##title=4-Character Idiomatic Compounds (四字熟語) #3 (n) //These are all the ones not marked with ## ##writer=Kanji Haitani //email = khaitani1===earthlink.net ##language1=日本語 ##language2=English ##url=http://home.earthlink.net/~4jword/index3.htm ##date=29-Apr-2007 // v.3.33 Final Revision:  29-Apr-2007 ##project=http://www.manythings.org/ ##link=http://www.manythings.org/japanese/ 相手次第 あいて しだい (n) being up to the other party; one's attitude or response being dependent on the character, attitude, or move(s) of the other party 哀悼痛惜 あいとう つうせき (n) condolence; mourning; sorrow; lamentation 愛別離苦 あいべつ りく (n) the agony of separation from loved ones 合間合間 あいま あいま (n) (in) one's spare time; (at) intervals; (in) pauses (of conversation, etc.); (in between) periods of doing something 青空市場 あおぞら いちば (n) open-air market; outdoor market; outdoor bazaar 青田売買 あおた ばいばい (n) dealing in unharvested rice crop 悪行三昧 あくぎょう ざんまい (n) committing every evil; being given to evil ways; following the path of evil 悪徳商法 あくとく しょうほう (n) unscrupulous [crooked, fraudulent] business practices; pernicious sales methods 握髪吐哺 あくはつ とほ (n) (a statesman making) extraordinary efforts to find and employ capable persons [persons of great wisdom] 足軽大将 あしがる たいしょう (n) samurai in command of a troop of foot soldiers 可惜身命 あたら  しんみょう (n) valuing one's body and life; holding one's life dear 悪鬼羅刹 あっき らせつ (n) man-eating fiend 跡目相続 あとめ そうぞく (n) taking over as (the) head of a family; succession to the position of family head; successorship 阿鼻叫喚 あび きょうかん (n) agonizing cries; pandemonium; two of the eight burning hells in Buddhism 阿鼻地獄 あび じごく (n) the Avici hell, the eighth and most painful of the eight hells in Buddhism 雨傘番組 あまがさ ばんぐみ (n) substitute for a scheduled live broadcast of a sporting event that was rained out 甘辛両党 あまから りょうとう (n) person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well 蛙鳴蝉噪 あめい せんそう (n) annoying noise; fruitless argument; useless controversy 暗雲低迷 あんうん ていめい (n) dark clouds hanging low; dark clouds gathering ominously (over) 暗送秋波 あんそう しゅうは (n) giving an amorous sidelong look; casting an amorous glance (at); playing up to someone behind the scenes 安寧秩序 (あんねい ちつじょ (n) peace and order; law and order 安否不明 あんぴ ふめい (n) fate [safety] of a person [persons] being unknown 安眠妨害 あんみん ぼうがい (n) disturbance of sleep; a nuisance in the middle of the night 衣冠束帯 いかん そくたい (n) full Japanese court dress of traditional fashion 意気衝天 いき しょうてん (n) in high spirits; in top form 異曲同工 いきょく どうこう (n) different in appearance but essentially the same in content; equal in skills or workmanship but different in style or artistic flavor; the same for all practical purposes 意向尊重 いこう そんちょう (n) respecting the intention/wishes of someone 意向打診 いこう だしん (n) sounding out the intension/wishes of someone 意向無視 いこう むし (n) ignoring/overriding the intention/wishes of someone 異国趣味 いこく しゅみ (n) taste for the exotic; infatuation with a foreign way of life; exoticism 異国情緒 いこく じょうちょ (n) exotic mood; exotic atmosphere; exoticism 異国情調 いこく じょうちょう (n) exotic mood; exotic atmosphere; exoticism 遺恨試合 いこん しあい (n) grudge match 意識不明 いしき ふめい (n) unconscious; senseless; in a coma 意志疎通 いし そつう (n) mutual understanding; reciprocal communication 異字同訓 いじ どうくん (n) a (Chinese) character with the same reading [pronunciation] as another but a different written form; characters read the same but written differently 石部金吉 いしべ きんきち (n) man of incorruptible probity; strait-laced and inflexible man 意趣遺恨 いしゅ いこん (n) grudge; spite; malice; rancor 意匠惨憺 いしょう さんたん (n) taxing one's ingenuity in devising something; agonizing over designing or creating something; making strenuous efforts to devise good ways and means to do something 衣装道楽 いしょう どうらく (n) love of fine clothing; weakness for fine clothes; being extravagant in clothing 居候生活 いそうろう せいかつ (n) living in another person's house without paying for food and lodging; sponging on other people for accommodation 異体同心 いたい どうしん (n) being two in body, but one in mind; harmony of mind between two persons; two persons acting in one accord 悪戯小僧 いたずら こぞう (n) mischievous boy 悪戯坊主 いたずら ぼうず (n) mischievous boy   異端邪説 いたん じゃせつ (n) heretical doctrine [thought, faith] 一行知識 いちぎょう ちしき (n) one-line fact; one-line information; information [explanation] provided in a few scanty words 一芸一能 いちげい いちのう (n) (excelling in) one area or skill; (being skilled or gifted in) one certain area 一芸入試 いちげい にゅうし (n) entrance exam for a university giving preference to persons who excel in one special field [skill]; one-talent oriented entrance examination 一言一行 いちげん いっこう (n) just a word or an act; every word and act; a casual [inadvertent] word or act 一伍一什 いちご いちじゅう (n) full particulars; the whole story; from beginning to end 一語一句 いちご いっく (n) every single word and phrase; each and every word 一期末代 いちご まつだい (n) this world [life] and the next; eternity 一言一句 いちごん いっく (n) every single word and phrase; each and every word 一字一字 いちじ いちじ (n) letter by letter; character by character 一字一句 いちじ いっく (n) word for word; verbatim; a single word and a single phrase 一字千金 いちじ せんきん (n) precious [greatly prized] (word/writing) 一字半句 いちじ はんく (n) a single word; (not even) a word; (not even) a syllable 一汁一菜 いちじゅう いっさい (n) meal consisting of rice, one soup and one other dish; a simple meal 一新紀元 いち  しんきげん (n) marking (the beginning of) a new era [epoch] 一族郎党 いちぞく ろうとう (n) one's family and followers; one's whole clan 一大旋風 いちだい せんぷう (n) great sensation; taking something by storm; making a splash 一大鉄槌 いちだい てっつい (n) dealing a hard [heavy, crushing] blow (to) 一大転機 いちだい てんき (n) significant turning point 一諾千金 いちだく せんきん (n) one's word is worth a thousand pieces of gold; a promise that is worth its weight in gold 一日一善 いちにち いちぜん (n) doing a good deed each day; doing one good turn a day 一年有半 いちねん ゆうはん (n) one year and a half 一罰百戒 いちばつ ひゃっかい (n) punishing a crime to make an example for others; punishing one while giving a warning to hundreds 一番勝負 いちばん しょうぶ (n) contest decided by a single round [bout]; contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game [contest]; make-or-break game 一番風呂 いちばん ぶろ (n) freshly drawn bath; (taking) a bath before anyone else    一分一厘 いちぶ いちりん (n) (not even) a bit of; (not even) a hint of; (not) an iota of; (not) the slightest 一木一草 いちぼく いっそう (n) a single tree or blade of grass; every stick and stone (of a place) 一枚看板 いちまい かんばん (n) the shining star (of a troupe); the central figure; the best item one has to show; the only thing that can be boasted of 一味同心 いちみ どうしん (n) (people) working together with one mind 一味徒党 いちみ ととう (n) the whole party to a plot; the whole gang; fellow conspirators 一目十行 いちもく じゅうぎょう (n) outstanding reading ability (lit. one glance, ten lines) 一文半銭 いちもん はんせん (n) meager sum of money 一夜乞食 いちや こじき (n) person who has become penniless overnight 一夜大尽 いちや だいじん (n) overnight millionaire 一利一害 いちり いちがい (n) (something) having its advantages but also not without its disadvantages; advantage and its (accompanying) disadvantage 一両日中 いち りょうじつ ちゅう (n) in a day or two; within the next couple of days 一六銀行 いちろく ぎんこう (n) pawnshop 一六勝負 いちろく しょうぶ (n) dice gambling game; staking all on one throw; all-or-nothing gamble; risky attempt 一路順風 いちろ じゅんぷう (n) sailing before the wind; everything is going well 一路平安 (いちろ へいあん (n) (wishing someone) bon voyage; safe [uneventful, smooth] voyage 一回勝負 いっかい しょうぶ (n) contest decided by a single round [bout]; contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game [contest]; make-or-break game 一家眷属 (いっか けんぞく (n) one's family, relatives and followers 一気呵成 いっき かせい (n) (finishing/writing) work at a stroke [stretch]; dashing off; knocking off 一虚一実 いっきょ いちじつ (n) constantly changing phase and being highly unpredictable     一挙両全 いっきょ りょうぜん (n) killing two birds with one stone; serving two ends 一件書類 いっけん しょるい (n) all the papers [documents] relating to a case; dossier 一国一城 いっこく いちじょう (n) (the lord of) a feudal domain; (the ruler of) an independent territory; (someone) working independently; (only) one castle (allowed) in one feudal domain [edict issued by the shogunate in 1615] 一切衆生 いっさい しゅじょう (n) all living creatures 一子相伝 いっし そうでん (n) transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to only one child 一視同仁 いっし どうじん (n) loving every human being with impartiality; universal brotherhood; universal benevolence; equality without discrimination 一死報国 いっし ほうこく (n) dying for one's country 一瀉千里 いっしゃ せんり (n) one swift effort; rushing through one's work; (with) rushing speed; lucid and fluent way of talking [writing]; without faltering 一宿一飯 いっしゅく いっぱん (n) a night's lodging and a meal; (being beholden to someone for the favor of) a night's lodging and a meal 一生不犯 いっしょう ふぼん (n) (strict) observance of the Buddhist precept of lifelong celibacy 一所不住 いっしょ ふじゅう (n) vagrancy; transient lifestyle; itinerant life; being without a fixed abode 一世一元 いっせい いちげん (n) the practice of assigning one era name to one emperor 一世風靡 いっせい ふうび (n) ruling the times; holding sway over the minds of the people 一知半解 いっち はんかい (n) superficial knowledge; half knowledge 一定不変 いってい ふへん (n) invariable; constant; fixed (and unchangeable); permanent; immutable; unwavering 一擲千金 いってき せんきん (n) being lavish with one's money; spending a huge sum of money at once on a treat 一点一画 いってん いっかく (n) the i's and the t's; (not neglecting) the slightest detail 一天四海 いってん しかい (n) the whole world; the universe 一天万乗 いってん ばんじょう (n) (the throne or realm of) a sovereign [an emperor] 一得一失 いっとく いっしつ (n) gaining some and losing some; (something having its) advantages and disadvantages; merits and demerits 一発回答 いっぱつ かいとう (n) first and final offer in labor-management negotiations 一発勝負 いっぱつ しょうぶ (n) contest decided by a single round [bout]; contest decided by a single roll of dice; one-shot game [contest]; make-or-break game 一発必中 いっぱつ ひっちゅう (n) success on the first try [attempt] 一般常識 いっぱん じょうしき (n) plain old common sense; common knowledge; what everybody knows 一般庶民 いっぱん しょみん (n) the ordinary common people; the ordinary citizens 一顰一笑 いっぴん いっしょう (n) a smile or frown; one's mood [caprice] 一夫一妻 いっぷ いっさい (n) monogamy 一夫一婦 いっぷ いっぷ (n) monogamy 一夫多妻 いっぷ たさい (n) polygyny 逸楽生活 いつらく せいかつ (n) a life given up to pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle 以毒制毒 いどく せいどく (n) using poisonous medication to control poison; fighting evil with evil; fighting fire with fire 田舎気質 いなか かたぎ (n) rusticity; provincialism 田舎大尽 いなか だいじん (n) provincial [country] millionaire 意馬心猿 いば しんえん (n) the clamorous demands of (uncontrollable) passions; (being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions 夷蛮戎狄 いばん じゅうてき (n) the barbarians beyond the borders of old China 異聞奇譚 いぶん きたん (n) strange stories and curious tales 異類異形 いるい いぎょう (n) strange-looking creatures; spirits and goblins 色恋沙汰 いろこい ざた (n) romantic entanglement; love affair 岩戸景気 いわと けいき (n) the economic boom of 1958-1961 因果因縁 いんが いんねん (n) cause and effect; karma; retribution; an evil cause producing an evil effect 因果関係 いんが かんけい (n) cause-and-effect relationship; causality 因果覿面 いんが てきめん (n) the swiftness of retributive justice 隠居仕事 いんきょ しごと (n) postretirement job; work done by a retired person where earning an income is not a primary concern 淫祠邪教 いんし じゃきょう >(n) evil heresies 因習道徳 いんしゅう どうとく (n) conventional morality [morals] 隠遁生活 いんとん せいかつ (n) a reclusive life; living secluded from the world; leading a sequestered life 陰陽和合 いんよう わごう (n) the harmony of yin and yang energies 有為転変 うい てんぺん (n) mutability (of worldly affairs); perpetual shifts and changes (of human life) 羽化登仙 うか とうせん (n) a sense of release (as if one had wings and were riding on air) 雨奇晴好 うき せいこう (n) scenery being beautiful in both rainy and sunny weather 有情無情 うじょう むじょう (n) sentient and nonsentient beings 有象無象 うぞう むぞう (n) pack of riffraff; the small fry; motley crowd of ordinary or undistinguished persons; mere anybodies; the common ruck 宇宙開闢 うちゅう かいびゃく (n) (since) the beginning of the universe; (since) the dawn of time 有頂天外 うちょうてん がい (n) beside oneself with joy; in raptures; in an ecstasy of delight 内輪喧嘩 うちわ げんか (n) family quarrel; internal squabble; fight among ourselves [themselves] 雨天順延 うてん じゅんえん (n) rescheduled in case of rain; to be postponed to the first subsequent fine day in case of rain 有髪俗体 うはつ ぞくたい (n) (a Buddhist monk or priest or nun) without head shaven and not wearing religious garb 盂蘭盆会 うらぼん え (n) Bon Festival; Feast of Lanterns (around the 15th of July or August depending on local customs) 雲雨巫山 うんう ふざん (n) sexual liaison 雲煙過眼 うんえん かがん (n) not being obsessed with something very long (just as clouds and haze pass swiftly before one's eyes) 雲煙万里 うんえん ばんり (n) limitless expanse of clouds and smoke 雲水行脚 うんすい あんぎゃ (n) itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands 運勢判断 うんせい はんだん (n) fortune-tellling 雲泥万里 うんでい ばんり (n) being poles apart; (there being) all the difference in the world 運動音痴 うんどう おんち (n) having slow reflexes; being nonathletic; person who is not athletic 運否天賦 うんぷ てんぷ (n) trusting to chance; having a go at something 永久欠番 えいきゅう けつばん (n) retired (uniform) number 営業路線 えいぎょう ろせん (n) (1) railroad [bus] lines [routes] in operation; (2) business plan [policy] 永劫回帰 えいごう かいき (n) eternal recurrence; Nietzsche's "ewige Wiederkunft" 永字八法 えいじ はっぽう (n) the eight basic brush strokes in writing Chinese characters 映像文化 えいぞう ぶんか (n) visual culture; culture of visual images; (screen) image culture 永代供養 えいたい くよう (n) services performed in perpetuity by a Buddhist temple for the repose of a departed soul 英雄豪傑 えいゆう ごうけつ (n) hero; warrior of matchless valor; heroic character 栄養過多 えいよう かた (n) overnutrition; excessive nutritional intake 栄養不足 えいよう ふそく (n) malnutrition; undernourishment 栄養満点 えいよう まんてん (n) highly nourishing [nutritious]; earning top marks nutrition-wise 笑顔千両 えがお せんりょう (n) beautiful smile; there being a great charm about one's smile 易姓革命 えきせい かくめい (n) revolution [change of dynasty] decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue [old Chinese political thought] 駅弁大学 えきべん だいがく (n) minor local college; small-time [two-bit] university; jerkwater college 似非学者 えせ がくしゃ (n) pseudo-scholar; fake scholar; would-be expert 似非理屈 えせ りくつ (n) sophism; sophistry; spurious reasoning [argument] 越権行為 えっけん こうい (n) exceeding [abusing] one's legal authority; acting beyond the powers or legal authority (of a person, etc.); acting ultra vires 恵比寿顔 えびす がお (n) smiling [beaming] face 宴会政治 えんかい せいじ (n) politicking by wining and dining 遠交近攻 えんこう きんこう (n) policy of cultivating distant countries while working to conquer ones nearby [Originally, an ancient Chinese military strategy] 縁故政治 えんこ せいじ (n) crony politics; nepotistic government 縁故募集 えんこ ぼしゅう (n) (1) recruiting [inviting application for] through personal connections; (2) private (stock) offering [subscription] 縁者贔屓 えんじゃ びいき (n) nepotism 艶笑小話 えんしょう こばなし (n) amorous anecdote [conte] 艶笑文学 えんしょう ぶんがく (n) humorous erotic literature 演説口調 えんぜつ くちょう (n) oratorical tone 厭戦気分 えんせん きぶん (n) feeling of war-weariness 延長線上 えんちょう せんじょう (n) the extension of a straight line; (a conclusion) following as an extension of (an argument) 延長保育 えんちょう ほいく (n) extended-hours childcare (in day-care centers for parents working into the night) 縁日商人 えんにち しょうにん (n) festival vendor; keeper of a street stall at a temple [shrine] fair 炎熱地獄 えんねつ じごく (n) burning hell; roaring inferno; flames of hell 遠謀深慮 えんぼう しんりょ (n) deep design and forethought; farsighted and deeply-laid plan 円満解決 えんまん かいけつ (n) amicable solution [settlement]; settling the case leaving no parties dissatisfied 延命息災 えんめい そくさい (n) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster 遠慮近憂 えんりょ きんゆう (n) Failure to think of the long term leads to grief in the short term. 花魁道中 おいらん どうちゅう (n) parade of oiran [licensed high-class prostitutes] in the Yoshikawa pleasure district of Edo 桜花爛漫 おうか らんまん (n) cherry blossoms in full bloom; riot of cherry blossoms 奥義秘伝 おうぎ ひでん (n) secretes; mysteries; secret formula; essence; esoterica (of an art, martial arts, etc.) 王侯貴族 おうこう きぞく (n) royalty and titled nobility 王政復古 おうせい ふっこ (n) restoration of imperial [royal] rule; the Restoration [in English history] 王手飛車 おうて びしゃ (n) forking the rook while checking the king 王道楽土 おうどう らくど (n) realm of peace and prosperity; land of simple pleasure and quiet life ruled by a virtuous king 応変能力 おうへん のうりょく (n) ability to take proper steps to meet the situation; ability to adapt oneself to (the requirement of) the moment 大関陥落 おおぜき かんらく (n) demotion from oozeki [the second highest rank in sumo wrestling] ranking 大馬鹿者 おお ばかもの (n) great [utter] fool; complete idiot; absolute moron 屋上架屋 おくじょう かおく (n) gilding the lily; adding redundant things; (being like) putting a fifth wheel on a carriage 奥山放獣 おくやま ほうじゅう (n) relocation of wild animals to a remote location 落人伝説 おちゅうど でんせつ (n) legend concerning a fugitive clan 御披露目 お ひろめ (n) formal (public) announcement [of a wedding, the succession to a stage name, etc.]; unveiling [of a new singer, etc.]; debut [of a new geisha, etc.] 穏健路線 おんけん ろせん (n) moderate line; middle-of-the-road line (in politics) 温情主義 おんじょう しゅぎ (n) paternalism; philosophy of dealing with others benignly 隠密行動 おんみつ こうどう (n) covert action [behavior]; espionage activities 開巻第一 かいかん だいいち (n) at the very beginning of a book; The book opens with ... 