Sentences with "likely"
Found: 24
- He is likely to come. T289421
- 彼はやって来そうだ。
- 彼はおそらく来るだろう。
- She is likely to come. T312378
- 彼女は来るだろう。
- It is likely to be fine. T65022
- おそらく天気になるだろう。
- It is likely to rain again. T32642
- また雨が降りそうだ。
- He is likely to arrive soon. T292936
- 彼はまもなく着くだろう。
- He is likely to win the game. T298286
- 彼は試合に勝ちそうだ。
- He is most likely to succeed. T283371
- 彼が一番成功しそうだ。
- He is likely to be late again. T288063
- 彼はまた遅刻しそうだ。
- The sky is likely to clear up. T271541
- 晴れそうだ。
- He's the most likely to succeed. T612079
- 彼が一番成功しそうだ。
- It is likely to be fine tomorrow. T323306
- 明日は天気になりそうだ。
- It's likely to snow this evening. T243381
- 今夜は雪になるだろう。
- It isn't likely that she will come. T317350
- 彼女は来そうにない。
- He is likely to win the championship. T284244
- 彼が優勝しそうだ。
- What time do you think you'll likely arrive? T3059420
- 着くの何時ごろになりそう?
- He's likely to pass the entrance examination. T302290
- 彼は入試に合格しそうだ。
- Which team is the most likely to win the championship? T37588
- どのチームが一番優勝しそうですか。
- It's likely to get cold tonight, so you may need an extra blanket. T954085
- 今夜は寒くなりそうだから、余分に毛布が必要かもしれないね。
- I think I've figured out which horse is most likely to win the race. T1887713
- そのレースで一番勝ちそうな馬はどれか分かったと思う。
- Tom is the only man in the world that is likely to break that record. T1024826
- トムは世界で唯一その記録を破りそうな男だ。
- The ground is still wet. As likely as not, the game will be cancelled. T277264
- 地面はまだ濡れている。試合はたぶん中止されるだろう。
- If you translate from your second language into your own native language, rather than the other way around, you're less likely to make mistakes. T1230823
- 外国語から母語へと翻訳すれば、その逆よりも、間違いを犯す可能性は低くなります。
- 第二言語から自分の母語へと翻訳するほうが、その逆よりも間違いが少ないでしょう。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).