Put PDF files on your iPad
- Perhaps this is a no-brainer, but if you can put things on your iPad as PDF files, then you don't need to download a lot of apps.
- Install a PDF Reader.
- iBook is free from Apple, but you have to get it from iTunes store. At least, it didn't come pre-installed on my iPad.
- Stanza also displays PDF files and is also free.
- Some other free PDF readers that I haven't tried yet: PDF/Comic Reader Bookman Lite, CloudReaders pdf,cbz,cbr
- Download a PDF.
- Drag it onto your iPad via iTunes.
(You can download PDF files directly to your iPad, too, then choose to view them in iBooks or Stanza.) - It'll show up in iBook, if you have it installed.
- Install a PDF Reader.
Put Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide on Your iPad
- tae_kim-grammar_guide-2010-08-28.pdf (August 28, 2010) 1.2 MB
Creative Commons: (source: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar)
Put Paul Dixon's JLPT Level 2 Kanji Dictionary on Your iPad
- JLPTL2Dict.pdf (2010) 4 MB
- You can read More Information on Paul Dixon's Website.
Put some of the Tanaka Corpus on your iPad

- There are about 3,500 sentences in each volume. Each volume is about 15 MB.
- Warning!
- Please be aware that the furigana was automatically generated and may not always be correct. In a few places, my software inserted corrupted characters. Please just ignore those sentences.
- Also, please remember that the Tanaka Corpus contains some errors.
- Some sentences you'll have to ignore because the top was printed on one page and the bottom on another.
- The sentences were sorted by how the Japanese sentences end, thus somewhat grouping sentences that are grammatically similar together.
- I also made the furigana a lighter color and smaller than usual so you aren't tempted to use to when you don't need to. With an iPad, you can easily zoom in.
Note: I plan to upload a new set of these soon.
If you haven't downloaded them yet, I'd suggest bookmarking this page and coming back soo to grab the new files.What I plan to do is to only include sentences that have been proofread by native speakers. This way, you can trust the sentences.
These are 2 of the old files, you can try, in the meantime.
- Japanese-English_Sentences_-_Vol._1.pdf 14.2 MB - 3,500 sentences
- Japanese-English_Sentences_-_Vol._2.pdf 13.9 MB - 3,500 sentences
- There were
- many
- many
- more
- here
- Please come back around Christmas for the rebuilt documents.
- I removed all except the first two, since I understand that you may want to give them a try.
Put Jim Breen's EDICT Dictionary on Your iPad for Free
Method 1 - Grab the "Kotoba" iPhone App (Free)
Method 2 - Put it on your iPad as a PDF File
- Download this file:
edict2-2011-06-16-(P)-Words-Only.pdf (5.5 MB)
-I'm still experimenting with this on my iPad, so I only included the slightly over 17,000 words marked with (P), meaning priority words. If this works OK, I'll upload a full version in the near future. (You can always produce your own PDF file, if you are impatient.)
Note About Searching
- The search for Japanese words is a little tricky. You need to type a space after the word to get it to start searching. Once it seemed I needed to switch back to the English keyboard and enter a space before it started searching. Searching for English words works as you would expect.
Feedback Wanted
- How does this work for you?
- Do you have any suggestions?
- How can I make the instructions clearer?
- etc.
- You can contact Charles Kelly via kelly.reachby.com.
Screenshots taken within the (free) iBook app
Step 1

Step 2
Actually, it seems that you may not need to switch to the English keyboard, but entering a space seems to be necessary.
Step 3

Other Apps
Using the App "Flashcardlet"
- Get the Flashcardlet app (iTunes Store Link)
- You can download any set of flashcards at quizlet.com/subject/japanese/ (Warning! Some of these flashcards contain errors.)
Using the App "Read It Later" or Using Safari
- "Read It Later" a "free app," but you have to register for an account, so not really free since you give up some of your private information in exchange for using it.
- Get Read It Later Free app (iTunes Store Link) after reading about it and registering for an account at readitlaterlist.com.
- You can also use the links below with Safari. ("Read It Later" just helps prevent you from losing the page.)
- Visit the page while you are connected to the Internet.
- If you are careful, you can use the page when you are offline.
- Visit these external links (not links on my site) of things that work well with the the "Read It Later" app. I can't guarantee that the links will always be online.
- 2011 GSF Jouyou Kanji by Con Kolivas (was online July 10, 2011 when checked)
All kanji on one page, with English meanings and some example words. (Since it's all on one page, it works well offline.) - ... more to come, as I find them.
- 2011 GSF Jouyou Kanji by Con Kolivas (was online July 10, 2011 when checked)