開眼供養 かいげん くよう (n) ceremony to consecrate a newly made Buddhist statue or image by inserting the eyes [thereby investing it with soul] 外交手腕 がいこう しゅわん (n) diplomatic finesse; skill(s) in diplomacy 外交辞令 がいこう じれい (n) diplomatic language; lip service; empty praise or flattery 外剛内柔 がいごう ないじゅう (n) tough on the outside but soft at heart; faint-hearted person pretending to be brave 戒告処分 かいこく しょぶん (n) punishment by formal warning; punishing someone by a reprimand 懐古趣味 かいこ しゅみ (n) nostalgia for the good old days; retro-culture 会社人間 かいしゃ にんげん (n) company [organization] man [person]; corporate soldier 鎧袖一触 がいしゅう いっしょく (n) (beating someone) hands down; (beating) with a single blow 懐柔作戦 かいじゅう さくせん (n) operation to win over someone by using a tactic of gentle persuasion 快食快便 かいしょく かいべん (n) good appetite and good bowel movements; enjoying one's food and having regular stools 快食快眠 かいしょく かいみん (n) good appetite and pleasant sleep; enjoying one's food and sleeping well 慨世憂国 がいせい ゆうこく (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism 凱旋公演 がいせん こうえん (n) performance given after a successful tour abroad 海内無双 かいだい むそう (n) unparalleled in the whole country; without peer in the land 街談巷語 がいだん こうご (n) street gossips and idle rumors; hearsay 街談巷説 がいだん こうせつ (n) street gossips and idle rumors; hearsay 海底撈月 かいてい ろうげつ (n) totally useless [fruitless] effort; wasting time on an impossible task [like trying to scoop up a reflected moon from the bottom of the sea] 外的生活 がいてき せいかつ (n) material life; material aspects of life 該当事項 がいとう じこう (n) relevant [applicable] information [items] 傀儡政権 かいらい せいけん (n) puppet government [regime] 偕老同穴 かいろう どうけつ (n) being united as man and wife for life; happy life partnership 価格破壊 かかく はかい (n) collapse in prices; market-destructive price-slashing (tactics) 鍵穴趣味 かぎあな しゅみ (n) voyeurism 餓鬼大将 がき だいしょう (n) leader of a group of children; leader of a gang of little rascals (in the neighborhood); the most domineering child in a group of children 蝸牛角上 かぎゅう かくじょう (n) trifling (fight); storm in a teacup; (conflict) between small countries 画一思考 かくいつ しこう (n) uniformity of thought; uniform thinking. 学業不振 がくぎょう ふしん (n) poor academic performance; underachievement 学士入学 がくし にゅうがく (n) admission of university graduates to an undergraduate program 各自負担 かくじ ふたん (n) individuals being responsible for the payment of one's share of the purchase price, expense, etc. 学者馬鹿 がくしゃ ばか (n) scholar who knows but little of the ways of the world 各種各様 かくしゅ かくよう (n) individual [different] ways of doing things; being different (varied) for each item [type] 各種学校 かくしゅ がっこう (n) vocational school; trade school; school for nonacademic subjects 学生気質 がくせい かたぎ (n) student temperament; students' way of thinking. 拡大路線 かくだい ろせん (n) expansion policy; road to expansion 学閥意識 がくばつ いしき (n) strong feelings of loyalty to one's old school; the old school tie 格物致知 かくぶつ ちち (n) deepening one's wisdom by gaining a thorough knowledge of natural laws 攪乱戦術 かくらん せんじゅつ (n) disturbance tactics 攪乱戦法 かくらん せんぽう (n) disturbance strategy 学歴詐称 がくれき さしょう (n) false statement [misrepresentation] of one's academic career 学歴偏重 がくれき へんちょう (n) overstressing academic background 家系伝説 かけい でんせつ (n) family legend 加減乗除 か げん じょう じょ (n) the four arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) 花紅柳緑 かこう りゅうりょく (n) red blossoms and green willows; beautiful scenery of spring; natural beauty; beauty of nature 家財一切 かざい いっさい (n) complete set of household goods 家事一切 かじ いっさい (n) all the domestic [housekeeping] chores 餓死寸前 がし すんぜん (n) be on the verge of starvation; be about to starve 家常茶飯 かじょう さはん (n) everyday occurrence; commonplace of life; nothing out of the ordinary 過剰防衛 かじょう ぼうえい (n) excessive [unjustifiable] self-defense 雅俗折衷 がそく せっちゅう (n) blending of the classical and colloquial styles 片言英語 かたこと えいご (n) halting [broken] English 画蛇添足 がだ てんそく (n) making an unnecessary addition (to); gilding the lily 活気横溢 かっき おういつ (n) being full of vitality [energy]; in exuberant spirits; effervescent; ebullient 割鶏牛刀 かっけい ぎゅうとう (n) using a meat ax when a knife would suffice; taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut; using a grand-scale measure [a massive instrument] to deal with an insignificant problem 確固不動 かっこ ふどう (n) being firm and unshakable [unwavering, unswerving, steadfastly resolute] 確乎不抜 かっこ ふばつ (n) being firm and unshakable [unwavering, unswerving, steadfastly resolute] 活字世論 かつじ せろん (n) public opinion (sentiment) as reflected in the print media 活字中毒 かつじ ちゅうどく (n) addiction to the printed word; reading addict; book [print] junkie 活字文化 かつじ ぶんか (n) (the culture of) the printed word; book culture 家庭円満 かてい えんまん (n) family happiness; household harmony 家内一同 かない いちどう (n) all one's family; one's whole family 仮名草子 かな ぞうし (n) story book written in kana (or in kana mixed with Chinese characters) in the early Edo period [primarily for the enlightenment and entertainment of women and children] 仮名文学 かな ぶんがく (n) kana literature; works written in kana in the Heian period 可否両説 かひ りょうせつ (n) arguments for and against 可否両論 かひ りょうろん (n) arguments for and against 歌舞音曲 かぶ おんきょく (n) public music and dancing; performance of song and dance entertainment 歌舞伎者 かぶき もの (n) a dandy; a peacock; the early-17th-century equivalent of present-day yakuza; Edo-period eccentric who attracted public attention with their eye-catching clothes, peculiar hairstyle, and weird behavior 仮面夫婦 かめん ふうふ (n) couple who only go through the motions of being husband and wife 仮面浪人 かめん ろうにん (n) college student who is merely marking time to get into a better college 臥竜鳳雛 がりょう ほうすう (n) gifted young person who shows much promise; unrecognized genius; great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel 苛斂誅求 かれん ちゅうきゅう (n) imposing exacting [crushing, oppressive] taxes 夏炉冬扇 かろ とうせん (n) summer fires and winter fans; useless [untimely] things 川施餓鬼 かわ せがき (n) Buddhist services in memory of those drowned in a river; offering to suffering spirits at the river 閑雲野鶴 かんうん やかく (n) life in natural setting, free from worldly cares 鰥寡孤独 かんか こどく (n) the lonely and the helpless; people who have no kith or kin 官紀紊乱 かんき  びんらん (n) laxity in official discipline; civil service corruption 汗牛充棟 かんきゅう じゅうとう (n) (having/there being) a great number of books 関係省庁 かんけい しょうちょう (n) the concerned government agencies; the ministries and agencies that are relevant to the matter at hand; the relevant authorities 関係当局 かんけい とうきょく (n) the authorities concerned; the competent authorities 眼光紙背 がんこう しはい (n) reading between the lines; reading with penetrating insight 眼高手低 がんこう しゅてい (n) able to criticize but not to create; high critical but low creative ability 頑固親父 がんこ おやじ (n) stubborn [obstinate] father; pig-headed old man 冠婚葬祭 かん こん そう さい (n) important ceremonial occasions in family relationships; the ceremoniesof coming-of-age, marriage, funeral, and ancestor worship 閑寂枯淡 かんじゃく こたん (n) an aesthetic sense in Japanese art emphasizing quiet simplicity and subdued refinement 寛仁大度 かんじん たいど (n) being generous and magnanimous in disposition 勧進相撲 かんじん ずもう (n) fund-raising sumo tournaments of Edo period held in aid of a temple or a shrine 官尊民卑 かんそん みんぴ (n) respecting the authorities and denigrating ordinary citizens; putting government officials above the people 勧善懲悪 かんぜん ちょうあく (n) rewarding good and punishing evil; poetic justice; didactic theme in a novel or drama 艱難苦労 かんなん くろう (n) trials and tribulations; adversities; suffering hardships and troubles 官能小説 かんのう しょうせつ (n) amorous [erotic] novel; pornographic novel 姦夫姦婦 かんぷ かんぷ (n) adulterer and adulteress; adulterous couple 玩物喪志 がんぶつ そうし (n) forgetting one's serious objectives by becoming engrossed in trivial pursuits; being distracted by trivial objects and losing sight of one's original goal 官民格差 かんみん かくさ (n) disparity (of income [pensions, etc.]) between public and private employees 顔面紅潮 がんめん こうちょう (n) one's face turning red; with a flush on one's face 顔面蒼白 がんめん そうはく (n) one's face turning pale [ashen]; the color being drained from one's face 慣用表現 かんよう ひょうげん (n) idiomatic expression; idiom 官僚主導 かんりょう しゅどう (n) initiative taken by bureaucrats in the drafting of government policies and bills [rather than by politicians] 偽悪趣味 ぎあく しゅみ (n) propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible; being prone to act bad 気韻生動 きいん せいどう (n) being animated [vivid] with grace [elegance, refinement] 気炎万丈 きえん ばんじょう (n) in very high spirits; talking big 機械馬鹿 きかい ばか (n) skilled engineer [mechanic] who is clumsy in all other matters; person who gets a great kick out of tinkering with anything mechanical 起居挙動 ききょ きょどう (n) behavior; bearing; deportment; manners; demeanor 起居動作 ききょ どうさ (n) behavior; bearing; deportment; manners; demeanor; one's daily life 規矩準縄 き  く  じゅん  じょう (n) rules and standards; norms; criteria 機嫌気褄 きげん きづま (n) humor; temper; mood 機嫌上戸 きげん じょうご (n) merry drinker 貴顕紳士 きけん しんし (n) gentlemen of (high) eminence; notables; dignitaries 貴顕紳商 きけん しんしょう (n) merchant prince   機嫌奉伺 きげん ほうし (n) inquiring into the health [frame of mind] of someone; paying one's respects to someone 気候風土 きこう ふうど (n) climate and natural features (of a region)  疑獄事件 ぎごく じけん (n) bribery scandal [case] 擬古主義 ぎこ しゅぎ (n) archaism; classicism; pseudoarchaism; pseudoclassicism 旗幟鮮明 きし せんめい (n) making one's attitude [position, stand] clear; taking a definite stance [Literally, unfurling and clearly showing one's banner] 希少価値 きしょう かち (n) very precious; scarcity value 机上空論 きじょう くうろん (n) impractical desktop theory [proposition]; unworkable idea; an idea that isn't worth the paper it's written on 疑似恋愛 ぎじ れんあい (n) pseudo-romance; pseudo [mock] love affair 既成概念 きせい がいねん (n) preconceived idea; old [established] notions; fixed [established] ideas 規制緩和 きせい かんわ (n) easing of restraints [regulations]; relaxation of controls; deregulation 既成事実 きせい じじつ (n) established fact; accomplished reality; fait accompli 貴賤貧富 きせん ひんぷ (n) high and low, and rich and poor 偽装難民 ぎそう なんみん (n) fake [phony] refugee; illegal migrant disguised as a refugee 帰属意識 きぞく いしき (n) sense of belonging; (a feeling of) identification (with) 吉凶禍福 きっきょう かふく (n) fortune and misfortune; weal and woe; prosperity and adversity; ups and downs (of life) 既定路線 きてい ろせん (n) established [existing] policy [procedure(s)] 木戸御免 きど ごめん (n) being given free admission to; having free access to 昨日今日 きのう きょう (n) 1 yesterday and today; 2 (something that happened) only yesterday [just recently] 気分一新 きぶん いっしん (n) complete change of mood; thoroughly refreshing one's spirits 気分次第 きぶん しだい (n) according to [depending on] the mood of the moment; as one's fancy dictates 気分爽快 きぶん そうかい (n) feeling great [refreshed] 気分高揚 きぶん こうよう (n) feeling exhilarated 気分転換 きぶん てんかん (n) change of pace; change of mood; mental diversion; refreshment of the spirit; a break 鬼面仏心 きめん ぶっしん (n) having the face of a devil and the heart of Buddha; having a stern face but a tender heart 疑問氷解 ぎもん ひょうかい (n) one's doubts being cleared away [dispelled, resolved] 救国済民 きゅうこく さいみん (n) saving a nation and providing relief to people 旧婚旅行 きゅうこん りょこう (n) second honeymoon 急転悪化 きゅうてん あっか (n) suddenly turning for the worse; sudden deterioration 旧幕時代 きゅうばく じだい (n) the shogunate period; the days of the shogunate regime 弓馬槍剣 きゅうば そうけん (n) archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general 弓馬刀槍 きゅうば とうそう (n) archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general 旧弊打破 きゅうへい だは (n) breaking down antiquated notions; abandoning old-time ways; correcting long- standing abuses 牛歩戦術 ぎゅうほ せんじゅつ (n) snail's-pace tactics; snail's-pace shuffling walk adopted by opposition members of the Diet as a tactic for stalling a vote 今日明日 きょう あす (n) 1 today and tomorrow; today or tomorrow; in a day or two; 2 (something that may happen) very soon [any day now] 強圧手段 きょうあつ しゅだん (n) coercive [high-handed] measure; strong-arm method 鏡花水月 きょうか すいげつ (n) flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface; something that is visible but having no substance; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words 行儀作法 ぎょうぎ さほう (n) good manners; etiquette; decorum; the rules of good behavior 今日昨日 きよう きのう (n) 1 today and yesterday; 2 (something that happened) only yesterday [just recently] 行儀見習 ぎょうぎ みならい (n) learning good manners through apprenticeship (to an upper-class family) 挟撃作戦 きょうげき さくせん (n) pincer operation [tactic] 狂言綺語 きょうげん きご (n) [a derogatory term for] fiction; story; novel [Literally, make-believe and fancy talk] 狂言強盗 きょうげん ごうとう (n) fake [staged] robbery 狂言自殺 きょうげん じさつ (n) mock [sham, fake] suicide 強権発動 きょうけん はつどう (n) invoking the (coercive) power of the state; calling upon the (strong) power of the state 狂言誘拐 きょうげん ゆうかい (n) fake [staged] kidnapping 競合関係 きょうごう かんけい (n) competitive relationship; rivalry 強硬手段 きょうこう  しゅだん (n) tough measure; firm step; strong measure 強硬路線 きょうこう ろせん (n) firm [strong] stand; hard [tough] line 行商稼業 ぎょうしょう かぎょう (n) the peddling trade 行政手腕 ぎょうせい しゅわん (n) skill at administration; one's administrative skills 競争場裡 きょうそうじょう り (n) an [the] arena of competition 兄弟弟子 きょうだい でし (n) fellow pupil [apprentice] 共同戦線 きょうどう せんせん (n) common [united] front 共同謀議 きょうどう ぼうぎ (n) conspiracy 強迫観念 きょうはく かんねん (n) obsession; compulsion 共犯関係 きょうはん かんけい (n) complicity (in a crime); collusion 教養小説 きょうよう しょうせつ (n) novel of education [formation]; novel which traces the intellectual, spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character from (usually) childhood to maturity; Bildungsroman [German] 享楽気分 きょうらく きぶん (n) enjoyable [pleasant] feeling [atmosphere] 享楽生活 きょうらく せいかつ (n) leading a life of pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle 狂瀾怒涛 きょうらん どとう (n) raging billows [waves]; tumultuous sea; maelstrom; the state of affairs being in great turmoil 協力態勢 きょうりょく たいせい (n) readiness to cooperate; framework for cooperation 局外中立 きょくがい ちゅうりつ (n) neutrality; staying above the fray 曲学阿世 きょくがく あせい (n) prostitution of learning; twisting the truth and truckling to the times 玉砕主義 ぎょくさい しゅぎ (n) the principle of honorable death and no surrender 旭日昇天 きょくじつ しょうてん (n) full of vigor and vitality [like the rising sun]; being in the ascendant 局面一転 きょくめん いってん (n) sudden reversal in the tide of events; the situation taking a new turn 局面打開 きょくめん だかい (n) breakthrough in the situation; break in the deadlocked situation 拒絶反応 きょぜつ はんのう (n) rejection (symptom); strong reaction (against) 挙措言動 きょそ げんどう (n) speech and behavior; words and deeds 挙措進退 きょそ しんたい (n) behavior; bearing; demeanor 虚脱状態 きょだつ じょうたい (n) state of lethargy; absolute bewilderment; daze; mental numbness 挙動不審 きょどう ふしん (n) suspicious behavior; acting suspiciously 許認可権 きょにんか けん (n) ministerial authority to grant permits and approvals 拒否反応 きょひ はんのう (n) adverse reaction; negative response to; strong reaction (against) 毀誉褒貶 きよ ほうへん (n) praise and censure; differing views of someone's achievements; one's public reputation, both good and bad 気力横溢 きりょく おういつ (n) being full of vitality [energy]; in exuberant spirits; effervescent; ebullient 議論百出 ぎろん ひゃくしゅつ (n) endless [fierce] arguments; diverse arguments arising in great numbers 槿花一日 きんか いちじつ (n) evanescent glory; passing prosperity 槿花一朝 きんか いっちょう (n) evanescent glory; passing prosperity 緊急事態 きんきゅう じたい (n) state of emergency; exigency; crisis 緊急動議 きんきゅう どうぎ (n) urgent motion 勤倹貯蓄 きんけん ちょちく (n) thrift and saving 金言名句 きんげん めいく (n) golden [wise] saying; aphorism; maxim 近郷近在 きんごう きんざい (n) surrounding country; neighboring villages 金枝玉葉 きんし ぎょくよう (n) (1) member of the Imperial family; royalty; (2) beautiful clouds 錦上添花 きんじょう てんか (n) adding a crowning touch of beauty (to); giving added luster (to); crowning beauty [honor, grace] with even greater glory 金城湯池 きんじょう とうち (n) impregnable fortress; impassable moat [bulwark]; unassailable territory 近所合壁 きんじょ がっぺき (n) immediate neighborhood 近所迷惑 きんじょ めいわく (n) nuisance [annoyance, inconvenience] to (people in) the neighborhood 金銭感覚 きんせん かんかく (n) sense for (how to use) money; money sense 金銭哲学 きんせん てつがく (n) one's philosophy of making, saving, and spending money 金銭問題 きんせん もんだい (n) money matter; question of money; money trouble 緊張緩和 きんちょう かんわ (n) detente; easing [relation] of tension 金殿玉楼 きんでん ぎょくろう (n) magnificent palace; palatial residence. 金波銀波 きんぱ ぎんぱ (n) sparkling waves; waves sparkling in the moonlight or with the light of the rising [setting] sun 禁欲生活 きんよく せいかつ (n) an ascetic existence; (leading) a continent life; abstinence 金襴緞子 きんらん どんす (n) gold-brocade satin damask; expensive silk fabrics 近隣公害 きんりん こうがい (n) (noise/smell/air/water) pollution in the neighborhood 空中楼閣 くうちゅう ろうかく (n) castle in the air; pie in the sky 空転国会 くうてん こっかい (n) stalled session of the Diet [Japanese Parliament] 空理空論 くうり くうろん (n) an impractical [empty] theory; vain speculation; unrealistic and useless arguments 愚兄賢弟 ぐけい けんてい (n) a foolish older brother and a smart younger 九尺二間 くしゃく にけん (n) (tiny) house about nine feet wide and 12 feet deep 九寸五分 くすん ごぶ (n) dagger (with a blade approx. 