Sentences with "support"
Found: 12
- I don't support his ideas. T260632
- 私は彼の思想には組しない。
- He has a family to support. T284933
- 彼には養うべき家族がいる。
- I support you whole-heartedly. T321790
- 僕は君を全面的に支持する。
- We expected him to support us. T22767
- 我々は彼が支持してくれるものと思っていた。
- He has a large family to support. T284936
- 養っていかねばならない大家族がいるのです。
- I'd like to thank everyone for their support. T1936315
- 皆さまのご支援にお礼を申し上げたいと思います。
- He has a sufficient income to support his family. T294460
- 彼は家族を養うだけの収入がある。
- With his support, she might have been elected mayor. T30660
- もし彼の後押しがあったならば、彼女は市長に選ばれていただろう。
- I've already sent an email to the support department. T1185498
- もうサポートセンターにメールを送りました。
- The reason both brothers gave for remaining bachelors was that they couldn't support both airplanes and a wife. T1475453
- 兄弟とも「妻と飛行機の両方は養えない」との理由で、生涯独身を通した。
- Both brothers said that they couldn't support both a wife and an airplane, so they spent their lives as bachelors. T1475451
- 兄弟とも「妻と飛行機の両方は養えない」との理由で、生涯独身を通した。
- Why do you insist on paying for your school expenses yourself, when your parents are willing to give you financial support? T325648
- 両親が喜んで経済的に援助してくれるのに、なぜ君は自分で学費を払うことに固執するのか。
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Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).