Sentences with "however"
Found: 13
- Tom has money. However, he's not all that happy. T1075504
- トムはお金は持っている。だがそれほど幸せというわけではない。
- The concert was short. However, it was very good. T1327535
- コンサートは短いものだったが、とてもよかった。
- However hard I try, I can't do it any better than she can. T36750
- どんなに一生懸命やっても、私はそれを彼女よりうまくできない。
- That job wasn't very interesting. However, the pay was good. T1334035
- その仕事はあまり面白くなかったが、その一方で給与はよかった。
- There are three empty rooms. However, we can't use any of them. T2512953
- 空き部屋は三つありますが、どれも使用できません。
- Tom loved singing. However, no one wanted to listen to him sing. T2837905
- トムは歌うのが大好きでしたが、トムの歌を聞きたがる人は誰もいませんでした。
- Tom doesn't have a cat. However, Tom does have a dog, doesn't he? T1868362
- トムは猫を飼っていない。けれども犬を飼っているのですよね?
- Killing your spouse is one way to end a marriage. However, it's frowned upon. T941286
- 配偶者を殺すのは、婚姻関係を終わらせる一つの方法です。ただし、良しとされることではありません。
- I was looking at a dog. However, when I looked again, it had turned into a cat. T943469
- 私は犬を見ていたのであるが、もうひと目見たときには、それは猫に変わってしまった。
- He says that he saw nothing. However, I don't believe what he says is the truth. T294301
- 彼は何も見なかったといっているが、彼が真実を言っているとは思えない。
- That place's food is delicious and their prices are low. However, their location isn't good. T2494082
- あそこの食べ物はうまいし値段も安いが、地の利が悪いのが難点だね。
- If you'd told me about it earlier, I could've been free. However, tomorrow I have plans to go back home. T1165800
- 前もって言ってくれれば空けたのに。明日は実家に帰る予定だ。
- Shinji found it very difficult to adjust himself to life in the new school. However, the fact that he was an EVA pilot made him popular. T52462
- シンジは新しい学校での生活になかなかなじめなかった。だが、エヴァのパイロットであるという事実は彼を人気者にした。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).