29 cm long) 口三味線 くち じゃみせん (n) humming a samisen tune; (con someone with) clever lies [slick talk] 熊公八公 くまこう はちこう (n) the average Joe; your average nice guy; Joe Blow; Joe Bloggs 雲助根性 くもすけ こんじょう (n) predatory nature; rapacious disposition 愚問愚答 ぐもん ぐとう (n) silly questions and silly answers; silly dialogue 玄人気質 くろうと かたぎ (n) professionalism; the temperament of a professional 黒田売買 くろた ばいばい (n) dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest before seedlings are set out 黒物家電 くろもの かでん (n) black goods; consumer electronics products 軍紀弛緩 ぐんき ちかん (n) lack of [slackness in] military discipline; demoralization 軍紀漏洩 ぐんき ろうえい (n) disclosure [leakage, betrayal] of military secrets 訓民正音 くんみん せいおん (n) Hunmin-jongum; the Hankul [Hangul] alphabet (of Korea); the Onmun [Enmun] 形影一如 けいえい いちにょ (n) being inseparable as a form and its shadow; a person's deed mirrors the good or evil of his mind; husband and wife being never apart 鶏群一鶴 けいぐん いっかく (n) a swan among ducklings; a diamond among stones; a great figure among the common run of men 経国済民 けいこく さいみん (n) governing a nation and providing relief to people  傾国傾城 けいこく けいせい (n) a beauty for whom a king would neglect his realm; glamorous woman who brings ruin to a realm as the king is captivated by her beauty; femme fatale 警察沙汰 けいさつ ざた (n) a matter for the police; with the police involved; a brush with the law 芸術家肌 げいじゅつか はだ (n) be something of an artist; have something of the artist in one 傾城傾国 けいせい けいこく (n) a beauty for whom a king would neglect his realm; glamorous woman who brings ruin to a realm as the king is captivated by her beauty; femme fatale 経世済民 けいせい さいみん (n) governing a nation and providing relief to people  軽薄才子 けいはく さいし (n) shallow, glib and obsequious person 鶏鳴狗盗 けいめい くとう (n) person who resorts to petty tricks; person of small caliber who is only capable of petty tricks 経歴詐称 けいれき さしょう (n) misrepresentation [falsification] of one's past record [personal history] 戯作三昧 げさく ざんまい (n) being absorbed in writing popular novels [cheap fictions]; being absorbed in writing something to amuse oneself 下司野郎 げす やろう (n) low [crude/coarse] person; boor 外題学問 げだい がくもん (n) putting on a knowing air when one only knows the title of the book [play, etc.]; pretending to understand the nature of something when one only knows its name 血縁関係 けつえん かんけい (n) blood relationship; blood relations; being genetically related 月下推敲 げっか すいこう (n) polish; elaboration; repeatedly working over one's writing; being very scrupulous in the choice of diction 結跏趺坐 けっか ふざ (n) sitting with crossed legs; the lotus position [in Zen meditation] 月下老人 げっか ろうじん (n) go-between; matchmaker    月給泥棒 げっきゅう どろぼう (n) freeloader; slacker; lazy worker who does not deserve his salary 月卿雲客 げっけい うんかく (n) court nobles and other courtiers allowed into the Imperial Palace 血族関係 けつぞく かんけい (n) kinship; relationship by blood; blood ties; consanguinity     血族結婚 けつぞく けっこん (n) consanguineous marriage 懸念材料 けねん ざいりょう (n) cause [grounds] for concern [anxiety]; reason for uneasiness 衒学趣味 げんがく しゅみ (n) pedantry; display of one's learning; being of a pedantic disposition 喧嘩沙汰 けんか ざた (n) beginning [developing into] a quarrel [a fight, an altercation] 懸軍万里 けんぐん ばんり (n) military expedition deep into enemy territory 権限委譲 けんげん いじょう (n) delegation of authority [power]; devolution; empowerment 言行齟齬 げんこう そご (n) inconsistency of speech and action; failing to act up to one's words; not practicing what one preaches 現実認識 げんじつ にんしき (n) accepting [acknowledging] the reality 現実路線 げんじつ ろせん (n) (following) a pragmatic (policy) line [approach] 現状維持 げんじょう いじ (n) maintenance [preservation] of the status quo 現状打破 げんじょう だは (n) abandonment of the status quo; destroying the status quo; overthrowing the present situation 現状把握 げんじょう はあく (n) grasping the present situation; having an accurate grasp of the situation 現状否定 げんじょう ひてい (n) refusal to accept the present situation; denial of the existing situation; negation of the status quo 牽制作戦 けんせい さくせん (n) diversionary operations 減点主義 げんてん しゅぎ (n) demerit [points-off] system 堅忍持久 けんにん じきゅう (n) dogged perseverance; untiring patience 堅忍不抜 けんにん ふばつ (n) indomitable perseverance; invincible fortitude 堅白同異 けんぱく どうい (n) sophism; sophistry; quibbling 原発銀座 げんぱつ ぎんざ (n) area where a string of nuclear power plants are located 言文一致 げんぶん いっち (n) unification of the written and spoken forms of a language; written in the spoken, as contrasted to the literary, language; colloquial style of writing 権謀術策 けんぼう じゅっさく (n) trickery; wiles; intriguing strategy cleverly designed to fool others; Machiavellism 見聞覚知 けん もん かく ち (n) perception through the six senses (of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and consciousness) 原野商法 げんや しょうほう (n) the selling of waste land [worthless property] by unscrupulous real-estate developers 原理原則 げんり げんそく (n) rules and principles 高位高官 こうい こうかん (n) (person of) high rank and office [exalted station]; persons in high positions 行雲流水 こううん りゅうすい (n) living naturally unmindful of mundane affairs; taking life as it comes; [metaphorically] floating with the tide 綱紀紊乱 こうき びんらん (n) laxity in official discipline; public order being in disarray 恒久不変 こうきゅう ふへん (n) permanent and immutable 交互作用 こうご さよう (n) (mutual) interaction; reciprocal action; interplay 恍惚状態 こうこつ じょうたい (n) state of ecstasy [rapture]; trance; senile dementia 甲骨文字 こうこつ もじ (n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces 交際場裡 こうさいじょう り (n) social circles; the arena of (fashionable) society 高山流水 こうざん りゅうすい (n) 1 high mountains and running water; the beauty of nature; (2) beautifully [skillfully] played music 黄塵万丈 こうじん ばんじょう (n) rising cloud of (yellowish) dust; clouds of yellow dust 攻勢防御 こうせい ぼうぎょ (n) attack as a form of defense; attacking [active] defense 膠着状態 こうちゃく じょうたい (n) state of deadlock; standstill; stalemate 郷鎮企業 ごうちん きぎょう (n) township and village enterprise in China 行動原理 こうどう げんり (n) behavioral principle; principle [value] governing one's conduct 紅灯緑酒 こうとう りょくしゅ (n) (nights of) fun, food, and drink; bright-light district; nightlife district 狡兎三窟 こうと さんくつ (n) very shrewd in preparing a means of escape; being very good at escaping danger 興奮気味 こうふん ぎみ (n) being somewhat excited [agitated] 紅毛碧眼 こうもう へきがん (n) red-haired and blue-eyed (person); a Westerner 交友関係 こうゆう かんけい (n) one's (friendly) relationships; the people one knows [goes around with] 高論卓説 こうろん たくせつ (n) excellent opinion; brilliant exposition; outstanding argument; insightful view 互角勝負 ごかく しょうぶ (n) equal contest; close game; well-matched game; even match 小刀細工 こがたな ざいく (n) (1) carving done with a knife; (2) cheap trick; simple trickery; petty strategem 国威発揚 こくい はつよう (n) enhancing national prestige; expanding national influence 国際感覚 こくさい かんかく (n) cosmopolitan [international] way of thinking; feeling for the wider world 国際場裡 こくさい じょうり (n) the international arena 国際力学 こくさい りきがく (n) dynamics of international [foreign] relations 国士無双 こくし むそう (n) person of great caliber unparalleled in the land; person of unsurpassed distinction 極楽蜻蛉 ごくらく とんぼ (n) happy-go-lucky fellow; an easygoing and indifferent person; a pococurante 此処一番 ここ いちばん (n)the crucial moment; the moment of truth; a do-or-die situation; a crucial juncture [stage] 五公五民 ごこう ごみん (n)land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took half of the year's crop and the farmers kept the other half 五穀豊穣 ごこく ほうじょう (n) bumper [abundant] crop; huge harvest (of cereals) 五言絶句 ごごん ぜっく (n) poem of four lines, each of five (Chinese) characters 古今独歩 ここん どっぽ (n) unsurpassed in history 古今無双 ここん むそう (n) unparalleled in history 古今無類 ここん むるい (n) unequaled in history 五言律詩 ごごん りっし (n) poem of eight lines, each of five (Chinese) characters 腰掛仕事 こしかけ しごと (n) stopgap job; just a temporary job while looking for a better job; work just to kill time 乞食根性 こじき こんじょう (n) mercenary [mean] spirit; greediness; covetous disposition; base [mean] spirit of seeking freeloading [cadging] opportunities wherever possible 故事成語 こじ せいご (n) idiom derived from historical events or classical literature of China 五十音順 ごじゅうおん じゅん (n) the order of the Japanese syllabary; kana order; (in) a-i-u-e-o order 後生一生 ごしょう いっしょう (n) extremely important or once in a lifetime (request); only once in one's lifetime 弧城落月 こじょう らくげつ (n) feeling apprehensive; feeling [looking] lone and helpless; being down-and-out [ruined]; helplessness of those in reduced circumstances 孤城落日 こじょう らくじつ (n) feeling apprehensive; feeling [looking] lone and helpless; being down-and-out [ruined]; helplessness of those in reduced circumstances 故事来歴 こじ らいれき (n) origin and history of things handed down from ancient times; historical particulars 牛頭馬頭 ごず めず (n) a type of demons in the Buddhist hell with a human body and the head of a bull or horse 御前試合 ごぜん じあい (n) game [contest] held in the presence of a lord [daimyo, shogun]  五臓六腑 ごぞう ろっぷ (n) the bowels and other internal organs; the vital organs 誇大妄想 こだい もうそう (n) delusions of grandeur; megalomania 固着観念 こちゃく かんねん (n) a fixation; fixed idea; obsession 国家存亡 こっか そんぼう (n) the fate of a nation; life-or-death (situation) for a nation; national crisis 酷寒猛暑 こっかん もうしょ (n) bitter cold and fierce heat 滑稽諧謔 こっけい かいぎゃく (n) smooth-talking and humorous; with jocose and comical airs 骨肉相食 こつにく そうしょく (n) blood feud; domestic [family] discord 固定観念 こてい かんねん (n) stereotype; prejudice; fixed idea 後手後手 ごて ごて (n) ending up behind with everything; being always too late [never in time] 五風十雨 ごふう じゅうう (n) seasonable rains and winds; rains and winds suitable for growing; halcyon weather; halcyon times of peace 五分五分 ごぶ ごぶ (n) evenly matched; on even [equal] terms; tie; toss-up; on a 50-50 basis 古武士然 こぶし ぜん (n) having something of the old-time samurai about one 胡麻塩頭 ごましお あたま (n) salt and pepper hair; dark hair streaked with gray 御用学者 ごよう がくしゃ (n) a scholar beholden to the government; scholar who curries favor with persons in power; self-serving academic 御用組合 ごよう くみあい (n) a company union; a sweetheart union; a company-run labor [trade] union 御用商人 ごよう しょうにん (n) purveyor to the government; merchant who enjoys government patronage 御用新聞 ごよう しんぶん (n) newspaper that follows the government line; newspaper that curries favor with the government 狐狸妖怪 こり ようかい (n) foxes and badgers [which were believed to bewitch humans] and all sorts of bogies; sly fellow who does evil by stealth; tricksters 強面談判 こわもて だんぱん (n) aggressive negotiations; hard-line bargaining 根気仕事 こんき しごと (n) laborious task; work that requires a lot of patience 困苦窮乏 こんく きゅうぼう (n) hardships and privations 困苦欠乏 こんく けつぼう (n) hardships and privations 欣求浄土 ごんぐ じょうど (n) seeking rebirth in the Pure Land; the aspiration to be reborn in Paradise 金剛堅固 こんごう けんご (n) firm and solid; sturdy and indestructible; unshakable; adamantine 金剛不壊 こんごう ふえ (n) firm and solid; sturdy and indestructible; unshakable; adamantine 金剛力士 こんごう りきし (n) the guardian gods (at a temple gate) 混雑具合 こんざつ ぐあい (n) the state [degree] of congestion; how bad traffic jams are 渾然一体 こんぜん いったい (n) individual units blending into a uniform whole; separate units forming a harmonious whole; in complete harmony 蒟蒻問答 こんにゃく もんどう (n) irrelevant and incoherent dialogue; incoherent questions and answers; meaningless [off-the-beam] debate; dialogue at cross purposes 根本原理 こんぽん げんり (n) fundamental [underlying] principle; ground rules; keystone 昏迷状態 こんめい じょうたい (n) befuddled [bewildered, confused] state; stupor 混迷状態 こんめい じょうたい (n) chaotic state; turmoil; disarray; labyrinth 再起不能 さいき ふのう (n) be beyond [have no hope of] recovery 最後通牒 さいご つうちょう (n) ultimatum 才子佳人 さいし かじん (n) a talented man and a beautiful woman; well-matched pair; the quick-witted and the beautiful; wit and beauty 妻子眷属 さいし けんぞく (n) one's wife, children, and other relations; one's whole family 罪状糾明 さいじょう きゅうめい (n) closely examining [questioning] the concrete circumstances of a crime 祭政一致 さいせい いっち (n) unity of church and state; government of a country by religious leaders; theocracy 祭政分離 さいせい ぶんり (n) separation of church and state; separation of religious ritual and government administration 裁判沙汰 さいばん ざた (n) law suit; litigation; court fight; legal wangle 西方浄土 さいほう じょうど (n) Buddhist paradise; the Western Pure Land 在野精神 ざいや せいしん (n) spirit of defiance of the opposition party; antiestablishment mindset 錯乱状態 さくらん じょうたい (n) state of (mental) confusion [agitation] 五月雨式 さみだれ しき (n) intermittent [off and on] manner; dragging on and on 左右一対 さゆう いっつい (n) left-and-right pair; symmetrical pair 小夜時雨 さよ しぐれ (n) light shower on a night in late autumn and early winter 三猿主義 さんえん しゅぎ (n) the principle [philosophy] of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; the policy of "see-not, hear-not, and speak-not" 三界流転 さんがい るてん (n) endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existences 三角関係 さんかく かんけい (n) love triangle; eternal triangle 産学協同 さんがく きょうどう (n) cooperation between industrial enterprises and universities 三行広告 さんぎょう こうこく (n) three-line [classified] advertisement 三号雑誌 ざんごう ざっし (n) short-lived magazine [periodical]; periodical that lasts for only a few issues 三者三様 さんしゃ さんよう (n) each of the three being different from the other two; each of the three having his [her] own way 三者鼎立 さんしゃ ていりつ (n) three parties [forces] opposing one another; three-cornered contest 三世因果 さんぜ いんが (n) retribution spanning the threes temporal worlds [the present, the past, and the future] 三千世界 さんぜん せかい (n) the whole wide world; the great universe (of one billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened 山川万里 さんせん ばんり (n) being far away across mountains and rivers 三番勝負 さんばん しょうぶ (n) three-game match; three-bout contest; a rubber (in a card game) 三本勝負 さんぼん しょうぶ (n) a set of three bouts; three-game match; three-bout contest 三百代言 さんびゃく だいげん (n) pettifogging lawyer; shyster 散歩日和 さんぽ びより (n) ideal weather for a walk 三無主義 さんむ しゅぎ (n) the "three no principle" of no drive (indolence), no interest (indifference), and no sense of responsibility (irresponsibility), the term describing the temperament of the Japanese youth of the 1970s 三面記事 さんめん きじ (n) human-interest stories; local news; police news [in a newspaper] 三面六臂 さんめん ろっぴ (n) being competent and active in many fields; versatile; one person doing the work of many 三文小説 さんもん しょうせつ (n) cheap [dime] novel 三文文士 さんもん ぶんし (n) hack writer; literary hack; scribbler; pulp writer 三文役者 さんもん やくしゃ (n) third-rate actor 山容水態 さんよう すいたい (n) scenic beauty of mountains and streams; fresh and clear beauty of nature's splendor 三割自治 さんわり じち (n) the "thirty-percent autonomy" of local governments 詩歌管弦 しいか かんげん (n) Chinese and Japanese poetry and instrumental music; poetry and music; literature and music 私怨私欲 しえん しよく (n) personal grudges and selfish desires 四海兄弟 しかい けいてい (n) people in the whole world being all brothers; universal brotherhood [fraternity] 四海同胞 しかい どうほう (n) people in the whole world being all brothers; universal brotherhood [fraternity] 死活問題 しかつ もんだい (n) matter [question] of life or death; vital question 自家本位 じか ほんい (n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity 自家薬籠 じか やくろう (n) (something that is) available for use at any time; (someone who is) at one's beck and call; (something over which) one has complete mastery 時機到来 じき とうらい (n) a good chance coming along; the time has come (for/to/when...); opportunity knocking 持久作戦 じきゅう さくせん (n) strategy of engaging in position warfare; strategy of turning a game into an endurance contest; playing a waiting game 至近距離 しきん きょり (n) close range; point-blank range 時雨模様 しぐれ もよう (n) showery sky; [it is] looking showery 舳艫千里 じくろ せんり (n) a large number of ships sailing in a long chain-like formation 事件記者 じけん きしゃ (n) crime reporter; police reporter 試験地獄 しけん じごく (n) examination hell; the ordeal of children preparing for highly competitive entrance examinations 四公六民 しこう ろくみん (n) land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took 40% of the year's crop and the farmers kept 60% 自己犠牲 じこ ぎせい (n) self-sacrifice; self-renunciation 地獄絵図 じこく えず (n) painting of a scene in Hell; a picture of Hell 自己疎外 じこ そがい (n) self-alienation; self-estrangement 自己中心 じこ ちゅうしん (n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egoism; egotism; egocentricity 仕事人間 しごと にんげん (n) fiend for work; workaholic; career-minded person 仕事一筋 しごと ひとすじ (n) living only for one's work; a life with no other interest than one's work 自己肥大 じこ ひだい (n) self-aggrandizement; self-glorification; something becoming large by feeding upon itself 自己保全 じこ ほぜん (n) self-protection; self-preservation 自己満足 じこ まんぞく (n) self-satisfaction; (self-)complacency 士魂商才 しこん しょうさい (n) having a samurai's spirit and a merchant's business sense; gentlemanly spirit combined with business acumen 時差出勤 じさ しゅっきん (n) staggered working hours; flextime; flexitime 屍山血河 しざん けつが (n) heaps of bodies and streams of blood; fierce battle 支持基盤 しじ きばん (n) one's support [power] base; the base of one's support in an electorate 四肢五体 しし ごたい (n) the [one's] whole body 獅子身中 しし しんちゅう (n) treacherous friend; snake in one's bosom; treacherous insider 師資相承 しし そうしょう (n) generation-to-generation instruction from master to disciple 事実関係 じじつ かんけい (n) all the facts [essentials, circumstances] of a (particular) case 四十九日 しじゅうく にち (n) a period of morning lasting seven weeks; the forty-ninth day (after someone's death); memorial service held on the forty-ninth day after the death of someone 四十八手 しじゅうはっ て (n) the 48 basic sumo techniques; every trick in the book 自主独往 じしゅ どくおう (n) independent way of life 自浄作用 じじょう さよう (n) self-purification; nature's self-cleansing functions 自浄能力 じじょう のうりょく (n) self-cleansing power; being capable of purifying oneself 至上命令 しじょう めいれい (n) supreme directive; unconditional command; overriding necessity; an absolute must; categorical imperative 史上唯一 しじょう ゆいいつ (n) the first in history; only once in history 至上要求 しじょう ようきゅう (n) overriding necessity; absolute requirement; an absolute must 地所観念 じしょ かんねん (n) the orientation of time and place; awareness of the existing situation 四書五経 ししょ ごきょう (n) the Nine Chinese [Confucian] Classics 四神相応 しじん そうおう (n) an ideal topography for the four Taoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north 時世感覚 じせい かんかく (n) sense of the times; sensitivity to the times 時勢感覚 じせい かんかく (n) sense of the trend of the times; sensitivity to the changing times 事前工作 じぜん こうさく (n) preparatory operations; measure taken in advance; doing the groundwork 思想信条 しそう しんじょう (n) one's thought and beliefs 時代感覚 じだい かんかく (n) sense of the times; sensitivity to the times; trend of the times 時代思潮 じだい しちょう (n) the trends [current(s)] of the times 事大根性 じだい こんじょう (n) slavish submission to power; sycophancy; flunkeyism; toadyism 事大思想 じだい しそう (n) sycophancy; toadyism; following the powerful for self-protection 事大主義 じだい しゅぎ (n) sycophancy; toadyism; following the powerful for self-protection 時代精神 じだい せいしん (n) spirit of an [the] age; a [the] Zeitgeist [German] 舌先三分 したさき さんぶ (n) a glib tongue (with fair words); fluent talk designed to deceive; talk something away 下町情緒 したまち じょうちょ (n) the friendly atmosphere of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods 下町人情 したまち にんじょう (n) the milk of human kindness of the people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods 七公三民 しちこう さんみん (n) a land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 70 percent of the year's rice crop and the farmers kept 30 percent 七言絶句 しちごん ぜっく (n) poem of four lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters 七言律詩 しちごん りっし (n) poem of eight lines, each of seven (Chinese) characters 七堂伽藍 しちどう がらん (n) the seven standard buildings of a major Buddhist temple complex 七難八苦 しちなん はっく (n) trials and tribulations; a series of endless misfortunes; the Seven Misfortunes and Eight Pains 七分三分 しちぶ さんぶ (n) seven to three (chances); (a proportion of) seven to three; (split) seventy-thirty 死中求活 しちゅう きゅうかつ (n) finding a way out of a potentially fatal situation; seeking a way out of a desperate situation 四柱推命 しちゅう すいめい (n) Four Pillar astrology; originally Chinese method of fortune-telling based on the time, date, month and year of a person's birth 十死一生 じっし いっしょう (n) (1) narrow escape from the jaws of death; (2) there being barely a chance of escaping death 実践道徳 じっせん どうとく (n) practical ethics [morality] 実践倫理 じっせん りんり (n) practical ethics [morality] 失地回復 しっち かいふく (n) the recovery of lost territory; recovering [regaining] lost ground [one' former position]; fence-mending 七珍万宝 しっちん まんぽう (n) the seven treasures and many other precious things; all the treasures in the world 疾風迅雷 しっぷう じんらい (n) with lightning speed; like a whirlwind 疾風怒濤 しっぷう どとう (n) Sturm und Drang [German]; storm and stress; violent wind and angry waves 櫛風沐雨 しっぷう もくう (n) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships 櫛風浴雨 しっぷう よくう (n) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships 執務心得 しつむ こころえ (n) guide to office routine; guide to the performance of official duties 実力伯仲 じつりょく はくちゅう (n) (the two persons/sides) being evenly matched in ability 実力次第 じつりょく しだい (n) according to [depending on] one's ability; if one is good [competent, talented] enough 任手相場 して そうば (n) speculators' [speculative] market 詩的正義 してき せいぎ (n) poetic justice; retributive justice 詩的破格 してき はかく (n) poetic license 指導原理 しどう げんり (n) ruling [guiding] principle 士農工商 し のう こう しょう (n) the hierarchy of samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants in Edo society 地場産業 じば さんぎょう (n) local industry 四半世紀 しはん せいき (n) quarter of a century; quarter century 地盤沈下 じばん ちんか (n) (1) land subsidence; (2) a decline in influence, popularity, etc. 