You can download this text file by Aaron Rosen with transcriptions of all signs to help you with the ones you can't read.
You can copy and paste text into online dictionaries such as those found on the "daily" page at
This project is still in progress. However, it's usable "as is."
At this time there are about 900 signs. I plan to add more photograhs. Also, if I can find the time, I may also key in all the text on signs, so that this collection will be searchable and so that those who can't read the signs can copy and paste the text into online dictionaries.
"Generic" signs. (As much as possible, signs without brand names, etc.)
The types of signs that are commonly-seen.
However, occasionally I've included signs that I had not seen before but found interesting.
When possible, I've tried to get photos of shop names, dentists, etc. with commonly-seen family names.
Possible Uses:
Those living outside of Japan can practice reading signs that they would not otherwise have a chance to see.
Those living in Japan can take the time to read signs they often see but may not have time to read and "decode" while walking or driving. (Perhaps you may not carry a dictionary with you or would feel embarrassed to pull one out and use it to read a sign.)
One friend of mine once told me that to graduate from the Japanese language school that he went to, he had to take a walk with his teacher and be able to read any sign that the teacher pointed to.
This set of photos allows you to test yourself in a similar way. For this reason, I left the photos in the same order that I took them.