Sentences with "exchange"
Found: 11
- Are you an exchange student? T2412268
- 留学生の方ですか?
- Would you like to exchange links? T29640
- よろしければ相互リンクをお願いできないでしょうか?
- Where is the money exchange counter? T325737
- 両替所はどこですか。
- Could you exchange it with a different one? T265884
- 取り替えてください。
- Tom is dating an exchange student from China. T2458327
- トムは中国からの留学生と付き合っている。
- I wonder if exchange students can join this club. T1311220
- 留学生も入れるのかしら。
- Tom is going out with a Chinese exchange student. T2458332
- トムは中国人の留学生と付き合っている。
- He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake. T289779
- 彼はケーキ1切れと引き換えにオレンジ1個を私にくれた。
- Is there a bank where I can exchange yen for dollars? T25958
- 円をドルに替えてくれる銀行がありますか。
- Tom and Mary exchange more than 200 text messages every day. T2729988
- トムとメアリーは毎日200通以上の携帯メールをやり取りしている。
- If it's possible, I'd like to exchange this for a larger size. T30400
- もっと大きいのと取り替えてください。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).