字引学問 じびき がくもん (n) merely knowing the meanings of a large number of individual words; superficial learning 四百四病 しひゃくし びょう (n) every type of disease; every disease under the sun 自分自身 じぶん じしん (n) oneself; one's self 士分取立 しぶん とりたて (n) raising someone to the status of samurai 自分本位 じぶん ほんい (n) self-centeredness; selfishness; egotism; egocentricity 島国根性 しまぐに こんじょう (n) insularism; insularity; island country mentality 使命意識 しめい いしき (n) sense of (one's) mission; awareness of one's duty [calling] 七五三縄;注連縄;標縄 しめなわ (n) rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil [Shinto] 視野狭窄 しや きょうさく (n) narrowing of visual field; narrow-mindedness; lack of vision 社交辞令 しゃこう じれい (n) polite or diplomatic way of putting things; lip service; empty compliment 寂光浄土 じゃっこう じょうど (n) Buddhist paradise [heaven] 社内不倫 しゃない ふりん (n) adulterous love affair with someone at work 羞月閉花 しゅうげつ へいか (n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman; [Literally: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt] 自由裁量 じゆう さいりょう (n) latitude; (at one's) discretion; discretionary powers; a free hand 十字砲火 じゅうじ ほうか (n) cross fire; (drawing) a barrage of [flak, criticism] (from) 秋霜烈日 しゅうそう れつじつ (n) harshness; severity (of punishment, authority, will, etc.) 集中砲火 しゅうちゅう ほうか (n) concentrated fire; (drawing) intensive fire [flak, criticism] (from) 柔軟思考 じゅうなん しこう (n) a flexible way of thinking 柔軟路線 じゅうなん ろせん (n) (taking) a flexible approach (to) 秋風落莫 しゅうふう らくばく (n) forlorn and helpless; lonely and desolate 十分条件 じゅうぶん じょうけん (n) a sufficient condition 自由放題 じゆう ほうだい (n) as freely as one pleases; at will; to one' heart's content 自由放任 じゆう ほうにん (n) noninterference; nonintervention; permissiveness; laissez-faire 重要案件 じゅうよう あんけん (n) important matter (for discussion [deliberations]) 主義主張 しゅぎ しゅちょう (n) one's principles and position 主従関係 しゅじゅう かんけい (n) the relation of master to servant 衆生済度 しゅじょう さいど (n) enlightenment of the masses; leading the masses on the path of enlightenment 朱唇皓歯 しゅしん こうし (n) (exp,n) red lips and pearly white teeth (said of beautiful women) 首鼠両端 しゅそ りょうたん (n) being unable to make up one's mind; sitting on the fence 酒池肉林 しゅち にくりん (n) sumptuous feast [banquet] 出処進退 しゅっしょ しんたい (n) one's course of action; deciding what to do with oneself, whether staying in the present position or leaving it 出世街道 しゅっせ かいどう (n) highway to success 守秘義務 しゅひ ぎむ (n) duty of confidentiality; confidentiality [secrecy] obligation 純愛路線 じゅんあい ろせん (n) (going) the pure love stories route (in movie making) 春花秋月 しゅんか しゅうげつ (n) spring flowers and the autumn moon; beauty of nature as it changes from season to season 春秋戦国 しゅんじゅう せんごく (n) the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period [Chinese history] 準備万端 じゅんび ばんたん (n) every preparation [arrangement]; all sorts of preparations 叙位叙勲 じょい じょくん (n) conferment of Court ranks and decorations 硝煙弾雨 しょうえん だんう (n) the smoke of powder and hail of bullets; (in) the thick of the raging battle 上下関係 じょうげ かんけい (n) a relationship of higher and lower; (a relationship of) rank; hyponymy 上下左右 じょうげ さゆう (n) up and down [top and bottom], left and right 状況把握 じょうきょう はあく (n) one's grasp of the situation; knowing how matters stand 状況判断 じょうきょう はんだん (n) one's assessment of the situation; judging according to the circumstances; circumstantial judgment 証拠隠滅 しょうこ いんめつ (n) destruction of evidence 小国寡民 しょうこく かみん (n) a small country with a small population [The Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu's ideal of a state] 常識判断 じょうしき はんだん (n) commonsense judgment 情実人事 じょうじつ じんじ (n) personnel changes through favoritism 上昇気流 じょうしょう きりゅう (n) (1) ascending air current; updraft; (2) upward trend; rise in popularity, influence, etc.; being on a rise 上手下手 じょうず へた (n) differences in skill 消息不明 しょうそく ふめい (n) untraceable; long lost; one's whereabouts being unknown 冗談気味 じょうだん ぎみ (n) being somewhat [half] joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein 冗談半分 じょうだん はんぶん (n) being somewhat [half] joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein 消長盛衰 しょうちょう せいすい (n) prosperity and decay; rise and fall; ebb and flow; vicissitudes (of fortune)      祥月命日 しょうつき めいにち (n) anniversary of a person's death 常套表現 じょうとう ひょうげん (n) conventional [stock] phrase; hackneyed expression; platitude; cliche 商人根性 しょうにん こんじょう (n) mercenary spirit; commercial motives; a nose for profit; moneygrubbing disposition 焦熱地獄 しょうねつ じごく (n) burning hell; inferno 商売往来 しょうばい おうらい (n) business handbook (with glossary) of Edo period 商売気質 しょうばい かたぎ (n) mercantile mind-set; mercenary spirit; being intent on making a profit 常用手段 じょうよう しゅだん (n) one's usual practice; one's old trick; one's usual modus operandi; the same old tactic 生老病死 しょう ろう びょう し (n) the four inevitables in human life -- birth, aging, sickness, and death 昭和元禄 しょうわ げんろく (n) the flourishing mid-Showa period (1960s and early 1970s) of peace, rapid economic growth, and life of ease 昭和一桁 しょうわ ひとけた (n) (member of the generation born in) the first nine years of the Showa period (from 1926 to 1934) 書画骨董 しょが こっとう (n) objects of art and curios 贖罪意識 しょくざい いしき (n) a sense of atonement 職住一体 しょくじゅう いったい (n) having one's workplace at home; living and working at the same location [independent farmers, home workers, storekeepers, etc.] 職住近接 しょくじゅう きんせつ (n) having one's workplace near one's home 職人根性 しょくにん こんじょう (n) the spirit of a true artisan; (a craftsman's) pride in one's work 植物人間 しょくぶつ にんげん (n) comatose person; person in a vegetative state 職務怠慢 しょくむ たいまん (n) neglect [dereliction] of duty; negligence 女系天皇 じょけい てんのう (n) matrilineal emperor (male or female) of Japan; emperor whose mother is [was] a member of the Imperial family but whose father is [was] not 女工哀史 じょこう あいし (n) sad [tragic, pathetic] story [history] of factory girls in pre-WWII Japan 徐行戦術 じょこう せんじゅつ (n) go-slow tactics (of Japanese railway workers) 処士横議 しょし おうぎ (n) wayward [irresponsible] criticisms of political matters by private citizens 諸事万端 しょじ ばんたん (n) everything; all things; all affairs; all matters 諸子百家 しょし ひゃっか (n) the general term for the large number of scholars and controversialists, and their respective schools, that flourished during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period in Chinese history 女性天皇 じょせい てんのう (n) female emperor of Japan 女性遍歴 じょせい へんれき (n) one's history of love affairs with women 所属不明 しょぞく ふめい (n) of unknown affiliation 女尊男卑 じょそん だんぴ (n) placing women above men; respect for women at the expense of men 女中奉公 じょちゅう ぼうこう (n) domestic service; working as a housemaid 職権乱用 しょっけん らんよう (n) abuse of (one's) authority; abuse of (one's) public office 庶民感覚 しょみん かんかく (n) sensibilities [feelings, way of thinking] of the common people; popular sentiment 諸役御免 しょやく ごめん (n) being excused from various levies and taxes during the age of militarist [shogunate] government 自力本願 じりき ほんがん (n) salvation by one's own efforts; self-reliance 白湯文字 しろ ゆもじ (n) ordinary woman secretly engaged in prostituion [Edo period] 素人細工 しろうと ざいく (n) amateurish work 素人判断 しろうと はんだん (n) layperson's judgment [opinion] 素人療法 しろうと りょうほう (n) home remedy; medical treatment by a layperson 白田売買 しろた ばいばい (n) dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest while the paddies are still covered with snow 白物家電 しろもの かでん (n) white goods; large household appliances 心猿意馬 しんえん いば (n) (being unable to control) one's worldly desires and passions 人海戦術 じんかい せんじゅつ (n) human-wave tactics; the strategy of throwing large numbers of troops into an attack; throwing (overwhelming) human resources at a problem 人外魔境 じんがい まきょう (n) ominous place outside the human world; mysterious place where no human being lives; uninhabited area 陣笠議員 じんがさ ぎいん (n) backbench member [of Parliament, Congress, the Diet]; backbencher 真贋論争 しんがん ろんそう (n) argument as to [about] the authenticity (of...) 心悸亢進 しんき こうしん (n) palpitation(s) (of the heart) 仁義忠孝 じん ぎ ちゅう こう (n) humanity, justice, loyalty, and filial piety 仁義道徳 じんぎ どうとく (n) humanity and justice; benevolence and righteousness 真偽不明 しんぎ ふめい (n) dubious; doubtful; of unknown authenticity 神機妙算 しんき みょうさん (n) inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme 辛苦艱難 しんく かんなん (n) trials and tribulations; adversities; suffering hardships and troubles 神経衰弱 しんけい すいじゃく (n) nervous [emotional] breakdown 人権蹂躙 じんけん じゅうりん (n) human rights violation; blatant infringement upon a person's rights 人権擁護 じんけん ようご (n) protection of human rights; safeguarding [defending] human rights 信仰箇条 しんこう かじょう (n) article of faith; article of belief 人材登用 じんざい とうよう (n) selecting of fit [talented] persons for higher positions 辛酸甘苦 しんさん かんく (n) hardships and joys; tasting the sweets and bitters of life; (having seen much of life) being well-versed in the ways of the world 神算鬼謀 しんさん きぼう (n) inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme 人事考課 じんじ こうか (n) merit [ability, efficiency] rating; employee performance evaluation 真実一路 しんじつ いちろ (n) the straight path of sincerity and truthfulness; living a life in all sincerity and truthfulness 人事不省 じんじ ふせい (n) unconsciousness; loss of consciousness 神社仏閣 じんじゃ ぶっかく (n) (Shinto) shrines and (Buddhist) temples 身上調書 しんじょう ちょうしょ (n) personal information form; dossier on an individual 心情吐露 しんじょう とろ (n) expression of one's feelings; pouring out one's heart 信賞必罰 しんしょう ひつばつ (n) sure punishment or reward; a clear-cut system of rewards and punishments 心象風景 しんしょう ふうけい (n) imagined landscape; scenery in one's mind's eye 人心安定 じんしん あんてい (n) stabilizing the feelings of the people; inspiring confidence among the people 心身一如 しんしん いちにょ (n) body and mind as one 身心一如 しんしん いちにょ (n) body and mind as one 人心一新 じんしん いっしん (n) radically change public sentiment; leading the thought of the people to an entirely different channel 人身攻撃 じんしん こうげき (n) personal attack [abuse]; character assassination 人心刷新 じんしん さっしん (n) radically change public sentiment; leading the thought of the people to an entirely different channel 人心収攬 じんしん しゅうらん (n) winning the hearts of the people; capturing public sentiment 心身創痍 しんしん そうい (n) being wounded in mind and body 心身爽快 しんしん そうかい (n) feeling refreshed in mind and body 心神喪失 しんしん そうしつ (n) of unsound mind; temporary insanity 人生行路 じんせい こうろ (n) the journey [path] of life; one's passage through life 人生模様 じんせい もよう (n) facets [aspects] of (human) life; the pattern of (one's) life 親戚眷属 しんせき けんぞく (n) one's family and relatives; one's kith and kin 臣籍降下 しんせき こうか (n) [of members of the Imperial family] becoming a commoner; to be reduced from royal status to that of a commoner 親戚故旧 しんせき こきゅう (n) relatives and old friends 親戚知己 しんせき ちき (n) relatives and acquaintances 人跡未踏 じんせき みとう (n) untrodden; pathless; untraversed; where no human being has ever set foot 真相究明 しんそう きゅうめい (n) probe into the truth (of the matter); dig into the real facts of the case; get at the root of a matter 深層心理 しんそう しんり (n) the deep psyche 進退去就 しんたい きょしゅう (n) one's course of action; deciding what to do with oneself, whether staying in the present position or leaving it 身体髪膚 しんたい はっぷ (n) the entire human body; every inch of one's body 進退問題 しんたい もんだい (n) a question of whether or not someone should resign 進退両難 しんたい りょうなん (n) be driven to the wall; find oneself between the devil and the deep blue sea; a rock and a hard place 尽忠報国 じんちゅう ほうこく (n) loyalty and patriotism 慎重居士 しんちょう こじ (n) very cautious [prudent, discreet] person 慎重吟味 しんちょう ぎんみ (n) scrutiny; careful [close] examination [investigation]; careful inquiry; careful selection 新陳代謝 しんちん たいしゃ (n) the body's metabolism; replacement of the old with the new; regeneration 心的状態 しんてき じょうたい (n) one's mental state; state of mind; mentality 震天動地 しんてん どうち (n) earth-shaking; astounding; startling; phenomenal 人道蹂躙 じんどう じゅうりん (n) outrage against humanity 人馬一体 じんば いったい (n) unity of rider and horse 人馬往来 じんば おうらい (n) the passage of people and horses; coming and going of people and horses 親藩大名 しんぱん だいみょう (n) the daimyo of a feudal domain owned by a Tokugawa family branch 人品骨柄 じんぴん こつがら (n) a person's appearance and physique; a person's bearing [presence] 人物月旦 じんぶつ げったん (n) character sketch; comments on personalities 神仏混淆 しんぶつ こんこう (n) mixture [synthesis] of Buddhism and Shintoism 神仏分離 しんぶつ ぶんり (n) separation of Buddhism and Shintoism 新聞学問 しんぶん がくもん (n) knowledge gained [information acquired] from newspapers 新聞辞令 しんぶん じれい (n) Appointment conjecturally reported in a newspaper; announcement of an appointment which is [turns out to be] mere press speculation 神武景気 じんむ けいき (n) the economic boom of the mid-1950s 信頼関係 しんらい かんけい (n) relationship of mutual trust; trusting each other deeply 深慮遠謀 しんりょ えんぼう (n) deep design and forethought; a farsighted and deeply-laid plan 人倫道徳 じんりん どうとく (n) ethics and morality 親類縁者 しんるい えんじゃ (n) one's family and relations; one's relatives by blood and marriage [in blood and law] 推進母体 すいしん ぼたい (n) a nucleus (of a project proposal/of a social movement, etc.) 酔生夢死 すいせい むし (n) idling one's life away; dreaming away one's life accomplishing nothing significant 垂涎三尺 すいぜん さんじゃく (n) avid desire; drooling over (something); watering at the mouth 衰退一途 すいたい いっと (n) (falling into a) continuous decline; being on the wane 垂直思考 すいちょく しこう (n) rigid [stereotypical] thinking that adheres to preconceived notions 随伴現象 ずいはん げんしょう (n) a concomitant [an accompanying] phenomenon 水平思考 すいへい しこう (n) liberated thinking that is not bound to fixed ideas 酔歩蹣跚 すいほ まんさん (n) tipsy lurch; reeling [staggering] gait 数的優勢 すうてき ゆうせい (n) superiority in number; numerical superiority 頭寒足熱 ずかん そくねつ (n) keeping the head cool and feet warm 助平根性 すけべい こんじょう (n) lewd disposition, lecherous nature; greedy motives 杜撰脱漏 ずさん だつろう (n) careless [slipshod] and with many omissions 頭脳流出 ずのう りゅうしゅつ (n) brain drain; loss of highly trained or qualified people to other countries 寸借詐欺 すんしゃく さぎ (n) swindling someone [a stranger] by borrowing money with no intention of returning it 政界工作 せいかい こうさく (n) currying of political favor; buying political influence 政界再編 せいかい さいへん (n) political realignment; a realignment of political parties 政界余聞 せいかい よぶん (n) tidbits of political gossip 性格美人 せいかく びじん (n) woman with a wonderful personality 性格描写 せいかく びょうしゃ (n) character portrayal; characterization. 