Sentences with "feet"
Found: 17
- My feet hurt. T501901
- 足が痛い。
- I have sore feet. T259244
- 足が痛い。
- My feet get cold. T274468
- 足が冷えます。
- She has small feet. T315604
- 彼女は足が小さい。
- His feet were asleep. T1160622
- 彼の足はしびれていた。
- Tom scrubbed his feet. T1155872
- トムは足をゴシゴシ洗った。
- He's getting cold feet. T303271
- 彼は怖じ気づいちゃっているよ。
- Tom helped Mary to her feet. T1868245
- トムはメアリーを立ち上がらせた。
- Take the weight off your feet. T243637
- 座りなよ。
- Tom hates to get his feet wet. T1841466
- トムは自分の足を濡らすのが嫌いだ。
- I could scarcely stand on my feet. T325438
- 立っているのがやっとだった。
- A baseball came rolling to my feet. T2592979
- 私の足元に野球のボールがころころと転がってきた。
- Tom's shot missed the target by two feet. T682127
- トムが撃った弾は標的を2フィート外れた。
- I drank too much and was unsteady on my feet. T266115
- 酒を飲みすぎて足もとがふらついた。
- When she entered the room, he got to his feet. T308495
- 彼女が部屋に入ると彼は立ち上がった。
- My feet went to sleep and I could not stand up. T274460
- 足がしびれて立てなかった。
- The right arm of the Statue of Liberty is 42 feet long. T2947375
- 自由の女神の右腕の長さは12.8mもある。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).