Sentences with "sounds"
Found: 13
- It sounds great! T66736
- いい案だ!
- That sounds great. T1839561
- それはすごい。
- そりゃいいね。
- His story sounds true. T465106
- 彼の話はもっともらしく聞こえる。
- 彼の話は説得力がある。
- That sounds very tempting. T268957
- 心が動くね。
- それはとても魅力的ですね。
- That sounds too good to be true. T42031
- それは話が出来過ぎている。
- Your name sounds familiar to me. T1559605
- あなたの名前に聞き覚えがあります。
- A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds. T25393
- 音楽家は音の小さな違いが分かる。
- Tom certainly sounds like he comes from a rich family. T1095345
- トムは確かに裕福な家の出身であるようだ。
- On cloudy days, you can hear distant sounds better than in clear weather. T327885
- 曇天の日は晴天のときより音がよく聞こえるのです。
- You can hear sounds in the distance better on clear days than you can on cloudy days. T1345230
- 曇天の日は晴天のときより音がよく聞こえるのです。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).