臍下丹田 せいか たんでん (n) the center of the abdominal region; point below the navel [thought to be the focal point of human body's energy in Oriental medicine] 生活信条 せいかつ しんじょう (n) one's philosophy of life 生活不安 せいかつ ふあん (n) worry [uncertainty, uneasiness, insecurity] about one's life [future] 政教一致 せいきょう いっち (n) unity of church and state 政教分離 せいきょう ぶんり (n) separation of church and state 税金泥棒 ぜいきん どろぼう (n) person living off other people's taxes; tax parasite; [a derogatory term for] public servants 整形美人 せいけい びじん (n) a plastic-surgery beauty 政権構想 せいけん こうそう (n) planning a new government; plan for a new administration 政権交代 せいけん こうたい (n) change of government [administration] 政権亡者 せいけん もうじゃ (n) one who is obsessed with [getting into, holding on to] political power; one who is obsessed with the idea of taking over government 晴好雨奇 せいこう うき (n) the scenery being beautiful in both sunny and rainy weather 西高東低 せいこう とうてい (n) a weather pattern in which the high pressure area lies to the west and the low pressure area to the east 成功報酬 せいこう ほうしゅう (n) fee contingent upon success; contingency fee; completion bonus 政策不況 せいさく ふきょう (n) policy-induced slump; stagnation resulting from poor economic policies 生殺与奪 せいさつ よだつ (n) wielding absolute power (over); the power to spare or to take the lives and property of the people 政治家肌 せいじか はだ (n) be something of a politician; have something of the politician in one 政治感覚 せいじ かんかく (n) sense of politics; feeling for politics 政治決着 せいじ けっちゃく (n) a political settlement; settling (a dispute) politically (without resorting to force) 政治工作 せいじ こうさく (n) political maneuvering; politicking; political machinations 政治抗争 せいじ こうそう (n) political strife [antagonism, conflict] 政治姿勢 せいじ しせい (n) one's political career [life] 政治主導 せいじ しゅどう (n) initiative taken by politicians (in the formulation of a policy or bill) [rather than by bureaucrats] 政治生命 せいじ せいめい (n) political stance 政治風土 せいじ ふうど (n) political climate 政治不信 せいじ ふしん (n) (public) distrust of politics; loss of faith in politics [politicians]; estrangement from politics 正邪曲直 せいじゃ きょくちょく (n) right and [or] wrong 正邪善悪 せいじゃ ぜんあく (n) right and [or] wrong 青春群像 せいしゅん ぐんぞう (n) youthful crowd; crowd of young people coming into their own 青春時代 せいしゅん じだい (n) one's youth; one's youthful days [years]; the flower of one's youth; the springtime of one's life 政情不安 せいじょう ふあん (n) the instability of a political situation; political instability 政治力学 せいじ りきがく (n) political dynamics; dynamics of political forces; the balance of political power 精神一到 せいしん いっとう (n) concentration of mind; mental concentration (on some task); determined mind  聖人君子 せいじん くんし (n) person of lofty virtue; man of noble character; perfect person; saint  聖人賢者 せいじん けんじゃ (n) person of lofty virtue and great wisdom 精神構造 せいしん こうぞう (n) one's mental makeup [structure]; emotional makeup; mentality 精神作用 せいしん さよう (n) operation [working] of the mind 成人指定 せいじん してい (n) rated for "adults only" 精神風土 せいしん ふうど (n) the spiritual climate 盛衰興亡 せいすい こうぼう (n) rise and fall; ups and downs; waxing and waning; prosperity and decline; vicissitudes 成績不振 せいせき ふしん (n) poor (academic) performance; poor (business) results [showing] 清濁併呑 せいだく へいどん (n) being so broad-minded as to accept all sorts of things, both good and evil; being broad-minded enough to be tolerant of people of all shades 成長過程 せいちょう かてい (n) growth process; (in the) process of growing 成長小説 せいちょう しょうせつ (n) novel of character development; novel of formation [education]; novel which traces the intellectual, moral, spiritual or social development and growth of a young person; Bildungsroman [German] 性的逸脱 せいてき いつだつ (n) sexual deviation; sexual anomaly 正当防衛 せいとう ぼうえい (n) (legitimate) self-defense 清風明月 せいふう めいげつ (n) refreshing breeze and the bright moon; a beautiful nocturnal scene with a full moon 姓名判断 せいめい はんだん (n) fortunetelling based on writing or pronunciation of one's name; onomancy 政略結婚 せいりゃく けっこん (n) (political) marriage of convenience; marriage forced by political expediency 勢力拡大 せいりょく かくだい (n) expansion of one's sphere of influence; increase in one's power [strength, influence] 勢力関係 せいりょく かんけい (n) power relations; balance of power (between) 勢力圏内 せいりょくけん ない (n) within the sphere of influence (of) 勢力範囲 せいりょく はんい (n) sphere of influence; one's territory 勢力分野 せいりょく ぶんや (n) the respective [relative] strength of political parties; distribution of the number of parliamentary seats held by each of the political parties   世界思潮 せかい しちょう (n) main currents [the trend] of thinking in the world 赤手空拳 せきしゅ くうけん (n) barehanded; having no wealth or position to rely on (aside from one's own resourcefulness) [when embarking on something] 責任問題 せきにん もんだい (n) a question [an issue] of where responsibility [liability] lies; a question of who is responsible [to blame] 世間周知 せけん しゅうち (n) (a matter of) common knowledge; widely known; known to everybody 世事一切 せじ いっさい (n) all the worldly matters 世上万般 せじょう ばんぱん (n) all the worldly [mundane] matters; everything in this world 是正措置 ぜせい そち (n) corrective action [measure]; rectification 世代交代 せだい こうたい (n) change of generation; transition of power between generations 世態人情 せたい にんじょう (n) (contemporary) customs and behavior; the picture of people's life in the contemporary world 舌禍事件 ぜっか じけん (n) scandal [trouble] caused by a slip of the tongue 接客業務 せっきゃく ぎょうむ (n) customer relations; serving [helping, attending to, waiting on] customers 接客態度 せっきゃく たいど (n) the way one waits on customers; one's behavior toward [attitude to] customers [visitors] 説教調子 せっきょう ぢょうし (n) (in a) preaching tone 説教泥棒 せっきょう どろぼう (n) preaching burglar; burglar who preaches at the victim about the methods of preventing similar crimes 説教坊主 せっきょう ぼうず (n) tub-thumping preacher; preacher [priest] who is good at delivering a sermon; pulpiteer [usually with contemptuous implication] 積極財政 せっきょく ざいせい (n) expansionary fiscal policy 殺生禁断 せっしょう きんだん (n) prohibition against hunting and fishing 絶対安静 ぜったい あんせい (n) complete bed rest; complete rest and quiet 絶対服従 ぜったい ふくじゅう (n) absolute obedience; complete submission 雪隠大工 せっちん だいく (n) lousy carpenter 窃盗行為 せっとう こうい (n) theft; act of larceny 刹那主義 せつな しゅぎ (n) (the principle of) living only for the present [moment]; settling for momentary pleasures 絶滅寸前 ぜつめつ すんぜん (n) the point [edge, verge, brink] of extinction 説話文学 せつわ ぶんがく (n) legendary literature; narrative literature 世道人心 せどう じんしん (n) (public) morals and sentiments 是非曲直 ぜひ きょくちょく (n) rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety 是非判断 ぜひ はんだん (n) discrimination of right and wrong; distinguishing between right and wrong 是非善悪 ぜひ ぜんあく (n) rights and wrongs; the relative merits (of a case); propriety 世話女房 せわ にょうぼう (n) devoted and caring wife 善意銀行 ぜんい ぎんこう (n) center for collecting charitable contributions [money, goods, and/or services] and distributing them to people in need 戦意高揚 せんい こうよう (n) raising one's/the soldiers' fighting spirit 善意通訳 ぜんい つうやく (n) goodwill guide; volunteer guide and interpreter for foreign residents and tourists 全員一致 ぜんいん いっち (n) unanimity 前衛芸術 ぜんえい げいじゅつ (n) avant-garde art 浅学寡聞 せんがく かぶん (n) shallow learning and limited information; ignorant and badly informed 前官礼遇 ぜんかん れいぐう (n) (being granted) the privileges of one's former (official) post 専業主婦 せんぎょう しゅふ (n) full-time housewife 専業主夫 せんぎょう しゅふ (n) full-time house-husband; stay-at-home dad 千軍万馬 せんぐん ばんば (n) vast and powerful army; veteran of many battles; (a person who is) rich in life's experience, having overcome much adversity 先決問題 せんけつ もんだい (n) question to be settled first; matter calling for prior settlement; the first consideration 前言往行 ぜんげん おうこう (n) words and deeds of the people of yore 千言万語 せんげん ばんご (n) a great number of words; long and tedious (explanation, description, etc.) 線香花火 せんこう はなび (n) small sparklers which resemble incense sticks; something that flickers and fizzles out; flash in the pan 前後関係 ぜんご かんけい (n) the context (of a passage) 戦国大名 せんごく だいみょう (n) daimyo in the Warring States period 戦国乱世 せんごく らんせい (n) turbulent [troubled] times; turbulent war period 善後処置 ぜんご しょち (n) remedial measure; preventive measure; the best way to cope with [meet] the situation 善後措置 ぜんご そち (n) remedial measure; preventive measure; the best way to cope with [meet] the situation 善後対策 ぜんご たいさく (n) remedial measure; preventive measure; the best way to cope with [meet] the situation 前後左右 ぜんご さゆう (n) forward(s) and backward(s) and left and right; in all directions 千古万古 せんこ ばんこ (n) remote antiquity; ancient times; the remote past 千古不磨 せんこ ふま (n) permanence; immortality; eternity 潜在意識 せんざい いしき (n) the subconscious; subconscious awareness 潜在能力 せんざい のうりょく (n) potential; latent faculty; potential capacity 千紫万紅 せんし ばんこう (n) an exuberance [a dazzling variety] of beautiful flowers 千姿万態 せんし ばんたい (n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness 選手生命 せんしゅ せいめい (n) player's career; one's career in sport; one's career as an athlete 先取特権 せんしゅ とっけん (n) preferential [priority] right; prior claim; priority of claim; prior lien 僭上越権 せんじょう えっけん (n) exceeding [overstepping] one's powers [competence, authority]; abuse of one's legal authority; acting ultra vires 扇情小説 せんじょう しょうせつ (n) sultry novel; suggestive story 千状万態 せんじょう ばんたい (n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness 千緒万端 せんしょ ばんたん (n) all sorts of things; all manner of affairs 漸進主義 ぜんしん しゅぎ (n) gradualism; incrementalism; the "slow and steady" approach [principle] 全身全霊 ぜんしん ぜんれい (n) complete devotion; body and soul; one's level best 前人未発 ぜんじん みはつ (n) unprecedented; unheard-of; never propounded [discovered, invented] by anyone before 先制攻撃 せんせい こうげき (n) preemptive attack [strike] 千態万状 せんたい ばんじょう (n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness 千態万様 せんたい ばんよう (n) an endless variety of forms; multifariousness 専断横行 せんだん おうこう (n) prevalence of arbitrariness; rife with arbitrary decisions (acting on one's own authority) 先端技術 せんたん ぎじゅつ (n) cutting-edge technology; state-of-the-art technology 前兆現象 ぜんちょう げんしょう (n) precursor; premonitory phenomena; telltale signs; advance warnings 前提条件 ぜんてい じょうけん (n) precondition; prerequisite; premise 前程万里 ぜんてい ばんり (n) a bright [rosy] future awaiting one; having the world before one 宣伝工作 せんでん こうさく (n) propaganda work; propaganda efforts [maneuvers] 宣伝攻勢 せんでん こうせい (n) propaganda campaign [offensive]; advertising [promotional] offensive 宣伝路線 せんでん ろせん (n) (adopting) a publicity [an advertising] policy; a propaganda line 善男善女 ぜんなん ぜんにょ (n) pious men and women; men and women who are good Buddhists; men and women who offer prayers at temples and shrines 千年一日 せんねん いちじつ (n) without intermission for many years; with constancy of purpose for many years; in the same old rut for years on end 煎餅布団 せんべい ぶとん (n) futon worn flat and hard by long use; futon as flat as a pancake 宣撫工作 せんぶ こうさく (n) pacification work [activity] 選民意識 せんみん いしき (n) sense of being the chosen people 専門馬鹿 せんもん ばか (n) person who is ignorant outside his field 先憂後楽 せんゆう こうらく (n) hardship now, pleasure later; seeking pleasure only after dealing with difficulties; seeking pleasure only after the happiness of the people is assured [a precept to be observed by a ruler] 漸落市況 ぜんらく しきょう (n) sagging market 千里同風 せんり どうふう (n) a country being in a state of universal peace; the world being peaceful and uneventful 千両役者 せんりょう やくしゃ (n) great actor; eminent star; prima donna; leading [popular] figure 善隣外交 ぜんりん がいこう (n) good-neighbor diplomacy; a good-neighbor policy 滄海一滴 そうかい いってき (n) a drop in the ocean [bucket] 早期解決 そうき かいけつ (n) early [prompt] settlement; swift resolution; speedy solution 創業守成 そうぎょう しゅせい (n) starting an enterprise and [or] carrying it to final success 造形教育 ぞうけい きょういく (n) education in art and design; education in drawing and manual arts 造言飛語 ぞうげん ひご (n) false rumors; wild rumors; groundless rumors 壮行試合 そうこう じあい (n) send-off game [match] 相互作用 そうご さよう (n) (mutual) interaction; reciprocal action; interplay 相互扶助 そうご ふじょ (n) mutual aid [assistance, help] 創作意欲 そうさく いよく (n) will [urge] to create; creative urge; appetite for writing 創氏改名 そうし かいめい (n) the order forced on Koreans to change their names to Japanese ones 葬式仏教 そうしき ぶっきょう (n) funeral Buddhism; (reliance on) Buddhism only for funerals 相乗効果 そうじょう こうか (n) synergy; combined effect 漱石枕流 そうせき ちんりゅう (n) a sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument 相即不離 そうそく ふり (n) strongly attached to each other; inseparable       相談相手 そうだん あいて (n) adviser; someone to consult with; someone to turn to about one's concerns 増長天狗 ぞうちょう てんぐ (n) braggart; boaster; self-conceited person 掃討作戦 そうとう さくせん (n) mopping-up operation; search-and-destroy operation 相場動向 そうば どうこう (n) market trend; stock movements 相場操縦 そうば そうじゅう (n) market manipulation; market rigging 総花主義 そうばな しゅぎ (n) the principle of pleasing everyone; make-everybody-happy policy 総花政策 そうばな せいさく (n) all-around policy; please-everyone policy 訴求効果 そきゅう こうか (n) customer appeal; the power to appeal to customers 息災延命 そくさい えんめい (n) health and longevity; enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster 速戦即決 そくせん そっけつ (n) quick battle for a quick victory; all-out surprise attack; a blitzkrieg 俗談平話 ぞくだん へいわ (n) conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life [business] 則天去私 そくてん きょし (n) following heaven and abandoning self; becoming one with heaven, liberated from the self; selfless devotion to justice 俗物根性 ぞくぶつ こんじょう (n) snobbery; snobbishness; philistinism; vulgar and ostentatious nature [disposition] 素行調査 そこう ちょうさ (n) probity check; background investigation; investigation into someone's conduct 組織人間 そしき にんげん (n) organization [corporate] man [woman] 粗酒粗肴 そしゅ そこう (n) cheap wines and unpalatable dishes [a modest (self-deprecating) way of offering a meal to a guest] 側近政治 そっきん せいじ (n) administration by close advisers; kitchen cabinet 率先躬行 そっせん きゅうこう (n) take a lead in (doing); set an example of (doing); be the first in putting something in practice 算盤勘定 そろばん かんじょう (n) counting on the abacus; cost-benefit [profitability] calculation 存在意義 そんざい いぎ (n) meaning of life; meaning of one's existence 存在理由 そんざい りゆう (n) reason for being; justification for existence; a raison d'etre 樽俎折衝 そんそ せっしょう (n) diplomatic negotiations at the dinner table; diplomatic bargaining 損得勘定 そんとく かんじょう (n) profit-and-loss arithmetic; calculating profit and loss; mercenary point of view 存廃問題 そんぱい もんだい (n) question of maintenance or abolition (of an institution, organization, etc.) 第一印象 だいいち いんしょう (n) first impression; initial impression 太陰崇拝 たいいん すうはい (n) moon worship 退嬰主義 たいえい しゅぎ (n) backward-looking philosophy [ideology]; conservatism 退嬰政策 たいえい せいさく (n) conservative [regressive] policy 大海一滴 たいかい いってき (n) a drop in the ocean [bucket] 対外関係 たいがい かんけい (n) foreign [international] relations; diplomacy; external affairs 体外離脱 たいがい りだつ (n) out-of-body experience 退学処分 たいがく しょぶん (n) expulsion [dismissal] from school 大廈高楼 たいか こうろう (n) large building and lofty tower; splendid [magnificent, palatial] structure 怠業戦術 たいぎょう せんじゅつ (n) slowdown strategy; go-slow tactics (of workers in a labor dispute) 待遇改善 たいぐう かいぜん (n) improvement of labor [working] conditions; a salary increase 対決姿勢 たいけつ しせい (n) confrontational attitude [stance, posture] 大権干犯 たいけん かんぱん (n) infringing on the power of the sovereign 対抗意識 たいこう いしき (n) (a sense of) rivalry; competitive spirit 大根役者 だいこん やくしゃ (n) bad [poor] actor; ham actor 泰山北斗 たいざん ほくと (n) a great authority; a leading authority in a field; a luminary 大山鳴動 たいざん めいどう (n) a big fuss over nothing; much cry and little wool; much ado about nothing 泰山鳴動 たいざん めいどう (n) a big fuss over nothing; much cry and little wool; much ado about nothing 大慈大悲 だいじ だいひ (n) great mercy and compassion 体質改善 たいしつ かいぜん (n) improvement of one's physical constitution; internal reform; revamping 大衆団交 たいしゅう だんこう (n) mass [labor] negotiation; mass bargaining session; public negotiation 大衆文化 たいしゅう ぶんか (n) mass culture; popular culture; pop culture  大衆路線 たいしゅう ろせん (n) (adopting) a popular line; (taking) a populist line 大所高所 たいしょ こうしょ (n) broad perspective; broad point of view; taking the whole situation [a larger picture] into account 対人感覚 たいじん かんかく (n) feelings toward other people; sensitivity to other people's feelings; feelings one gives to other people through interpersonal relationships 対人関係 たいじん かんけい (n) personal relations [relationships]; relation(ship)s with (other) people; interpersonal relation(ship)s; interhuman relations 大勢順応 たいせい じゅんのう (n) conformism; following the crowd; swimming with the tide; me-tooism 退勢挽回 たいせい ばんかい (n) restoring the declining fortunes; recovering from the discouraging situation; reversing the downward trend 大政奉還 たいせい ほうかん (n) the restoration of the imperial rule [in Meiji Japan] 対戦相手 たいせん あいて (n) opponent; adversary; the competition; the other side; an [the] enemy 大道演説 だいどう えんぜつ (n) street [soapbox] oratory; stump oratory 帯刀御免 たいとう ごめん (n) a non-samurai being granted the privilege of wearing a sword [during the Edo period] 態度物腰 たいど ものごし (n) attitude and demeanor 台風一過 たいふう いっか (n) after the passage of a typhoon; (just) after a typhoon has blown over 台風銀座 たいふう ぎんざ (n) the typhoon Ginza; the area (of Japan) where typhoons frequently pass 対等関係 たいとう かんけい (n) relationship of equality; (being) on an equal footing 耐乏生活 たいぼう せいかつ (n) life of austerity; living hand-to-mouth; belt tightening 耐乏予算 たいぼう よさん (n) austerity [belt-tightening] budget 大名旅行 だいみょう りょこう (n) traveling in grand style; traveling luxuriously; going on a junket 大陸浪人 たいりく ろうにん (n) prewar Japanese adventurer [political activist] in mainland China 対立意見 たいりつ いけん (n) conflicting [opposite, contrasting] opinion; antagonistic view 対立概念 たいりつ がいねん (n) the exact opposite concept [idea]; the antithesis 対立関係 たいりつ かんけい (n) confrontational relationship; (being) at loggerheads (with); antagonism 対立感情 たいりつ かんじょう (n) feeling of antipathy [rivalry]; antagonistic sentiment 大漁貧乏 たいりょう びんぼう (n) impoverishment of fishermen because of a bumper catch; decline in fishermen' s income caused by the sharply lower fish prices as a result of an overabundant catch 体力勝負 たいりょく しょうぶ (n) trial of strength; test of one's strength [stamina] 対話路線 たいわ ろせん (n) policy of using dialogue instead of confrontation 台湾坊主 たいわん ぼうず (n) atmospheric depression originating in Taiwan; atmospheric depression in the East China Sea 高手小手 たかて こて (n) being tightly bound; having arms bound behind one's back 択一問題 たくいつ もんだい (n) multiple-choice question 卓上演説 たくじょう えんぜつ (n) after-dinner speech; speech made at a dinner [luncheon] 竹槍戦術 たけやり せんじゅつ (n) tactics of fighting a technologically advanced adversary with primitive weapons; sole reliance on simple determination [naive spiritualism] in fighting an overwhelming foe 多情仏心 たじょう ぶっしん (n) being sensitive and kind-hearted; tenderheartedness; loving-kindness 立会演説 たちあい えんぜつ (n) (public) debate (between candidates) 脱線行為 だっせん こうい (n) aberration; aberrant behavior; eccentric [erratic] behavior; indulging in an escapade 建前主義 たてまえ しゅぎ (n) tokenism; appearance for appearance's sake 伊達眼鏡 だて めがね (n) glasses for show; fashionable eyeglasses worn for appearance's sake 他人迷惑 たにん めいわく (n) nuisance [annoyance, inconvenience] to people around one; social nuisance 堕落腐敗 だらく ふはい (n) debasement; corruption; degradation 他流試合 たりゅう  じあい (n) contest between different schools (of swordsmanship, etc.); trying one's skill with a follower of another school (of fencing, etc.) 