfuls
- slippery
- orphan
- inflammation
- longevity
- stubborn
- sweet
- coloring
- encourage
- | sweep
- P radiance
- patrol
- earnings
- soft
- sink
- boast
- d bribe
- o slap
- frozen
- x ditch
- i strangle
- smoke
- c swell
- -proof
- romance
- c jubilation
- fierce
- penal
- loins
- x jump
- chess piece
- exhibit
- rare
- T outline
- S arrest
- silence
- partial
- interview
- cramped
- i consume
- F hearth
- particularly
- ridicule
- d conspire
- length
- capsize
- tears
- u isolate
- spare time
- A shade
- s pointed
- follow
- ardent
- O rust-colored
- cartoon
- shop
- D pregnancy
- h paint
- inflation
- consummate
- lunatic
- branch off
- decline
- yield
- W thin
- exhort
- Z immersed
- _ gall bladder
- @ slender
- void
- spirits
- repent
- F pray
- S wretched
- s tyrannize
- | flip
- marsh
- C grate
- consent
- Y drift
- intuition
- burdensome
- Q wandering
- d podium
- witch
- family crest
- wholesale
- column
- deviate
- clear (the land)
- r flower pot
- calm
- I adroit
- _ hedge
- seduce
- angling
- tin can
- fat
- erect
- texture
- phantasm
- a alienate
- dull
- p shame
- rapidly
- smash
- w noh chanting
- marry into
- Q sigh
- D mud
- cruel
- corner
- h spicy
- grind
- vulgar
- wicked
- n black ink
- tranquilize
- den
- footgear
- inferiority
- J melancholy
- suspicious
- grains
- drunk
- pity
- wet
- R destitution
- s robust
- Q hungry
- f spit
- banquet
- o V.I.P.
- pottery
- e coarse
- R equestrian
- neglect
- @ likeness
- pearl
- congeal
- b animal
- pathetic
- hop
- D sew
- how many
- give
- } mediocre
- e recess
- reap
- confused
- chief
- fog
- wither
- hard up
- L stinking
- X best regards
- blind
- bowstring
- cook
- O sated
- drum
- rotation
- membrane
- fan
- hate
- V boy
- condolences
- everywhere
- game-hunting
- daring
- womb
- A bubbles
- Y frolic
- bowl
- z guy
- thirst
- withstand
- confer
- leisure
- lowly
- X ugly
- anxiety
- convex
- pursue