Sentences with "based"
Found: 10
- This is based on fact. T55600
- これは事実に基づいている。
- The pay is based on sales. T2658395
- 給料は歩合制です。
- Your salary is commission-based. T2734301
- 給料は歩合制です。
- The new plan is based on our idea. T46128
- その新しいプランは我々の考えに基づいている。
- The play was based on a true story. T48433
- その劇は実話に基づいていた。
- Her argument was not based on facts. T879812
- 彼女の議論は事実に基づいていなかった。
- This story is based on a true story. T3054451
- この物語は実話に基づいています。
- Your salary is based on commissions. T2734058
- 給料は歩合制です。
- You should not judge people based on their name. T2677069
- 人を名前で判断してはいけません。
- We shouldn't judge people based on their appearance. T982618
- 我々は人を外見で判断すべきではない。
This page is part of English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011-2014 by Charles Kelly
These sentences come from the Tatoeba Corpus (CC-BY License).