団塊世代 だんかい せだい (n) the babyboomers; the baby boom generation 弾丸飛雨 だんがん ひう (n) hail of bullets; heavy bombardment 短期決戦 たんき けっせん (n) decisive battle of brief duration; quick [short] operation [campaign] for a decisive win 団子状態 だんご じょうたい (n) being bunched up together; being crowded together 男女平等 だんじょ びょうどう (n) equality of [between] the sexes 断章取義 だんしょう しゅぎ (n) interpreting (and using) a passage without regard to its context 男性本位 だんせい ほんい (n) male orientation; male-oriented 男尊女卑 だんそん じょひ (n) male domination of women; male chauvinism; placing men above women; belief in the superiority of men over women 胆大心小 たんだい しんしょう (n) both bold and careful; both audacious and meticulous 耽溺生活 たんでき せいかつ (n) a fast [dissolute] life; a life of follies; a life given to dissolute pleasures 暖冬異変 だんとう いへん (n) abnormally warm [mild] winter 知育偏重 ちいく へんちょう (n) too much intellectual training; overemphasis on intellectual education  治外法権 ちがい ほうけん (n) extraterritoriality; exterritoriality; extraterritorial rights 地下工作 ちか こうさく (n) underground activities; secret maneuvering 知己朋友 ちき ほうゆう (n) one's close friends; one's intimate friends and acquaintances 知行一致 ちこう いっち (n) unity [consistency] of knowledge and action 蟄居閉門 ちっきょ へいもん (n) house arrest; being placed in confinement at home 知徳合一 ちとく ごういつ (n) the unity of knowledge and virtue 魑魅魍魎 ちみ もうりょう (n) evil spirits of mountains and rivers; monsters, goblins, and ghosts; all sorts of weird creatures 着眼大局 ちゃくがん たいきょく (n) having an eye to the big picture; taking a broad view of things; concentrating on the main issue; seeing in perspective 茶番狂言 ちゃばん きょうげん (n) a type of farce [burlesque, skit] popular in the Edo period 注意人物 ちゅうい じんぶつ (n) marked person; blacklisted person; dangerous [suspicious] character 忠君愛国 ちゅうくん あいこく (n) loyalty to one's lord and patriotism for one's country; loyalty to the Emperor and patriotism for Japan 忠孝仁義 ちゅう こう じん ぎ (n) loyalty, filial piety, humanity, and justice  中道右派 ちゅうどう うは (n) right-of-center faction [group] 中道左派 ちゅうどう さは (n) left-of-center faction [group] 中道路線 ちゅうどう ろせん (n) moderate line; middle-of-the-road policy line 中肉中背 ちゅうにく ちゅうぜい (n) medium build; of average height and weight [build] 注文相撲 ちゅうもん ずもう (n) a sumo bout that goes according to a wrestler's strategy; a match that goes according to one's plan 寵愛一身 ちょうあい いっしん (n) standing highest in one's master's favor; monopolizing the affection [favor] of the lord; being the lord's favorite lady 朝雲暮雨 ちょううん ぼう (n) a sexual liaison 懲戒免職 ちょうかい めんしょく (n) bad conduct [dishonorable] discharge; disciplinary dismissal [discharge] 長講一席 ちょうこう いっせき (n) (make) a long talk [discourse, lecture] 張三李四 ちょうさん りし (n) the comman run of men; the average Joe; good-for-nothing (person) 長尺映画 ちょうじゃく えいが (n) long film [movie] 長者番付 ちょうじゃ ばんづけ (n) list of the richest people; list of the very highest income earners; billionaire's list 長身痩躯 ちょうしん そうく (n) a tall and lean figure 長汀曲浦 ちょうてい きょくほ (n) long stretch of winding beach 町人気質 ちょうにん かたぎ (n) a townsman's (independent) spirit; mercantile spirit 町人根性 ちょうにん こんじょう (n) a townsman's (independent) spirit; mercantile spirit 町人風情 ちょうにん ふぜい (n) (the likes of) a mere tradesman 千代万代 ちよ よろずよ (n) for ever and ever; (through) eternity; countless ages; till the end of time 治乱興亡 ちらん こうぼう (n) a nation's times of peace and war; a nation in its rise and fall   痴話喧嘩 ちわ げんか (n) lovers' quarrel 沈魚落雁 ちんぎょ らくがん (n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman; [Literally: (so beautiful that), in shame, fish stay on the bottom of water and flying wild geese fall from the sky] 陳情合戦 ちんじょう かっせん (n) competitive lobbying; rivalry in campaigning (for and against) 珍味佳肴 ちんみ かこう (n) rare delicacies; rare treat 枕流漱石 ちんりゅう そうせき (n) a sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument 追従外交 ついしょう がいこう (n) sycophantic diplomacy; servile diplomacy 追跡調査 ついせき ちょうさ (n) follow-up study [survey] 追善供養 ついぜん くよう (n) Buddhist memorial service; Buddhist requiem mass for the dead 追善興行 ついぜん こうぎょう (n) memorial performance; performance in memory of someone 通過儀礼 つうか ぎれい (n) rite of passage 通勤地獄 つうきん じごく (n) the hellish stress of commuting; the daily hell of overcrowded commuter trains 九十九髪 つくも がみ (n) an old woman's gray hair    都合次第 つごう しだい (n) depending on the [one's] situation [circumstances]; at one's pleasure 九十九折 つづら おり (n) winding; meandering; zigzag; sinuous 強気相場 つよき そうば (n) strong [bull(ish)] market 亭主関白 ていしゅ かんぱく (n) the hectoring of the husband; husband who rules the roost; domineering husband 貞操観念 ていそう かんねん (n) sense [idea] of chastity; sexual morality 程度問題 ていど もんだい (n) a matter [question] of degree 停頓状態 ていとん じょうたい (n) standstill; deadlock; stalemate; doldrums; stagnant conditions 手枷足枷 てかせ あしかせ (n) manacles; shackles; fetters 適者生存 てきしゃ せいぞん (n) survival of the fittest 敵対関係 てきたい かんけい (n) antagonism; a hostile relationship 敵本主義 てきほん しゅぎ (n) diversionary tactics; a feint; concealing one's true motives until the last moment 鉄拳制裁 てっけん せいさい (n) punishment with a blow of the fist 鉄心石腸 てっしん せきちょう (n) will of iron 鉄石心腸 てっせき しんちょう (n) will of iron 丁稚奉公 でっち ぼうこう (n) apprenticeship; bound apprenticeship 徹底究明 てってい きゅうめい (n) thorough investigation; complete inquiry 徹底抗戦 てってい こうせん (n) do-or-die [all-out] resistance; resistance to the bitter end 出前講師 でまえ こうし (n) lecturer on demand; guest speaker on demand 手前定規 てまえ じょうぎ (n) self-serving logic 手間仕事 てま しごと (n) work that requires a lot of time and effort; tedious work; piecework; odd job 天涯地角 てんがい ちかく (n) two places being very far apart; far-off (remote) land 天涯比隣 てんがい ひりん (n) a great distance does not detract from the feeling [relationship] of endearment; feeling as though a dear one faraway were living in one's close neighborhood 天下国家 てんか こっか (n) the world and the nation; the state of the world; high affairs of state 天下万民 てんか ばんみん (n) the whole nation; all the people in the land 天気具合 てんき ぐあい (n) the signs of the weather; weather conditions; the look of the sky 天気次第 てんき しだい (n) being dependent on what the weather is like 天気模様 てんき もよう (n) the signs of the weather; weather conditions; the look of the sky 電撃作戦 でんげき さくせん (n) blitzkrieg tactics 点検商法 てんけん しょうほう (n) an unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacing items 電光一閃 でんこう いっせん (n) flash of lightning 電光朝露 でんこう ちょうろ (n) fleeting; evanescent 天候不順 てんこう ふじゅん (n) unseasonable weather; fickle weather; bad weather 天災地変 てんさい ちへん (n) natural disaster [calamity, catastrophe]  天井桟敷 てんじょう さじき (n) upper gallery (of a theater); being utterly ignored [as if being placed in the upper gallery] 天壌無窮 てんじょう むきゅう (n) being as eternal as heaven and earth; being coeval with the universe 天神地祗 てんじん ちぎ (n) the gods of heaven and earth 天真流露 てんしん りゅうろ (n) manifestation [revelation] of one's natural sincerity [naivete] 天孫降臨 てんそん こうりん (n) the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess 天地有情 てんち うじょう (n) the sentient world; all sentiment beings 天地開闢 てんち かいびゃく (n) the creation of heaven and earth; the beginning of the world; the dawn of history 天地神明 てんち しんめい (n) the gods of heaven and earth; all that is sacred 天地万物 てんち ばんぶつ (n) all things in heaven and earth; the whole of creation 天敵関係 てんてき かんけい (n) relationship of being natural enemies 天賦人権 てんぷ じんけん (n) natural (innate) human rights 田夫野人 でんぷ やじん (n) a rustic; a boor; a hick; a yokel; an uneducated and crude person 天佑神助 てんゆう しんじょ (n) divine grace; God's help 天理人道 てんり じんどう (n) the laws of nature and humanity 天理人情 てんり にんじょう (n) the laws of nature and humanity 東夷西戎 とうい せいじゅう (n) barbarians to the east and to the west [from the perspective of old China] 統一見解 とういつ けんかい (n) collective view (opinion) 同一人物 どういつ じんぶつ (n) the (very) same person; one and the same (person) 韜晦趣味 とうかい しゅみ (n) propensity to efface oneself; being prone to conceal one's talent 当該人物 とうがい じんぶつ (n) the said person 党議拘束 とうぎ こうそく (n) compulsory adherence to a party decision; restrictions on party debate 道具一式 どうぐ いっしき (n) set of tools [implements]; kit; outfit 道化芝居 どうけ しばい (n) farce; low comedy 道化役者 どうけ やくしゃ (n) clown; jester; actor who plays a comic role 動向把握 どうこう はあく (n) grasping the trend; firmly understanding how the situation is developing; getting a good sense of how things are changing 桃紅柳緑 とうこう りゅうりょく (n) beautiful scenery of spring 東西南北 とう ざい なん ぼく (n) north, south, east and west [Literally: east, west, south and north]; the four cardinal points of the compass; all directions 同床異夢 どうしょう いむ (n) acting together but having different views or objectives; making strange bedfellows 当世気質 とうせい かたぎ (n) the way of the world in our time; the frame of mind of the people nowadays 同姓同名 どうせい どうめい (n) (having) the same family and personal name (as somebody) 当選圏内 とうせんけん ない (n) (having a) good chance of being elected [winning] (in an election) 道中安泰 どうちゅう あんたい (n) safe journey 道中無事 どうちゅう ぶじ (n) safe journey 道聴塗説 どうちょう とせつ (n) shallow-minded mouthing of secondhand information 道徳退廃 どうとく たいはい (n) moral decadence [decline, corruption] 胴長短足 どうなが たんそく (n) having a long torso and short legs; long-bodied and short-legged 党派根性 とうは こんじょう (n) partisan spirit [prejudice]; partisanship; factionalism 同文同種 どうぶん どうしゅ (n) the same script and the same race; [a mistaken view that the Chinese and the Japanese are of the same stock merely because they use the same script] 逃亡生活 とうぼう せいかつ (n) life on the run 当方負担 とうほう ふたん (n) (at) our expense; (on) our risk 道楽仕事 どうらく しごと (n) work done for enjoyment [as a diversion]; dilettante work 道楽仲間 どうらく なかま (n) companion in one's pleasures; companion in hobby activities 道楽息子 どうらく むすこ (n) prodigal son; profligate son 党利党略 とうり とうりゃく (n) (political) party interests; playing party politics; partisan politics 度胸千両 どきょう せんりょう (n) being bold/daring/plucky; having a lot of guts; being quite nerveless 時世時節 ときよ じせつ (n) times and situations; the course of events of the times; a turn of Fortune's wheel 得意分野 とくい ぶんや (n) one's field of expertise 読書三到 どくしょ さんとう (n) using mind, mouth and eyes to understand a book fully 読書三昧 どくしょ ざんまい (n) obsession with reading; being buried in a book 読書三余 どくしょ さんよ (n) winter, night, and rainy weather; the ideal conditions for reading 独身貴族 どくしん きぞく (n) unmarried persons living affluently; well-off single young man [woman]; swinging bachelor 徳政一揆 とくせい いっき (n) uprising (during the Muromachi period) demanding debt cancellation orders 特種記者 とくだね きしゃ (n) scoop reporter; scoop artist 独立自存 どくりつ じそん (n) independence and self-reliance 独立自尊 どくりつ じそん (n) independence and self-respect; living independently, taking pride in oneself 独立独行 どくりつ どっこう (n) self-reliance; acting according to one's own ideas and beliefs 独立不羈 どくりつ ふき (n) acting according to one's own beliefs, being undisturbed by others 床屋談義 とこや だんぎ (n) barbershop talk 土左衛門 どざえもん (n) drowned person [body] 外様大名 とざま だいみょう (n) non-Tokugawa daimyo; daimyo who was not a hereditary vassal of the Tokugawa family 年増美人 としま びじん (n) woman of mature beauty 屠蘇気分 とそ きぶん (n) festive New Year's mood 突貫工事 とっかん こうじ (n) rush work; crash job; construction at top speed 突貫作業 とっかん さぎょう (n) rush work; crash program; working on a crash basis; working at top speed 突如異変 とつじょ いへん (n) sudden and dramatic event [incident]; sudden and strange phenomenon 突然変異 とつぜん へんい (n) mutation 殿様仕事 とのさま しごと (n) work done in carefree mood without regard to time or expenses 殿様商売 とのさま しょうばい (n) amateurish [dilettantish] business 殿様商法 とのさま しょうほう (n) amateurish [dilettantish] way of doing business 怒髪衝天 どはつ しょうてん (n) being in a towering rage; boiling [seething] with rage 友達感覚 ともだち かんかく (n) relationship that is like that of friends 奴隷根性 どれい こんじょう (n) servile character [disposition] 泥棒稼業 どろぼう かぎょう (n) professional thievery 泥棒根性 どろぼう こんじょう (n) thievish nature [character]; thieving heart; cunning and greedy character 泥水稼業 どろみず かぎょう (n) working in the sex trade; making a living in the red-light district 遁世生活 とんせい せいかつ (n) (living) retired [in seclusion] (from the world) 緞帳芝居 どんちょう しばい (n) low-class (Kabuki) theater [play] 緞帳役者 どんちょう やくしゃ (n) low-class (Kabuki) actor; actor who plays in low-class [cheap] theater 内縁関係 ないえん かんけい (n) common-law [de facto] marriage; living together as common-law husband and wife 内剛外柔 ないごう がいじゅう (n) being gentle on the outside but tough on the inside; an iron hand in a velvet glove 内職商法 ないしょく しょうほう (n) homeworking scheme [scam] 内政干渉 ないせい かんしょう (n) interference in the internal affairs of another country 内部工作 ないぶ こうさく (n) internal maneuvering; secret maneuvering (within an organization); reconciling the various views within an organization before airing something in public 内部対立 ないぶ たいりつ (n) internal strife; internal struggle 内部犯行 ないぶ はんこう (n) an inside job 内面世界 ないめん せかい (n) one's world within; one's inner world 仲間意識 なかま いしき (n) feeling of fellowship; sense of camaraderie; peer consciousness 仲間喧嘩 なかま げんか (n) quarrel among friends; quarrel among ourselves [themselves] 仲間同士 なかま どうし (n) comrades; friends; associates 名題役者 なだい やくしゃ (n) chief [star] actor in a Kabuki play; leading actors of a troupe 菜種梅雨 なたね づゆ (n) brief rainy season at rape-plant blossoming time [in early spring] 夏山冬里 なつやま ふゆさと (n) pasturing cattle in summer and feeding them indoors during winter 七不思議 なな ふしぎ (n) the seven wonders 鍋底景気 なべそこ けいき (n) lingering recession; an economy that lingers in the doldrums after bottoming out 生臭坊主 なまぐさ ぼうず (n) corrupt [depraved] priest [monk]; worldly-minded [worldly-wise] priest 成金趣味 なりきん しゅみ (n) the ostentation [bad taste] of the nouveau riche; air of vulgar prosperity 成田離婚 なりた りこん (n) Narita divorce; divorce case of a newlywed couple breaking up upon their return to Narita Airport from their honeymoon abroad 軟弱外交 なんじゃく がいこう (n) weak foreign policy; weak-kneed diplomacy 軟弱路線 なんじゃく ろせん (n) weak-hearted approach; soft line; easier way [route] 南蛮渡来 なんばん とらい (n) (articles) imported to Japan by early European traders 難問山積 なんもん さんせき (n) mountain [pile] of difficult problems 苦手意識 にがて いしき (n) awareness that somebody [something] is [will be] hard to deal with; awareness that one is not good at something 肉体関係 にくたい かんけい (n) sexual [intimate] relations; sexual [physical] relationship; (having) intimate relations 二者選一 にしゃ せんいつ (n) choice of one or the other; choice between (only) two things; choice of two alternatives 二重三重 にじゅう さんじゅう (n) twofold and threefold; doubled and redoubled  二十四気 にじゅうし き (n) the 24 seasonal divisions of a year in the old lunar calendar 日曜大工 にちよう だいく (n) do-it-yourself carpenter; weekend carpenter; do-it-yourselfer 日中勤務 にっちゅう きんむ (n) daytime work; day shift 二度手間 にど でま (n) double effort; waste of time; botched job (that has to be done all over again) 二百十日 にひゃく とおか (n) the 210th day (from the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar); the "storm day" 二枚看板 にまい かんばん (n) the two leading actors (in a play); the two star players; the two distinctive features; the two main items [attractions] 二枚目半 にまいめ はん (n) comedian who plays a lover's part 女房天下 にょうぼう てんか (n) husband being henpecked; a house where the wife is the boss; petticoat government 如実知見 にょじつ ちけん (n) perceiving reality as it is; true awareness of reality 女人結界 にょにん けっかい (n) prohibition against women entering a sacred area 如法暗夜 にょほう あんや (n) total [utter] darkness 任意同行 にんい どうこう (n) going along voluntarily to be questioned by law officers 人気稼業 にんき かぎょう (n) popular occupation; occupation largely dependent on public favor 人気失墜 にんき しっつい (n) decline in public favor; fall in popularity 人気商売 にんき しょうばい (n) popular business; entertainment business; occupation [business] largely dependent on public favor 人気絶頂 にんき ぜっちょう (n) at the height [peak] of one's popularity 人間関係 にんげん かんけい (n) human [personal] relations [relationships] 人間疎外 にんげん そがい (n) dehumanization; alienation of man [human beings] 人間不在 にんげん ふざい (n) being devoid of consideration for human beings 人間不信 にんげん ふしん (n) distrust of (other) human beings 人間模様 にんげん もよう (n) fabric [pattern] of human relationships 認識不足 にんしき ぶそく (n) lack of (adequate) knowledge or understanding; being ignorant of; being ill-informed about 刃傷沙汰 にんじょう ざた (n) incident of bloodshed 人情風俗 にんじょう ふうぞく (n) manners, customs and popular sentiments 熱血教師 ねっけつ きょうし (n) enthusiastic schoolteacher 捏造記事 ねつぞう きじ (n) fabricated story; cooked up (news) report 年季奉公 ねんき ぼうこう (n) apprenticeship; service under indentures 拈華微笑 ねんげ みしょう (n) heart-to-heart communication; thought transference [Literally, "holding a flower and subtly smiling."] 