Sentences with "silver"
Found: 6
- Gold is heavier than silver. T18592
- 金は銀より重い。
- Can you tell silver and tin apart? T387418
- 銀とブリキの区別がつきますか。
- Can you distinguish silver from tin? T18461
- 銀とブリキの区別がつきますか。
- Once gold was less valuable than silver in Japan. T63665
- かつて日本では金は銀よりも価値が低かった。
- Do you know the difference between silver and tin? T387419
- 銀とブリキの区別がつきますか。
- The young girl wanted to be a star of the silver screen. T68254
- あの女の子は映画スターになりたかったんだ。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).