Sentences with "eventually"
Found: 4
- The pain will eventually go away. T2818295
- 痛みはやがて治まってくるでしょう。
- Eventually, he forgot about the incident. T1369530
- やがて彼はその事件のことを忘れた。
- If you eat a lot, you'll eventually get fat. T1934655
- たくさん食べれば、結局は太ってしまうよ。
- We'll eventually find a solution to this problem, I think. T954483
- 私たちはいずれこの問題の解決策を見つけると思います。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).