年中無休 ねんじゅう むきゅう (n) open every day of the year; open all year long 年中行事 ねんちゅう ぎょうじ (n) (regular) annual event [function]; chief events of the year; annual festival 念仏往生 ねんぶつ おうじょう (n) passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha 念仏三昧 ねんぶつ ざんまい (n) being deep in (Buddhist) prayer; praying devoutly to Amida Buddha 年末年始 ねんまつ ねんし (n) the New Year's holiday; the period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the new year 農民一揆 のうみん いっき (n) peasants' uprising 喉元思案 のどもと じあん (n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea 野良仕事 のら しごと (n) farm work [labor]; work(ing) in the fields 灰色高官 はいいろ こうかん (n) high official suspected of corruption 拝金主義 はいきん しゅぎ (n) money worship; mammonism 廃合整理 はいごう せいり (n) reorganization; restructuring 背後関係 はいご かんけい (n) background (of an episode/to a case); circumstances leading up to (an incident) 買収工作 ばいしゅう こうさく (n) bribery scheme; acquisition maneuver 廃藩置県 はいはん ちけん (n) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures [1871] 背反行為 はいはん こうい (n) act of disobedience [betrayal]; violation; breach; infraction; infringement 廃仏毀釈 はいぶつ きしゃく (n) anti-Buddhist movement at the beginning of the Meiji era; movement to reject Buddhism and destroy Buddhist temples, statues, sutra scrolls, etc. in conjunction with the Decree to Abolish Buddhism issued by the new Meiji government 売名行為 ばいめい こうい (n) act of self-advertisement; publicity stunt 破壊工作 はかい こうさく (n) subversive activities 場外市場 ばがい しじょう (n) over-the-counter market; OTC market 場外取引 ばがい とりひき (n) over-the-counter trading [transactions]; OTC trading 破壊分子 はかい ぶんし (n) subversive; subversive element 馬鹿高値 ばか たかね (n) ridiculously high price 馬鹿安値 ばか やすね (n) ridiculously low price 波及効果 はきゅう こうか (n) ripple effect; spillover effect; propagation effect 博学多識 はくがく たしき (n) erudition and extensive knowledge 白紙委任 はくし いにん (n) carte blanche; blank check; unconditional authority 薄志弱行 はくし じゃっこう (n) infirmity of purpose and lack of decision; being weak-willed and inept in getting things done 爆弾宣言 ばくだん せんげん (n)bombshell announcement [declaration] 爆弾発言 ばくだん はつげん (n) bombshell announcement [statement] 爆弾発表 ばくだん はっぴょう (n) bombshell announcement [statement] 白馬非馬 はくば ひば (n) sophistry; sophism; false syllogism 迫力満点 はくりょく まんてん (n) full impact; packing a punch 暴露戦術 ばくろ せんじゅつ (n) exposure tactics; muckraking tactics 白話小説 はくわ しょうせつ (n) novel written in colloquial Chinese 箱物行政 はこもの ぎょうせい (n) government [public policy] focusing on the construction of public [community] buildings 八十八夜 はちじゅうはち や (n) eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring [about which time farmers become busy with their field work] 八大地獄 はち だい じごく (n) The Eight Greater (Buddhist) Hells 八面六臂 はちめん ろっぴ (n) competent and active in many fields; versatile; one person doing the work of many 八紘一宇 はっこう いちう (n) (the spirit of) universal brotherhood; all eight corners of the world under one roof 抜山蓋世 ばつざん がいせい (n) great strength and energy [of a mighty hero]; Herculean strength and vitality 八百八町 はっぴゃくや ちょう (n) the whole enormous extent of Edo; from one side of Edo to the other 八百八寺 はっぴゃくや でら (n) the large number of temples in Kyoto 八百八橋 はっぴゃくや ばし (n) the large number of bridges over canals and rivers in Naniwa [present-day Osaka] 発菩提心 はつ ぼだいしん (n) deciding to embrace Buddhism; deciding to seek enlightenment; seeking to have religious awakening 抜本塞源 ばっぽん そくげん (n) eradication of (sources of) evil; laying the ax to the root of evil 波濤万里 はとう ばんり (n) afar over the sea; crossing the oceans; (voyage to) faraway lands 花形役者 はながた やくしゃ (n) leading actor; star actress; top-billed performer 鼻先分別 はなさき ふんべつ (n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking; half-baked (foolish, ill-advised) idea 花嫁学校 はなよめ がっこう (n) school for training bachelor girls in homemaking arts; (a type of) finishing school 花嫁御寮 はなよめ ごりょう (n) a bride 花嫁修業 はなよめ しゅうぎょう (n) training for homemaking; training in homemaking arts 派閥均衡 はばつ きんこう (n) balance of power among factions (within a political party); factional balance 派閥抗争 はばつ こうそう (n) factional infighting [conflict]; antagonism between factions 派閥人事 はばつ じんじ (n) faction-based personnel appointment 派閥力学 はばつ りきがく (n) factional dynamics; power relationships among factions; factional power politics 端役女優 はやく じょゆう (n) bit-part actress; actress with a minor part 早口言葉 はやくち ことば (n) tongue twister; speaking rapidly 腹八分目 はら はちぶんめ (n) being moderate in eating; stopping short of stuffing oneself 破廉恥漢 はれんち かん (n) shameless man; knave 破廉恥罪 はれんち ざい (n) infamous crime; disgraceful offense 半跏趺坐 はんか ふざ (n) (sitting in) the half lotus position [in Zen meditation] 反間苦肉 はんかん くにく (n) stratagem for causing a rift and confusion in the enemy camp by using a seditious plot [using a sacrificial tactic] 半官半民 はんかん はんみん (n) semi-official; semi-public; semi-private; joint government-private 反骨精神 はんこつ せいしん (n) rebellious [unyielding] spirit; spirit of defiance; antiestablishment mindset 万古不易 ばんこ ふえき (n) eternally unchanging 盤根錯節 ばんこん さくせつ (n) complicated and hard-to-solve event or situation; tangled affair; hard nut to crack 万事万端 ばんじ ばんたん (n) everything; all things; all affairs; all matters 半鐘泥棒 はんしょう どろぼう (n) very tall person 伴食宰相 ばんしょく さいしょう (n) incompetent cabinet minister; figurehead minister 伴食大臣 ばんしょく だいじん (n) incompetent cabinet minister; figurehead minister 半身不随 はんしん ふずい (n) paralyzed on one side; partial paralysis; hemiplegia 半睡半醒 はんすい はんせい (n) half asleep and half awake 万世一系 ばんせい いっけい (n) unbroken imperial line; unbroken line of sovereigns 反省材料 はんせい ざいりょう (n) matters [issues] that need be reconsidered [reflected on] 半醒半睡 はんせい はんすい (n) half awake and half asleep 万世不易 ばんせい ふえき (n) eternally unchanging 反俗精神 はんぞく せいしん (n) anticonventional spirit; spirit of resisting convention 反対給付 はんたい きゅうふ (n) benefit in return (for); a consideration; compensation (for); quid pro quo 反対勢力 はんたい せいりょく (n) forces of opposition; opposing forces; counterforce 万代不易 ばんだい ふえき (n) eternally unchanging 半知半解 はんち はんかい (n) superficial knowledge; half knowledge; smattering 半端仕事 はんぱ しごと (n) odd job 万夫不当 ばんぷ ふとう (n) being a match for thousands; being a mighty warrior [combatant] 繁文縟礼 はんぶん じょくれい (n) red tape; red-tapism; official rules and procedures being needlessly complex and cumbersome 万緑一紅 ばんりょく いっこう (n) one red flower standing out in a sea of green vegetation; one item of quality standing out among many; one woman among many men 贔屓贔屓 ひいき びいき (n) each person supporting (patronizing) his [her] own favorite 被害妄想 ひがい もうそう (n) paranoia; persecution complex; victim complex 媚眼秋波 びがん しゅうは (n) casting a coquettish [an amorous] glance (at a man) 飛耳長目 ひじ ちょうもく (n) sharp eyes and ears used for collecting information far and wide; having the acumen and shrewd discernment gained by widely-collected information with sharp eyes and ears; being well-versed on a subject; books which broaden our knowledge 美酒佳肴 びしゅ かこう (n) fine wines and prized delicacies 筆禍事件 ひっか じけん (n) troubles brought on by what one has written; incident occasioned by a serious slip of the pen 必勝不敗 ひっしょう ふはい (n) certain victory; sure victory; invincibility 必須条件 ひっす じょうけん (n) necessary [essential] condition; sine qua non; indispensable requirement 匹夫匹婦 ひっぷ ひっぷ (n) men and women of humble position; common people 必要条件 ひつよう じょうけん (n) necessary condition; sine qua non; necessary requirement 一坪運動 ひとつぼ うんどう (n) campaign to prevent a public construction work by acquiring a minuscule tract of land 人手不足 ひとで ぶそく (n) labor shortage 一幕見席 ひとまくみ せき (n) special seats and standing-only space in the galley for people who only intend to see one act of a Kabuki play 人身御供 ひとみ ごくう (n) human sacrifice; sacrificial victim 一人二役 ひとり ふたやく (n) double role; one person playing two roles; wearing two hats 批判材料 ひはん ざいりょう (n) elements deserving criticism; material used to criticize someone [something] 美味佳肴 びみ かこう (n) delicacies; epicurean dishes 秘密結社 ひみつ けっしゃ (n) secret society; underground organization 百姓一揆 ひゃくしょう いっき (n) peasants' uprising 百折不撓 ひゃくせつ ふとう (n) indefatigability; indomitableness 百点満点 ひゃくてん まんてん (n) (getting a) perfect score; scoring 100; grading students on a scale of one hundred; doing perfectly (in a test); leaving nothing to be desired 百日天下 ひゃくにち てんか (n) The Hundred Days (of Napoleon I); very short-lived regime 百人一首 ひゃくにん いっしゅ (n) One Hundred Tanka Poems by One Hundred Celebrated Poets; (playing) cards of one hundred famous poems 費用一切 ひよう いっさい (n) all expenses 比翼連理 ひよく れんり (n) perfect conjugal harmony between husband and wife; a man and a woman being affectionately intimate 悲恋物語 ひれん ものがたり (n) tragic love story; tale of tragic love 貧血気味 ひんけつ ぎみ (n) tending to anemia; being somewhat anemic 便乗商法 びんじょう しょうほう (n) piggybacking marketing; the method of making sales by jumping on a bandwagon [like that of a boom, popularity, disaster, etc.] 貧富貴賤 ひんぷ きせん (n) rich and poor, high and low; people of all ranks 貧乏所帯 びんぼう じょたい (n) needy household; small housekeeping; establishment experiencing rough going financially 不安材料 ふあん ざいりょう (n) cause [grounds] for concern [anxiety]; reasons for uneasiness 富貴栄華 ふうき えいが (n) wealth, rank, and arrogant splendor 風紀紊乱 ふうき びんらん (n) corruption of public morals 風声鶴唳 ふうせい かくれい (n) getting frightened even by a slight noise; hearing the enemy in every leaf that rustles; being afraid of one's own shadow 風俗営業 ふうぞく えいぎょう (n) (1) business offering food and entertainment; cabaret, club and restaurant business; (2) sex-related business 風俗壊乱 ふうぞく かいらん (n) corruption of public morals; offense against public morality 風俗画風 ふうぞくが ふう (n) (of the) genre painting style; (of the) style of painting that depicts people's customs and manners; (of the) type of painting that denotes the life of ordinary people 風俗習慣 ふうぞく しゅうかん (n) manners and customs; customs and habits 風俗小説 ふうぞく しょうせつ (n) light novel depicting social customs and manners of the day 風俗犯罪 ふうぞく はんざい (n) offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime 風土気候 ふうど きこう (n) climate and natural features (of a region) 夫婦円満 ふうふ えんまん (n) good marital relations; harmonious marriage 夫婦養子 ふうふ ようし (n) adopting a married couple; a married couple adopted into the family 風流韻事 ふうりゅう いんじ (n) elegant appreciation of nature through artistic pursuits such as poetry, painting and calligraphy 風流三昧 ふうりゅう ざんまい (n) taking delight in elegant artistic pursuits; being absorbed in such elegant cultural pursuits as poetry, painting and calligraphy 武運長久 ぶうん ちょうきゅう (n) continued luck in the fortunes of war 不穏分子 ふおん ぶんし (n) disruptive element; troublemaker; dissident 不可能事 ふかのう じ (n) an impossibility 不羈独立 ふき どくりつ (n) free and independent 不義密通 ふぎ みっつう (n) adultery; infidelity  不器用者 ぶきよう もの (n) clumsy person; bungler; botcher; person with no particular talents 俯仰天地 ふぎょう てんち (n) looking up and down, from heaven to earth (having nothing to be ashamed of); swearing by Heaven and Earth (having done nothing to be ashamed of) 不遇時代 ふぐう じだい (n) one's dark days; the period during which one suffered misfortune and obscurity 福祉商法 ふくし しょうほう (n) (unscrupulous) business practices based on an appeal to one's social conscience; (unscrupulous) sales methods used by someone falsely claiming to represent a charitable [social welfare] organization 不倶戴天 ふぐ たいてん (n) cherishing an implacable hostility (toward); sworn enemies being unable to breathe the same air 不屈不撓 ふくつ ふとう (n) indefatigability; indomitableness; with unremitting tenacity 福徳円満 ふくとく えんまん (n) being perfectly happy and prosperous; wealth and happiness 伏竜鳳雛 ふくりょう ほうすう (n) gifted young person who shows much promise; unrecognized genius; great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel 武芸百般 ぶげい ひゃっぱん (n) every martial art; all the martial arts 武家伝奏 ぶけ でんそう (n) Imperial official in charge of communication between the shogunate and the court [during the Muromachi and Edo periods] 武家奉公 ぶけ ぼうこう (n) service with a samurai family; serving in a samurai household (as a valet/chambermaid) 不言不語 ふげん ふご (n) without putting [needing to put] anything into words 富国強兵 ふこく きょうへい (n) wealth and military power of a nation; (a plan for) building "a rich country with a strong army" 不心得者 ふこころえ もの (n) imprudent fellow; misguided person; wrongheaded people 巫山雲雨 ふざん うんう (n) sexual liaison 武士気質 ぶし かたぎ (n) samurai spirit; the common ethos of the samurai; the straitlaced temperament of a samurai 父子相伝 ふし そうでん (n) transmission of the secrets of an art, craft, trade or learning from father to son 無事息災 ぶじ そくさい (n) safe and healthy; (living a) peaceful and healthy life 節目節目 ふしめ ふしめ (n) critical juncture; turnning point; new phase (of one's life) 不惜身命 ふしゃく しんみょう (n) not sparing one's life for the sake of Buddhism; not sparing oneself for a worthy cause 不純分子 ふじゅん ぶんし (n) dissident [discontented] element 不正直者 ふしょうじき もの (n) dishonest person 不祥事件 ふしょう じけん (n) disgraceful incident; scandalous affair; untoward [deplorable] event 夫唱婦随 ふしょう ふずい (n) way of life in which the wife follows the husband's lead 武人気質 ぶじん かたぎ (n) martial [military] spirit; the spirit of true warriors 不審人物 ふしん じんぶつ (n) a suspicious character [person, figure] 譜代相伝 ふだい そうでん (n) hereditary succession 譜代大名 ふだい だいみょう (n) daimyo in hereditary vassalage to the Tokugawas; hereditary daimyo (whose ancestors supported Tokugawa Ieyasu prior to the battle of Sekigahara) 舞台度胸 ぶたい どきょう (n) on-stage composure; confidence on stage 二言三言 ふたこと みこと (n) a few words 不調法者 ぶちょうほう もの (n) clumsy person; bungler; person with no particular talents (in performing arts); nondrinker; nonsmoker 物心両面 ぶっしん りょうめん (n) both material and moral; both physically and psychologically [spiritually] 不定愁訴 ふてい しゅうそ (n) general malaise 不適任者 ふてきにん しゃ (n) unqualified [incompetent] person; square peg in a round hole 腐敗堕落 ふはい だらく (n) debasement; corruption; degradation 不平分子 ふへい ぶんし (n) discontented element; discontented [grumbling] member 普遍妥当 ふへん だとう (n) universal validity; fitting into any situation 不偏不党 ふへん ふとう (n) impartial and unbiased; neutral and impartial; nonpartisan 武陵桃源 ぶりょう とうげん (n) Arcadia; Elysium; lotus land; Shangri-la; Utopia; Xanadu 不良交友 ふりょう こうゆう (n) getting mixed up with the wrong people; getting into bad company 不良債権 ふりょう さいけん (n) nonperforming loan; bad loan 不良仲間 ふりょう なかま (n) gang of hoodlums [hooligans]; bad company; companion in gang activities 不良老年 ふりょう ろうねん (n) old sinner; elderly man-about-town; older person who enjoys free and easy lifestyle unfettered by social taboos 不倫相手 ふりん あいて (n) person with whom one is having an illicit love affair 不老不死 ふろう ふし (n) eternal youth and immortality 不和反目 ふわ はんもく (n) discord and hostility; feud 奮起一番 ふんき いちばん (n) bracing oneself up to action, being inspired by something; getting down to work, putting heart and soul into it; tackling (a job) with gusto 文章作法 ぶんしょう さほう (n) methods of writing; rules of good writing; writing style guide 粉飾決算 ふんしょく けっさん (n) window-dressing account settlements; fudging financial statements by window dressing 焚書坑儒 ふんしょ こうじゅ (n) burning books on the Chinese classics and burying Confucian scholars alive 文武兼備 ぶんぶ けんび (n) well up in both literary and military [martial] arts; well skilled in wielding both the sword and the pen 文武百官 ぶんぶ ひゃっかん (n) all the officials, both military and civil 文武両道 ぶんぶ りょうどう (n) well up in both literary and military [martial] arts; well skilled in wielding both the sword and the pen 文房四宝 ぶんぼう しほう (n) the four important writing materials used in calligraphy (brush, ink stick, inkstone, and paper) 文明開化 ぶんめい かいか (n) civilization and enlightenment; (slogan of) Japan's Westernization movement during the Meiji era 弊衣破帽 へいい はぼう (n) shapeless cap and shabby clothes; having a neglected appearance with shabby clothes 弊衣蓬髪 へいい ほうはつ (n) unkempt hair and shabby clothes 閉月羞花 へいげつ しゅうか (n) the charms of a rarely beautiful woman; [Literally: (so beautiful that) the Moon is abashed and flowers wilt] 平沙万里 へいさ ばんり (n) vast stretch of desert; vast expanse of sandy plain 兵隊勘定 へいたい かんじょう (n) Dutch treat; going Dutch 兵法指南 へいほう しなん (n) instruction in martial arts 平明達意 へいめい たつい (n) plain and lucid; articulate 閉門蟄居 へいもん ちっきょ (n) house arrest; being placed in confinement at home 碧眼紅毛 へきがん こうもう (n) blue eyes and red hair; a Westerner 劈頭第一 へきとう だいいち (n) at the outset; at the very beginning; in the first place; to begin [start] with; first and foremost 別居結婚 べっきょ けっこん (n) commuter marriage 屁理屈屋 へりくつ や (n) quibbler; sophist   便宜主義 べんぎ しゅぎ (n) opportunism; expediency; timeserving 片言隻語 へんげん せきご (n) a few words; a single phrase 変身願望 へんしん がんぼう (n) obsession with changing one's appearance; desire to change 弁当持参 べんとう じさん (n) bringing one's own lunch 返答次第 へんとう しだい (n) depending on the answer; hinging on the reply  偏旁冠脚 へん ぼう かん きゃく (n) the four major types of radicals of Chinese characters [left-side, right-side, top, and bottom] 弁明口調 べんめい くちょう (n) apologetic [defensive] tone of voice 防遏手段 ぼうあつ しゅだん (n) preventive measure 砲煙弾雨 ほうえん だんう (n) the smoke of cannon and a hail of bullets; (in) the thick of battle 忘恩行為 ぼうおん こうい (n) act of ingratitude 崩壊寸前 ほうかい すんぜん (n) on the brink of collapse; in a state of near-collapse 妨害工作 ぼうがい こうさく (n) obstructive tactics; harassing operation; sabotage 妨害戦術 ぼうがい せんじゅつ (n) obstructive tactics; harassing tactics 法界悋気 ほうかい りんき (n) being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other 冒険野郎 ぼうけん やろう (n) adventure lover 暴虎馮河 ぼうこ ひょうが (n) foolhardy courage; perilous adventure; daredevil attempt  豊作飢饉 ほうさく ききん (n) impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests 豊作貧乏 ほうさく びんぼう (n) impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests 飽食時代 ほうしょく じだい (n) age of plentiful food; current era of excessive eating 飽食暖衣 ほうしょく だんい (n) being well fed and warmly clothed 放心状態 ほうしん じょうたい (n) being in abstraction; being dazed; being absentminded; stargazing 忙中有閑 ぼうちゅう ゆうかん (n) having free time to spare in the midst of busyness; finding an interval of leisure in the midst of a busy life 鵬程万里 ほうてい ばんり (n) (over) a great distance; (a long journey [flight, voyage]) to [from] a faraway place 蓬頭垢面 ほうとう こうめん (n) (with) unkempt hair and dirty face; being indifferent to one's personal appearance 放蕩三昧 ほうとう ざんまい (n) being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures; giving oneself up to debauchery and dissipation; living a thoroughly dissipated life; abandon oneself to wild ways 放蕩生活 ほうとう せいかつ (n) fast living; a dissipated life; a riotous life 放蕩息子 ほうとう むすこ (n) profligate [dissolute] son 豊年満作 ほうねん まんさく (n) bumper crops of rice (and other grains); year of a full rice harvest 奉納相撲 ほうのう ずもう (n) sumo exhibition match held in the precincts of a Shinto shrine 泡沫景気 ほうまつ けいき (n) bubble boom; ephemeral boom 泡沫候補 ほうまつ こうほ (n) no-hope candidate; frivolous candidate; candidate unworthy of serious consideration 泡沫夢幻 ほうまつ むげん (n) transient; ephemeral; fleeting; evanescent 放浪生活 ほうろう せいかつ (n) (leading) a vagabond life; (leading) a wandering existence 暴力沙汰 ぼうりょく ざた (n) (committing/resorting to) an act of violence 暴力手段 ぼうりょく しゅだん (n) violent means 撲滅運動 ぼくめつ うんどう (n) exterminatory measure; eradication campaign 没風流漢 ぼつふうりゅう かん (n) prosaic person; person of an unromantic turn of mind; philistine 翻雲覆雨 ほんうん ふくう (n) fickle friendship 本家本元 ほんけ ほんもと (n) original home; birthplace; originator; the original maker 本人次第 ほんにん しだい (n) being up to the person himself 本人負担 ほんにん ふたん (n) paying for the purchase/expense out of one's own pocket; being responsible for the payment of one's share of the purchase price, expense, etc. 