Sentences with "sum"
Found: 8
- A thousand dollars is a large sum. T73499
- 1000ドルというのは、多額の金だ。
- The sum of 12, 24, 7 and 11 is 54. T73342
- 12と24と7と11の合計は54です。
- I've never had such a large sum of money. T54642
- こんな大金は手にしたことがない。
- Every even number is the sum of two primes. T940950
- あらゆる偶数は、二つの素数の和です。
- The sum of two plus three plus four is nine. T72909
- 2と3と4の合計は9だ。
- To sum up, we can say that his new novel is disappointing. T324891
- 要するに、彼の新しい小説は期待はずれのつまらない作品と言える。
- He anonymously donated a large sum of money to the Red Cross. T302069
- 彼は匿名で赤十字に多額のお金を寄付した。
- The purpose of a conclusion is to sum up the main points of the essay. T73709
- 「結論」の目的は論文の主要な論点を要約することだ。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).