Sentences with "strength"
Found: 5
- My strength is all gone. T325907
- 力が尽きた。
- Nobody equals him in strength. T325908
- 力で彼に匹敵するものはいない。
- He doesn't have any strength left. T1009332
- 彼にはもう体力がない。
- Don't underestimate your own strength. T2396022
- 自分の力を過小評価しちゃだめだよ。
- I don't have the strength to keep trying. T2125
- 私にはやり続けるだけの強さがない。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).