煩悩具足 ぼんのう ぐそく (n) possessing worldly desires and passions 本領安堵 ほんりょう あんど (n) recognition and guarantee, by the shogunate, of ownership of the inherited estate of a samurai who pledged allegiance to it [in the Kamakura and early Muromachi periods]  麻姑掻痒 まこ そうよう (n) things happening exactly as one pleases [wishes]; someone being very attentive to one's wishes 待合政治 まちあい せいじ (n) teahouse politics; back-room political dealings 末期養子 まつご ようし (n) deathbed adoption of a successor (to prevent extinction of the family line); person adopted by someone on his deathbed 満空情報 まんくう じょうほう (n) information on space availability in a parking lot 瞞着手段 まんちゃく しゅだん (n) ruse; trick; deception tactics 万年青年 まんねん せいねん (n) man of perennial youth; man who never loses his youthful vigor 満面笑顔 まんめん えがお (n) with one's face beaming with joy; smiling from ear to ear 万葉仮名 まんよう がな (n) early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phonetically 味覚音痴 みかく おんち (n) having no sense of taste; person who has no sense of taste 三日月眉 みかづき まゆ (n) arched eyebrows 身分意識 みぶん いしき (n) status consciousness; perception of one's social status 身分詐称 みぶん さしょう (n) false personation; misrepresentation of one's social position 名字帯刀 みょうじ たいとう (n) right to bear a surname and to wear a sword [during the Edo period] 苗字帯刀 みょうじ たいとう (n) the right to bear a surname and to wear a sword [during the Edo period] 未練未酌 みれん みしゃく (n) regret and sympathy; having lingering attachment and sympathy toward someone 民間伝承 みんかん でんしょう (n) folklore; folk tale; legend 民族自決 みんぞく じけつ (n) self-determination of peoples; national self-determination 無為自然 むい しぜん (n) doing nothing and taking things as they come; abandoning artifice and just being oneself [Lao-tzu] 無位無官 むい むかん (n) (a plain citizen) having no special rank or title; being a common citizen 無位無冠 むい むかん (n) (a plain citizen) having no special rank or title; being a common citizen 無縁墓地 むえん ぼち (n) cemetery for those who died leaving no relatives to tend the graves; potter's field 無学無識 むがく むしき (n) illiterate and ignorant; uneducated and lacking in wisdom and discernment 無芸大食 むげい たいしょく (n) lacking the talent to do anything but eat a lot; having no other merit than a sound appetite 夢幻泡沫 むげん ほうまつ (n) transient; ephemeral; fleeting; evanescent 無罪放免 むざい ほうめん (n) acquittal; being found innocent and acquitted 無策無為 むさく むい (n) donothingism; do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.); being an idle onlooker taking no steps to meet the situation 無始無終 むし むしゅう (n) everlastingness; eternity 武者修行 むしゃ しゅぎょう (n) knight-errantry; traveling about to train oneself (in the martial arts) 無銭旅行 むせん りょこう (n) traveling without money; going on a penniless journey 無手勝流 むてかつ りゅう (n) aiming at winning without fighting 無党派層 むとうは そう (n) independent voters; voters with no party affiliation 胸先三寸 むなさき さんずん (n) one's mind; one's inner feelings; (a decision hinging on) how someone feels about it 無能無策 むのう むさく (n) ineptitude and inaction; being incapable of devising any appropriate measures to cope with the situation 無明長夜 むみょう じょうや (n) the long night of spiritual darkness 無欲無私 むよく むし (n) unselfish and impartial [disinterested] 明暗両面 めいあん りょうめん (n) (both) the bright and dark sides 明鏡止水 めいきょう しすい (n) clear and serene; clear and serene mental state; mind uncluttered by evil thoughts 名所旧跡 めいしょ  きゅうせき (n) scenic sites and historic places; places of natural beauty and historic interest 名所古跡 めいしょ  こせき (n) scenic sites and historic places; places of natural beauty and historic interest 明窓浄机 めいそう じょうき (n) dustless desk by a well-lit window; well-lit and clean study conducive to learning 瞑想生活 めいそう せいかつ (n) contemplative life; life of meditation 名僧知識 めいそう ちしき (n) great [learned] priest; celebrated priest who has attained spiritual enlightenment 酩酊歩行 めいてい ほこう (n) drunken [staggering, tottering] gait; wide-based gait 明哲保身 めいてつ ほしん (n) wisdom and self-protection; wise and skilled in the art of self-protection 明眸皓歯 めいぼう こうし (n) starry eyes and beautiful white teeth [said of beautiful women]; a beautiful woman with bright eyes and pearly teeth 名目主義 めいもく しゅぎ (n) tokenism 名誉回復 めいよ かいふく (n) restoring one's impaired reputation; regaining one's honor; redeeming oneself 名誉毀損 めいよ きそん (n) defamation of character; libel; slander; character assassination 命令口調 めいれい くちょう (n) tone of command; authoritative tone; commanding tone 明朗会計 めいろう かいけい (n) clear accounting; honest accounting [billing]; transparent billing practices (in restaurant and bar charges, etc.) 名論卓説 めいろん たくせつ (n) sound and well-argued thesis; excellent opinions and theories; original opinion worth listening to 目先相場 めさき そうば (n) the market trend in the near future 目玉商品 めだま しょうひん (n) loss leader; price leader; eye-catcher; come-on 滅私奉公 めっし ほうこう (n) selfless devotion to one's country; sacrificing one's personal interest to public good 目許千両 めもと せんりょう (n) beautiful eyes; bright-eyed; there being a sublime charm about one's eyes 免許皆伝 めんきょ かいでん (n) initiation into the secrets (of an art); full proficiency (in an art) 面向不背 めんこう ふはい (n) beautiful from any angle; attractive when seen from either front or back; flawless 面従後言 めんじゅう こうげん (n) pretending to obey someone to his face but badmouthing him behind his back 免責特権 めんせき とっけん (n) privilege of immunity from prosecution; privilege of exemption from liability; diplomatic immunity 面目次第 めんぼく しだい (n) face; honor; reputation 猛烈社員 もうれつ しゃいん (n) gung-ho organization [corporate] man [woman]; go-getter worker; hard-driving worker 百舌勘定 もず かんじょう (n) splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount; wheedling the others into paying the whole bill 模様次第 もよう しだい (n) according to circumstances; dependent on the state of things 門前雀羅 もんぜん じゃくら (n) (a house) looking deserted with few visitors 門前成市 もんぜん せいし (n) having a constant stream of visitors; being thronged with callers 問題商法 もんだい しょうほう (n) unscrupulous [crooked, fraudulent] business practices; pernicious sales methods 問題発言 もんだい はつげん (n) problematical statement; controversial statement 問答無益 もんどう むえき (n) there being no use in arguing (about it); being stone-deaf to someone's appeals 役者稼業 やくしゃ かぎょう (n) stage career; acting career 役者気質 やくしゃ かたぎ (n) characteristic temperament [spirit] of an actor 役者子供 やくしゃ こども (n) skilled actor who is like a child offstage; good actor who knows but little of the ways of the world 役者生命 やくしゃ せいめい (n) acting career; career as an actress 役者馬鹿 やくしゃ ばか (n) good actor who is inept in all other matters; demon for acting who is utterly indifferent to all other concerns and knows but little of the ways of the world; person who excels in one occupation [profession] but lacks simple common sense 役者風情 やくしゃ ふぜい (n) (the likes of) a mere actor 役者冥利 やくしゃ みょうり (n) the happiness [good fortune] of being an actor; feeling blessed for being an actor 役所仕事 やくしょ しごと (n) red tape; red-tapism; officialism; bureaucratic bungling 薬石無効 やくせき むこう (n) neither medicines nor medical care having little effect on a patient 役人根性 やくにん こんじょう (n) bureaucratism; officialism; typical mentality of a (petty) bureaucrat 役割演技 やくわり えんぎ (n) role-playing 自棄気味 やけ ぎみ (n) partially out of despair; partly in desperation; somewhat out of frustration 野合政権 やごう せいけん (n) administration established through an unprincipled political coalition; a government of convenience; cabinet created through an unholy alliance 弥次喜多 やじ きた (n) comical pair; pair of buffoons 大和島根 やまと しまね (n) the island country of Japan; the Japanese Isles; (the land of) Yamato 大和撫子 やまと なでしこ (n) Japanese woman (with all the traditional graces); ideal Japanese woman 山猫戦術 やまねこ せんじゅつ (n) wildcat tactics 勇敢無比 ゆうかん むひ (n) being unmatched [unparalleled] for bravery 有形無形 ゆうけい むけい (n) tangible and intangible; material and spiritual; moral and material 憂国慨世 ゆうこく がいせい (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism 遊説旅行 ゆうぜい りょこう (n) stumping [electioneering] tour 有職故実 ゆうそく こじつ (n) time-honored usages and practices of the court or in exalted military families; studies in ancient court and military protocol 幽体離脱 ゆうたい りだつ (n) out-of-body experience 誘致合戦 ゆうち かっせん (n) rivalry over winning the right to host an event; competition to lure [attract, invite] (institutions, manufacturing facilities, foreign tourists, etc.) to a locality 遊蕩三昧 ゆうとう ざんまい (n) being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures; giving oneself up to debauchery and dissipation 有力候補 ゆうりょく こうほ (n) major contender; strong [leading] candidate; front runner 幽霊会社 ゆうれい がいしゃ (n) bogus [dummy] company [corporation, firm] 幽霊社員 ゆうれい しゃいん (n) bogus [phantom] employee 幽霊人口 ゆうれい じんこう (n) ghost [bogus] population; fraudulently registered population 融和路線 ゆうわ ろせん (n) policy of reconciliation 癒着体質 ゆちゃく たいしつ (n) tendency to form collusive ties; predisposition to generate cozy [collusive] relationships 弓矢八万 ゆみや はちまん (n) the God of War; the God of Arms; the Japanese Mars 要害堅固 ようがい けんご (n) (a fortress being) impregnable; unassailable; (taking to an) impregnable fastness 妖怪変化 ようかい へんげ (n) apparition (in animal form); goblins and monsters 養子縁組 ようし えんぐみ (n) adoption 羊質虎皮 ようしつ こひ (n) a sheep in a tiger's skin; gimcrack; showy without real worth; all show and no substance 容赦会釈 ようしゃ えしゃく (n) pardon; forgiveness; mercy; making allowances 要所要所 ようしょ ようしょ (n) every important point; points of strategic importance; all the right places 様子次第 ようす しだい (n) according to circumstances; depending on the state of things; according to how the situation develops 要点把握 ようてん はあく (n) grasping the (main) point; seizing the essence (of a matter) 羊頭狗肉 ようとう くにく (n) using a better name to sell inferior goods; crying wine and selling vinegar 陽動作戦 ようどう さくせん (n) feint operation; diversionary tactic [operation, activities] 沃野千里 よくや せんり (n) vast expansion of fertile land; vast stretch of rich plain 欲求不満 よっきゅう ふまん (n) frustration; unsatisfied desires 夜目遠目 よめ とおめ (n) seen in the dark or at a distance; (a woman) looking prettier when seen in the dark of night or at a distance 四方山話 よもやま ばなし (n) talk about various topics; chatting about all sorts of things 世論操作 よろん そうさ (n) manipulation of public opinion 弱気相場 よわき そうば (n) weak [bear(ish)] market 弱腰外交 よわごし がいこう (n) weak foreign policy; weak-kneed diplomacy 来世信仰 らいせ しんこう (n) belief in the next world; belief in the hereafter 洛中洛下 らくちゅう らくがい (n) in and around the city of Kyoto 楽天主義 らくてん しゅぎ (n) optimism 落花流水 らっか りゅうすい (n) (1) mutual love; the love one shows to another person being returned; (2) falling on hard times; coming down in the world; being ruined 落花狼藉 らっか ろうぜき (n) running amuck; utter disorder; things being in a shambles; committing violence on (a woman) 乱離骨灰 らり こっぱい (n) being scattered in all directions; being broken up and dispersed 藍衣社員 らんい しゃいん (n) blue-collar; blue-collar worker [employee] 乱臣賊子 らんしん ぞくし (n) rebels against one's lord and one's parents; rebellious [treacherous] subject; traitor 乱診乱療 らんしん らんりょう (n) unnecessary medical tests and treatments; overprescription of drugs (to profit from the insurance reimbursement) 乱売合戦 らんばい かっせん (n) price war; cutthroat competition 乱筆乱文 らんぴつ らんぶん (n) (my) poor writing; scribbling; hasty writing 乱暴狼藉 らんぼう ろうぜき (n) riotous [rampageous] behavior; violence and lawlessness; committing an outrage 乱脈経営 らんみゃく けいえい (n) chaotic [irresponsible] management of a company 利害関係 りがい かんけい (n) an interest (in); a vested interest; a stake (in); concern 六韜三略 りくとう さんりゃく (n) two books on the art of war in ancient China; the secrets [essence] of the art of war; secrets of successful life; precepts for living 利権団体 りけん だんたい (n) special-interest group 離村傾向 りそん けいこう (n) trend to move away from rural areas; rural depopulation 理非曲直 りひ きょくちょく (n) sense of right and wrong; rights and wrongs (of a case); relative merits (of a case) 裏面工作 りめん こうさく (n) behind-the-scenes maneuvering; backstairs deal; clandestine work; string-pulling 柳暗花明 りゅうあん かめい (n) (1) beautiful scenery of spring; (2) red-light district 留意事項 りゅうい じこう (n) points to note; points of concern; matters to keep in mind; matters that require attention 流血沙汰 りゅうけつ ざた (n) bloodshed; bloody event 柳巷花街 りゅうこう かがい (n) red-light district; pleasure quarter 柳緑花紅 りゅうりょく かこう (n) red blossoms and green willows; beautiful scenery of spring; natural beauty; beauty of nature 流連荒亡 りゅうれん こうぼう (n) spending all one's time in idle amusement away from home; being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures 良妻賢母 りょうさい けんぼ (n) (being) a good wife and wise mother 了解事項 りょうかい じこう (n) something that is understood between the parties; an understood item 猟奇小説 りょうき しょうせつ (n) bizarre story [novel] 猟奇文学 りょうき ぶんがく (n) bizarre literature; the literature of the bizarre 良知良能 りょうち りょうのう (n) one's innate intelligence and ability 良風美俗 りょうふう びぞく (n) fine customs and manners; good morals and manners; good and beautiful custom 両面価値 りょうめん かち (n) ambivalence 両面作戦 りょうめん さくせん (n) operations [a strategy] on two fronts; two-pronged strategy 稟議制度 りんぎ せいど (n) the system in government offices and business corporations in which draft proposals are prepared by someone in charge of the matter and circulated for collective deliberation and final approval by particular [designated] officials or executives 臨戦態勢 りんせん たいせい (n) state of war readiness [preparedness]; preparation for action 類縁関係 るいえん かんけい (n) (having) a close relationship (with) 留守家族 るす かぞく (n) family members left at home 冷汗三斗 れいかん さんと (n) breaking into cold sweat when one is very embarrassed or scared; feeling extremely abashed 霊感商法 れいかん しょうほう (n) fraudulent sale of goods or services claimed to bring good luck to the purchaser 礼儀感覚 れいぎ かんかく (n) sense of decorum; attention to the common civilities of life 礼儀作法 れいぎ さほう (n) good manners; civility and rules of etiquette; decorum; arts of gracious etiquette 冷却期間 れいきゃく きかん (n) cooling-off period 霊魂不滅 れいこん ふめつ (n) immortality of the soul 霊視商法 れいし しょうほう (n) fraudulent sale of exorcism services (to people led to believe that they are possessed by evil spirits) 励声一番 れいせい いちばん (n) giving cries of encouragement at a critical moment 霊的交感 れいてき こうかん (n) spiritual sympathy; spiritual communion 霊的交流 れいてき こうりゅう (n) spiritual sympathy; spiritual communion 霊肉一致 れいにく いっち (n) unity [oneness] of body and soul; harmony of body and soul 劣弱意識 れつじゃく いしき (n) inferiority complex; a sense of inferiority 恋愛指南 れんあい しなん (n) instruction in the ways of love 恋愛遍歴 れんあい へんれき (n) history of one's love affairs 恋愛遊戯 れんあい ゆうぎ (n) playing at love relationships; trifling with a person's affections 連帯責任 れんたい せきにん (n) collective responsibility; joint liability 連立政権 れんりつ せいけん (n) coalition government [cabinet] 露悪趣味 ろあく しゅみ (n) being apt to make a show of one' faults; penchant for boasting of one's faults; pretending to be worse than one really is 労使交渉 ろうし こうしょう (n) labor-management negotiation 労使双方 ろうし そうほう (n) both labor and management; both the workers and the employers 労使紛争 ろうし ふんそう (n) labor-management dispute; industrial strife 籠城作戦 ろうじょう さくせん (n) strategy of holing oneself up in a castle [house, building] 籠絡手段 ろうらく しゅだん (n) means of cajolement [trickery] 六号記事 ろくごう きじ (n) (space) filler; fill-in [in magazines, newspapers, etc.] 六公四民 ろくこう よんみん (n) a land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 50 percent of the year's rice crop and the farmers kept 50 percent 六親眷属 ろくしん けんぞく (n) all of one's relatives by blood and by marriage; one's kith and kin 六道輪廻 ろくどう りんね (n) endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds 路上強盗 ろじょう ごうとう (n) mugging; mugger 六根清浄 ろっこん しょうじょう (n) purification of the six roots of perception; purification of one's mind and body through emancipation from all worldly desires and worries 六百六号 ろっぴゃくろく ごう (n) Salvarsan 606 露天風呂 ろてん ぶろ (n) open-air bath; hot spring bath set in the open 炉辺談話 ろへん だんわ (n) fireside chat   論功行賞 ろんこう こうしょう (n) granting rewards according to achievements; conferring honors according to merit 枠外採用 わくがい さいよう (n) hiring someone beyond the limits of the employment quota 和敬清寂 わけい せいじゃく (n) harmony, respect, purity and tranquility; the four most important elements of the tea ceremony 和光同塵 わこう どうじん (n) (wise men) softening the light of their wisdom and virtue and mingling with the mundane world [Lao-tzu]; mingling with the world by hiding one's true talent or knowledge; living a quiet life by effacing oneself 和魂漢才 わこん かんさい (n) the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning 和食回帰 わしょく かいき (n) revival of Japanese food 話題沸騰 わだい ふっとう (n) being much talked about; creating a stir; being the talk of town 和平工作 わへい こうさく (n) peace [overtures, initiative, moves]; maneuvering for peace; putting out peace feelers 腕白小僧 わんぱく こぞう (n) naughty [mischievous] boy, little rascal [devil]; brat 腕白仲間 わんぱく なかま (n) group [gang] of naughty [mischievous] boys 腕白坊主 わんぱく ぼうず (n) naughty [mischievous] boy, little rascal [devil]; brat 腕力沙汰 わんりょく ざた (n) resorting [coming] to fisticuffs; coming to blows 大国主義 たいこく しゅぎ (n) policy favoring major powers; policy of the Great Powers that is favorable to themselves 巧遅拙速 こうち せっそく (n) better being rough and ready than slow and elaborate; better being brisk and sharp than slow and prudent